Why must they torment and tease me this way?

NPR : Business Finds New Way to Chill Carry-On Lobster — Puh-leeze.

Because of the ban on liquids aboard planes, Clearwater Seafoods, which sells lobsters in the Nova Scotia airport, had to find a substitute for the ice packs it uses to keep carry-on lobster cold during flights. The general manager of the lobster division, Tony Jabbour, says that the company went a week with no sales before finding the perfect solution: frozen vegetables.

  1. Improbus says:

    Send the main and side courses together. Brilliant!

  2. Anon says:

    paging apologists, you’re wanted at the front desk.

  3. Shawn says:

    This is so stupid. Can’t they test to make sure it’s safe or something. I mean this is overkill. Now we are going to punish companies who ship cold foods? What next?

  4. jbellies says:

    That a solution that could have been thought of in 5 minutes, saving them a week’s sales. I guess the conceptual blockbuster was that the bureaucrats would allow vegetables (presumably bought from the freezer section of the local Sobey’s store) where it didn’t allow aligned-matrix di-hydrogen monoxide in a factory-sealed bag. But wait, you know how when legume seeds reach a certain level of maturity, they positively explode out of the pod? That spreads the seed as far as it can manage. If you’ve got the patience, wild peas do this nicely. Imagine this: Jihad Brand, Exploding Garbanzos, in the freezer section of your local supermarket.

    And cauliflower always gives me gas.

  5. Jim Scarborough says:

    Outrageous! And how much sense does it make to ban liquids, anyhow? Not much according to “Mass murder in the skies: was the plot feasible?“. A little chemistry shows that either the plotters or the lawmen were fools – or both. And now we’re basing our airport security on movie plots. Sheesh!

  6. Mr. H. Fusion says:

    #4, interesting pondering. What if they used McCain’s Frozen French Fries instead of vegies? They could only use the straight fries as the crinkle ones might put a wrinkle into the idea.

  7. jbellies says:

    Thank you, Mr. Fusion. Frozen vegetables open a dangerous security gap. But your words have opened up (sesame!) the true solution. Lobsters should be packed in bags of frozen pork. And the sender should have to eat a sample before liftoff.

  8. GregA says:

    What to prevent the terrorist from molding the plastic explosives into happy and fun lobster and vegetable shapes?

  9. Mr. H. Fusion says:

    #7, jbellies, oh that is more then brilliant !!! The Canadians can now export staples like Back Bacon and Home Fries along with the delicacies of Lobster. Brilliant, I say, just absolutely brilliant. We could even let the Americans supply their own ketchup.

  10. Mark T. says:

    I guess dry ice is out as well. From what I read in a DU link ( http://tinyurl.com/kvpq5 ), you can create ice bombs by filing a vessel with H20 and then freezing it with dry ice until the water expands inside the vessel causing it to burst open like a bomb. No explosives necessary – just water and dry ice.

    I know you can have frozen steaks air shipped to you packed in dry ice. Does it put those people out of business?

    And what about transportation of medical supplies like donated organs? I guess little Billy doesn’t need that liver after all.

  11. Jim Dermitt says:

    These people who come up with this nonsense are programmed to destroy the aviation business. Put it on a truck. The whole aviation system is just one big hassle. Avoid it.

  12. RTaylor says:

    John owes me some money. Earlier today I read the article and got a craving for lobster, so I went a bought one. Normally I would have made do with leftovers. 🙂

  13. hvacmach says:


    Castrated by Lobsters

    A daring thief who stuff a pair of live lobsters in his pants learned that crime doesn’t pay when the frisky creatures gave him a vasectomy….more


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