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Hot Dogs May Cause Genetic Mutations

Everyone knows hot dogs aren’t exactly healthy for you, but in a new study chemists find they may contain DNA-mutating compounds that might boost one’s risk for cancer.

Scientists note there is an up to 240-fold variation in levels of these chemicals across different brands.

“One could try and find out what the difference in manufacturing techniques are between the brands, and if it’s decided these things are a hazard, one could change the manufacturing methods,” researcher Sidney Mirvish, a chemist at the University of Nebraska Medical Center in Omaha, told LiveScience.

Mirvish and his colleagues examined hot dogs because past research had linked them with colon cancer. Hot dogs are preserved with sodium nitrite, which can help form chemicals known as N-nitroso compounds, most of which cause cancer in lab animals.

Extracts from hot dogs bought from the supermarket, when mixed with nitrites, resulted in what appeared to be these DNA-mutating compounds. When added to Salmonella bacteria, hot dog extracts treated with nitrites doubled to quadrupled their normal DNA mutation levels. Triggering DNA mutations in the gut might boost the risk for colon cancer, the researchers explained.

“I won’t say you shouldn’t eat hot dogs,” Mirvish said. Future research will feed hot dog meat to mice to see if they develop colon cancer or precancerous conditions, he explained.

James Hodges, president of the American Meat Institute Foundation in Washington, noted this study is “a preliminary report that the author concedes requires further investigation. The carcinogenic risk to humans of the compounds studied has not been determined.”

The possible hazard presented here is not just limited to hot dogs. Salted dried fish and seasonings such as soy sauce may contain similar levels of these chemicals, Mirvish said.

  1. Bryan says:

    Oh nose, what about that japanese guy on the ESPN that eats like 100 of them in a single sitting.

    I figured him having to goto the hopper was bad enough; but now cancer…..

  2. woktiny says:

    first baseball strikes, and now this?!

  3. woktiny says:

    they don’t seem to say which brands are lesser evils….

    I bet the Hebrew Nationals brand (kosher) is on the safe end, because they ‘answer to a higher authority’

    (they’re actually really good, I like to mix them with my pork-beans.)

  4. god says:

    I hate to pop your “tiny” bubble; but, it’s been decades since Kosher meatpackers moved over and joined the sleazy mass producers in their chemistry-set “standards”.

    When I buy hot dogs or knockwurst — they are, after all, a useful style — I buy organic or natural. Usually, from a butcher or a retailer with whom I can actually discuss what’s in these critters.

  5. WokTiny says:

    #4 lighten up

    I’m largely entertained by their marketing catch phrase “we answer to a higher authority” … as a non-jew I have no understanding of kosher standards or practices. I do happen to enjoy that brand of hotdog above others, though.

  6. Angel H. Wong says:

    Well, what were you guys expecting? Hot dogs made of prime Kobe steaks?

    Hot dogs are made of how much can the machines scrape off the animal bones and from what can be rinsed thoroughly.

  7. Mike Drips says:

    Considering the wide variety in the composition of hot dogs (beef, pork, chicken, tofu, mouse droppings) and the various formulations to manufacture them, this is just a generalist statement along the lines of “Beer can lead to drunk driving which can lead to killing people while DUI, therefore beer consumption causes death”.

    Jeez the length of that last sentence makes me feel like Henry James.

    Well, anyway I still plan to eat hotdogs (Nathan’s Cheese Dogs being my current favorite) and hold to the belief that Pluto is a planet.

  8. Steve S says:


    After exhaustive research using hundreds of years of recorded history, scientists have proved conclusively that “Life Causes Cancer”!!! One researcher was quoted as saying, “Have you ever seen a dead thing get cancer? There you go.”

    Case closed


  9. Mark T. says:

    Who pays for this silly research? PETA, I bet.

  10. joshua says:

    I’m not reading this article. Hot Dogs are Gods gifts. Either dirty water dogs (you New Yorkers should know those) or from a BBQ…….life as we know it would end without Hot Dogs.

  11. asdasd says:

    fvckk thiss sh!t


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