When a Hummer won’t do

The $200,000 (U.S.) Gurkha is coming to a road near you — thanks to a King City-based company that is finding itself in demand because of the global war on terror.
The Gurkha can go more than 150 kilometres per hour — plenty fast for a military vehicle — and is the highest level of protection you can get next to sitting in a tank, Whyte says. It certainly looks fierce enough.

The squat 8,620 kilogram vehicle looks every bit the ticked-off hedgehog, bristling with testosterone and armour plating.

Adding options, of course, can add substantially to the cost, with everything from gun ports for $500 each to a bigger engine and suspension.

  1. Mark T. says:

    Holy crap! It weighs 19000 pounds and it goes almost 95 MPH?!? I bet it gets 5 MPG. I hope it has a 200 gallon fuel tank.

    At only $200,000 a copy, I bet Congress orders 5,000 of them so that it comes out to an nice even $1 billion.

    I can see it now. If and when they ever sell it to the public, P. Diddy will buy one and get Unique Whips to install 24″ spinners and seven plasma TV’s.

    Still, it is good to see they are getting some proper armored vehicles to our boys in Iraq. My hat is off to them.

  2. Jim Scarborough says:

    Another $500 option is enough fuel to drive 300 miles.

  3. Mike Voice says:

    Insurgents in Iraq are now using a new roadside projectile bomb called an “explosively formed projectile” or EFP that can penetrate four inches of armour from a distance of 300 feet. The device can be triggered by an infra-red remote similar to a garage door opener.

    So why is it all I ever hear about is “Improvised” explosive devices?

  4. Angel H. Wong says:

    Sounds like another penile extension to me.

  5. João PT says:


    This can make you stroll with a hard on…

  6. Angel H. Wong says:

    #5 I prefer my penises made of flesh.

  7. Eideard says:

    As an aside, virtually all garage door openers in NA are RF not IR. And the reason you now have to drive up to a few feet away to get it to work [on the newest openers] is because the Feds wanted it that way!

  8. joshua says:

    Here in *green* northern California, there are more Hummers than anywhere I have ever been…..and they are driven 80% by woman. So, I think the Hummer is already a chick car 🙂

  9. João PT says:

    #8 it’s a fact…SUVs are driven by upper middle class housewives…

    man, I hate Sport Utility Vehicles…
    Angel, dunno if they are penile extensions, but they stand for something lacking alright…
    They are big, if you drive behind one you’re always swerving to see the traffic ahead, they are gas guzzling beasts, use expensive tires, are charged more on toll highways, higher maintenance costs, and in spite of their fierce and rugged look, you can’t take them offroad, like you’re supposed to, because they come fitted with soft confortable suspensions.
    There’s not one logical reason to own one, except this:
    – Look at me, i’m rich, I can afford this, and I don’t give a damn about you tiny ants squirming about down there. –

    Only exception: One’s entitled to drive icons of the road: the Land Rover of the 50’s and 60’s and the Toyota Land Cruiser (the boxy one from the 70’s). And these are, defacto, offroad vehicles.

  10. TJGeezer says:

    My wife and I live in Rosarito, south of Tijuana, and for four months a year the dirt roads up in the hills where many of the people my wife works with turn to mud, slippery as butter. For that reason, I gave up my resistance to SUVs and bought her an Explorer. A standard sedan or light two-wheel-drive pickup just can’t handle the conditions safely.

    So – not all SUVs are driven for supermarket display purposes. But then we’re in Mexico. We never saw a good reason to have one one of those preening toys when we lived up in the States.

  11. James Hill says:

    SUVs in general are driven by people who enjoy being cut off.

    After all, when I fly past them in my Mustang, they always let me know I’m #1.

  12. waste of money unless you want to comit crime..butthen the vehicle would be easily identified.

  13. João PT says:


    You’d be amazed by the cars they drive in Switzerland. (or used to…) As you know, it’s a mountainous country… so they favour 4 wheel drive a lot.
    I’ve seen everything with 4WD in Switzerland, SUV, family sedans, sports car, even ultra-mini Suzuki mini-vans (these vans are mini, no longer than 2.5 meters by 1,2 meters…)

    PS. tryin to find a link and I came across this, that is totally oposite of what I’m saying 😉

  14. GregAllen says:

    All I ask for is a rear-mounted water cannon for the damn tail-gaiters.

    Is that asking too much?


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