Polish Porn Queen Teresa Orlowski

Porn Up, Rape Down

Today’s headlines are shouting RAPE IN DECLINE! Official figures just released show a plunge in the number of rapes per capita in the United States since the 1970s. Even when measured in different ways, including police reports and survey interviews, the results are in agreement: there has been an 85% reduction in sexual violence in the past 25 years.
Official explanations for the unexpected decline include (1) less lawlessness associated with crack cocaine; (b) women have been taught to avoid unsafe situations; (c) more would-be rapists already in prison for other crimes; (d) sex education classes telling boys that “no means no.” But these minor factors cannot begin to explain such a sharp decline in the incidence of rape.

There is, however, one social factor that correlates almost exactly with the rape statitistics. The American public is probably not ready to believe it. My theory is that the sharp rise in access to pornography accounts for the decline in rape. The correlation is inverse: the more pornography, the less rape. It is like the inverse correlation: the more police officers on the street, the less crime.

  1. J says:

    Your confused logic explains a lot.

    Like I said go take a course on abnormal psych and then we can debate. Until you do you don’t have the knowledge to debate this issue.

  2. joshua says:

    #58…Mike Voice…thanks for the googling….lol….I couldn’t remember when the case was that you mentioned. Since that time there has been a virtual child sex porn case in Europe that saw the guy get convicted.

  3. Mike Voice says:

    68 Mike Voice…thanks for the googling….lol

    One of my guilty pleasures…

    Since that time there has been a virtual child sex porn case in Europe that saw the guy get convicted.

    I’m just waiting for someone to get arrested for making a stop-action movie of Malibu Skipper giving Ken a blow-job!

  4. RBG says:

    It’s a useless ambition to want to debate a poster who offers only a claim with zero evidence or argument to back it. Pretty much the definition of a troll.


  5. traaxx says:

    Yhea right, porn been around a long time. Concealed carry permits for firearms have only recently come into being and avaliable at large. I’d put more faith in a Glock or S&W than some pervert seeing a bunch of dirty pics.

    I do see where other perverts would like this study though.

  6. J says:

    Exactly what evidence have you offered except you opinion. NONE! So before you go accusing people of being trolls you should look in the mirror.

    Why do old infertile women get raped?
    Why do young infertile women get raped? Approximately one-third of all juvenile victims of sexual abuse cases are children younger than 6 years of age! How exactly is that an “evolutionary animal instinct”? Your exact quote!

    Why is it that the United States has the world’s highest rape rate of the countries that publish such statistics? Are we more out of control and driven by sex than those countries? No! it is a social problem. Mostly involved in the way we view women.

    Why do some rape cases not include intercourse? They instead use other objects to penetrate the woman. How is that “evolutionary animal instinct”?

    Your argument just doesn’t hold up!

    18% of women who reported being raped before age 18 said they were also raped after age 18

    Hum? That must be because they make good breading stock according to your statements!

    Your argument is that of the uneducated mal adjusted male.

    You simply don’t have the facts and are arguing from your poorly educated narrow position. Go to school and take a class on logic as well as abnormal psych. Linking human behavior and animal behavior in the way you are is the sign of someone who either doesn’t know what they are talking about or is very poorly educated in the science of zoology!

  7. RBG says:

    That’s better.

    Re-read my 47, 60 and 62 for argument and fact. As a public service I’ll even repeat one fact you pretend wasn’t written and doesn’t exist:

    “But you don’t need any degree except one in common sense to understand that the pressures of 3 billion years of primal sexual instinct is going to have one very major influence on every subsequent individual. And to dismiss its influence is to not understand biology.”

    That is called a fact and the additional fact that you feel there is no connection between that and people simply proves you have no understanding of one of the basic tenets of zoology. I take it you also believe humans are not animals too – perhaps we were placed on this earth by supernatural force?

    Never mind why rapist have sex with this type of person or in that kind of manner, men would have sex with a hole bored in the floor given half a chance. (You’re a woman, aren’t you J?) The fact that they prefer it with their own species and usually the opposite sex is evolutionary zoology in action.

    Now let me repeat a point I’ve already made. I can only imagine my writing here would outrage a lot of people, perhaps especially some feminists. Not because it is wrong but because, for one thing, I appear to be giving rapists an easy excuse: “Hey… my biology forced me to do this.” Instead of “I crave power – as all men do – over the weak, especially women,” which fits nicely into radical feminist dogma and some PC thinking.

    I actually don’t care what excuse rapists could come up with, I am personally totally unforgiving and even atavistic in my view of punishment for such slime.

    That off my chest, other than rapists with true organic mental problems (as studied in an abnormal psych class … You find those in the faculty of arts don’t you?…), I believe people have the ability to keep those evolutionary sexual impuses in check through such things as will-power and a caring upbringing and holding some regard for one’s fellow humans and without living in a world where one’s own physical needs are all that matter. (ie: the stuff that used to be a lot more important in the USA.)

    But I’ve said all this before.


  8. J says:

    In 47, 60 and 62 you don’t present any evidence. You just make broad statements and assumptions. That is not evidence.

