This guy is setting his kid up for a horrible sex life if he continues to traumatize her with this kind of crap. Tells more about him than anything else.

My 6-year-old was traumatized

On Tuesday, August 8, I took my family out to Daniel’s for groceries. I have a 6-year-old daughter who […] was very excited to see a Barney movie being advertised on the Daniel’s Market lit sign. She said, “Look, Daddy, a Barney movie!” I couldn’t see it, so she guided my eyes to the vulgar obscenity arranged there on the sign. “Look! Up there! Barney’s p***s!” I was shocked when I saw the words arranged on the sign. I quickly averted her eyes and escorted her into the store.

Since then, she has not stopped mentioning Barney’s p***s. This has shaken the bedrock of our family. I made an emergency call to our church’s pastor about this bombshell in my daughter’s life and he is unsure how it will affect her future.

and here is yet another idiotic video posted by Dvorak on Youtube:

  1. Anon says:

    Maybe the daughter would have more solid bearings if she wasn’t raised by a DVD player.

  2. Improbus says:

    Sound like he was more traumatized than she. Take a tranquilizer dude.

  3. j_toso says:

    I would like to know what a pastor is going to do to help. Wouldn’t a psychologist be a better choice? That is the profession for dealing with this sort of thing. Not that it is really all that big of a deal in the first place.

  4. Robert Foster says:

    Forget that article. That is the greatest headline/picture combination ever.

  5. leo says:

    “I would like to know what a pastor is going to do to help”

    Show her the real thing, what else….

  6. Richard says:

    Love the fact that the church pastor got called. I am sure he is the biggest expert on this matter 🙂

    I think the father is more responsible for this ‘trauma’ than the kids. I actually feel bad for the kid.

  7. Max Bell says:

    Breeders. Gotta love `em.

  8. RTaylor says:

    Good thing the child didn’t grow up on a farm and witness a bull mounting a cow. Life isn’t a Disney movie. How many of us has had a small child overhear an obscenity and repeat it over and over for days. We all know the more attention it gets, the more it gets repeated. Poor kid doesn’t stand a chance with this nut job as a parent.

  9. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    Barny’s p***s? Hmmmm… Barny’s p***s…. Barny’s p***s…

    Barny’s pants?
    Barny’s parts?
    Barny’s pelts?
    Barny’s oh what the flying fuck… Can’t he (or the equally backward website that posted this amazingly insipid story) spell out the word PENIS?

    I mean, about 3 billion people on this earth have a penis. I have one. There are small penises. There are crooked penises. There are penises that are narrow and penises that are stout. There are even penises like mine that resemble the last 14 inches of a Louisville Slugger. (I might be embellishing here just a little bit)

    It’s called a PENIS you warped little bible thumper. Now, hand your daughter over to a nice Unitarian family before you totally ruin sex for her entire adult life!

    (note: it’s pretty dull here at work on a Saturday)

  10. Jim Dermitt says:

    You guys should link this kind of stuff to the Cage Match as part of the post. A caged Barney picture would be funny too. With a body as big as a 18 wheeler and a brain the size of a pin, he lies in the mud and once disturbed he’s stirred into action and Barney destroys his enemies as well as his native habitat. Barney is the American suburban version of Godzilla terrorizing the cul-de-sacs of bedroom communities across the land.

  11. moss says:

    Good grief. You are waxing wroth, this morning, Jim.

  12. ECA says:

    i love the idea, that ADULTS, Think that KIDS care.

    The Kid probably didnt care, didnt know what it was(probably)…

    Its funny that we forget That children STILL have innocence, and try to protect them from WHAT an adult knows.

  13. Ed C says:

    She’s gonna know what it is sooner or later. Better from Barney than the pastor.

  14. James Hill says:

    This has shaken the bedrock of our family. I made an emergency call to our church’s pastor about this bombshell in my daughter’s life and he is unsure how it will affect her future.

    I’m guessing your daughter’s life is already ruined, since you had to call a pastor to figure out what to do.

  15. Nik Carrier says:


    In total agreement!

  16. Angel H. Wong says:

    I’ve seen men wearing dinosaur costumes and I did noticed their penises but that’s just me :3

  17. meetsy says:

    A Barney Porno movie?
    If the parents quit making such a fuss…she won’t be traumatized. Seems she can’t even read, and is so sheltered that when the next stranger comes up (or as noted above, the “pastor”)..and offers to let her lick his candy…she won’t have a clue.
    Wonder if these parents have ever tried to talk to her…in plain English…about anything?

  18. Bookmanz says:

    The father probably wishes his daughter didn’t know about such a thing till her wedding night.

    I can see her now saying to the groom. “I thought it would be lots bigger and purple!”

  19. RoeBoeDog says:

    Maybe she is just making you freaked out because everytime she says it you freak.

    How did they get this said kid, because it doesn’t sound like dad has a penis – mainvain – snake in the grass – block in the jock. Did I cover them all.

  20. Mr. H. Fusion says:

    Dad, it is called a penis. It is what men use to pee with. It is also what men use when a mother and father want to make a baby.

    Let her know the details or before you know it, in eight years or so, she will be telling your wife she missed her period.

  21. GregAllen says:

    Is it fuzzy, fat and purple, like the rest of Barney?

    Why do stories always leave out the one piece of information that really matters?

    (BTW, this story has the smell of urban myth)

  22. Smartalix says:

    Overreacting parents hits it right on the head. I have a friend who took his daughter out of one school and put her into another because she told him a girl in her class told her about sex.

  23. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #22 Overreacting parents hits it right on the head. I have a friend who took his daughter out of one school and put her into another because she told him a girl in her class told her about sex.

    Comment by Smartalix — 8/27/2006 @ 8:33 am

    The upshot might be that the girl learned a very important lesson… Do not tell Daddy what happens when Daddy isn’t around.

    That can be a dangerous lesson to learn.

  24. Mr. H. Fusion says:

    #23, scary, but true

  25. There’s only one little problem with this story – if you take a look at this fella’s other post on the same site it doesn’t quite jive with his religious fervor in the Barney post, why, he sounds quite anti-religious in fact. The dude is playing a joke, and hoo boy did the internet take the bait.



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