    “That is called a fact and the additional fact that you feel there is no connection between that and people simply proves you have no understanding of one of the basic tenets of zoology”

    That is not what I said. I said “Linking human behavior and animal behavior in the way you are is the sign of someone who either doesn’t know what they are talking about or is very poorly educated in the science of zoology!”

    See I didn’t say that there was “NO” connection I just said you are making the wrong one.

    “I take it you also believe humans are not animals too – perhaps we were placed on this earth by supernatural force?”

    Don’t assume anything. I am an evolutionist.

    “Never mind why rapist have sex with this type of person or in that kind of manner, men would have sex with a hole bored in the floor given half a chance. (You’re a woman, aren’t you J?)

    Sure ignore the questions that show evidence as to why your position is wrong!

    How about you show my proof that raping a child of 6 is 3 billion years of primal sexual instinct.

    How about you show my proof that raping an infertile old woman is 3 billion years of primal sexual instinct.

    They are picked because they are weak(you even said so). Not for their procreative ability. The biological purpose for sex is to procreate. It is instinctive to pick the best attributes in a mate. Weakness is not a good attribute in nature. So how again would this be 3 billion years of primal sexual instinct.

    Having sex with a hole in the floor does not have the same motivating factor as raping someone. If you think so you should seek help now!

    No I am not a woman and am not a feminist either. There you go making assumptions again! Why would that matter anyway? Because only a women would take my stance? It is that type of negative view towards women that leads to rape.

    “The fact that they prefer it with their own species and usually the opposite sex is evolutionary zoology in action.”

    I won’t even dignify the stupidity of that remark!

    “as studied in an abnormal psych class … You find those in the faculty of arts don’t you?…”

    No, it is social sciences but maybe if you went to a good school you would know that. What are you trying to say? That people who study art are not as smart as people who study science? Rest assured, I have degrees in both those fields and more.

    Well I am glad to see you don’t support rapists. That is so good of you. You should be given the “Most Obvious Position of the Year” award.

    You have shown your true colors!

    Maybe you should stop before you really look dumb!

  9. RBG says:

    What? I’m supposed to annotate each comment I make with footnotes pointing to all the associated research and experiments?

    [editor — your conclusion is correct — see Comment guidelines]

    It’s been nice chatting with you. I’m now going to try to limit the length of any further debate because I think this board is not all that thrilled with protracted replies.


  10. RBG says:

    Ha. Sorry J. My devastatingly insightful and comprehensive reply that reduced your arguments to baby pablum got chopped by big brother.

    Take care,

  11. J says:

    “Ha. Sorry J. My devastatingly insightful and comprehensive reply that reduced your arguments to baby pablum got chopped by big brother”.

    AH HA HA HA HA HA Really? it must have really been over the top!
    A lot of people go on rants and it is unedited but man you must have really pushed it.

    Oh lord and master John ( I am assuming Mr. Dvorak is Big Brother) Please let his reply be posted!! LOL

    Oh pretty Please!!!! 🙂

    I won’t call him Hitler. I promise!

  12. RBG says:


    Wrong again. “editor — your conclusion is correct” But maybe he was referring to my rape arguments.

    Personally, I like your reply better. You seem to be losing it.


  13. J says:

    Nope it is called humor Admittedly, I am not very good at it. I just find it funny that they edited your post. You don’t see that here too often.

    “Wrong again. “editor — your conclusion is correct” But maybe he was referring to my rape arguments.”

    Boy are you stretching it now! LOL

    I really want them to allow your post. Really! I would love to read it.

    You should read The Rapist File : Interviews With Convicted Rapists Maybe reading what rapists themselves say about it would help you understand. But then again you would probably just ignore that evidence because it doesn’t agree with your view.

    All I am saying is rape is not motivated by sex or sex drive.

  14. RBG says:

    Geez I hate it when you are reasonable. It really limits my responses.

    Listen, I will surely admit that I am no rape expert. And that I am forced to rely on relevant information that I have studied for years in University. And forced to rely on common sense – even though I know this can fool people.

    I won’t even go into an obvious bias I have against many psychology professors, researchers and PCs whom I believe have a political agenda on the subject that colors their research and conclusions.

    So I have no doubt rapists may (possibly be encouraged to) chalk their activity up exclusively to “power.” Common sense would suggest that to be a more elevated excuse than “I was horny.”

    But I’m far more open-minded than I appear.


  15. J says:

    Yeah and it’s a conspiracy run for the hills! because the rapists are in on it! OH PLEASE!!!

    Yeah I have studied for years too. I have degrees in Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics, and Art History, BLA BLA BLA It doesn’t mean shit!

    Just because you studied it doesn’t mean you understand it! Is your study peer reviewed? Unfortunately for you most of the research involving rape is peer reviewed. You know to get feedback and point out errors in the research. Unless of course they are all part of it and only agree because it is the PC thing to do.

    I guess your study is more reliable than PhD research.

    Your understanding of Zoology is not the end all of evidence. Did you ever think that your bias is clouding your view?

    Before you pass judgment on what is in the book and how she conducted her research……..Shouldn’t you read it first? A good science student would!

    If you work in the field of science using the methodology displayed in your posts I sure hope there is someone who has oversight.

  16. RBG says:

    Holy craperino. You really are insane. And maybe just a tad angry in your life? Maybe associated with certain power issues? See, look at me, I took a pyschology class too. You really sucked me in there. I bare my fragile little soul and find it smeared with self-important PC doo-doo. I salute you.

    Yeah, I’m pretty sure sexual evolution has been peer reviewed. I’m pretty sure dangerously worked-up, weak-willed, completely selfish, moose-rutting individuals looking for all-consuming gratification has been peer-reviewed. Not to mention the sexual political movement. The one that is in complete denial about the fact that men eat, sleep and poop sex. Yes, how could that situation ever lead to abuse by a minority of people?

    I’ll let you read all that literature first, I’m a bit busy.


  17. J says:

    “You really are insane”

    That is slander but I forgive you. I like toying with the feeble minded.

    “And maybe just a tad angry in your life?And maybe just a tad angry in your life? Maybe associated with certain power issues?”

    Nope I am quite happy. I am a philanthropist. I enjoy helping others. How about you?

    Power issues? Yeah. I have a few. It comes with the territory but they aren’t against women that’s for sure. They mostley deal with the tv remote.

    Your second paragraph is the one that is really good. What you don’t realize is it show your true lack of understanding. Which make me doubt your claims of an education in science.

    Sexual evolution nor any of the other topics you brought up has not been peer reviewed. Where as some research on sexual evolution has been peer reviewed. Do you see the difference. You cant peer review a topic. You can only peer review research.

    You on the other hand do not quote or present any of that research you just quote your own view that are without any credible foundation other than what you say you know. Research has evidence. Evidence can be questioned and tested.

    What you present is your perspective on what you think you learned as a student which is clearly governed by a bias against an entire field of science that has evidence that disproves your belief.

    “I’ll let you read all that literature first, I’m a bit busy”

    I have read the book. Why else would I recommend it?

    I on the other hand have lots of free time to do as I wish ………The benefits of having a good education.! Sorry your lot in life has left you the way it has.

  18. RBG says:

    I suppose now you’re going to tell me the rest of the argument in that same paragraph hasn’t been peer reviewed either.

    Sexual reproduction has been around for approx. 3 billion years. (Bernstein H et al., Am Nat 1981) http://www.dorak.info/evolution/sreprod.html

    I had it in the post that got cut. There are plenty of peer reviewed research and conclusions supporting evolution and sexual evolution specifically. Your comment is pure sophistry and idle verbosity. ie: Give me a break.

    Now let’s see how you put your education and philanthropy to use. Certainly not in your ideas. I’ve explicitly stated my case. So far, out of all your copious written diarrhea you’ve not given one stingy line how or why rape is the product of power. Did I miss something here?

    So let me help you get started, because I am a generous guy too. Now as I understand the party line, men rape for reasons of power over women. They specifically choose rape because, out of the long list they can choose from, it is the most degrading humiliation that they can bestow. And that in turn makes them feel good. Am I close? You can do it. Give.

    Aside the fact that this scenario seems to be so very sexist and stereotypical in our very PC and equal-ability society, it surely doesn’t explain – if the object is power – why hoards of radical feminists aren’t attempting to humiliate men in similar or in even more creatively digusting ways. Surely women are just as capable of wanting raw power. Surely women are just as capable of forcing power-giving humiliation upon others including their own sex – and in the same numbers as men. Or maybe women are concerned the men will like it? Or maybe women are just really, really nice. And power is such a man thing. It doesn’t even pass the smell test, less peer review.

    And slander only applies if it can’t be proven to be true. ;^)


  19. RBG says:

    And, I don’t care what you think, I have to state the obvious again and say there is nothing funny about rape in spite of what might like to be read into my comments.


  20. J says:

    You really don’t get it do you?

    “I had it in the post that got cut. There are plenty of peer reviewed research and conclusions supporting evolution and sexual evolution specifically”

    I am not disputing sexual evolution so get off of it!!! I am disputing the connection that you make to rape. I won’t argue that there is plenty of peer reviewed research on sexual evolution I never did disagree with that.

    “Sexual reproduction has been around for approx. 3 billion years. (Bernstein H et al., Am Nat 1981) ”

    That is your evidence that rape is about sex? Where in that document does it even come close to saying that? Oh I see I have to put on your glasses to see it.

    “Now let’s see how you put your education and philanthropy to use” Is there a cause you would like me to donate too? lol

    “I’ve explicitly stated my case.” Yes you have! Good for you! You just haven’t given any proof!

    “I understand the party line” Is that a toll call? lol

    “They specifically choose rape because, out of the long list they can choose from, it is the most degrading humiliation that they can bestow. And that in turn makes them feel good Am I close? ”

    You should read the book. The rapists are really the best people to ask.

    “it surely doesn’t explain – if the object is power – why hoards of radical feminists aren’t attempting to humiliate men in similar or in even more creatively digusting ways. ”

    From the “Daily Olympian” Sunday, June 29, 1997 – Section C page 3

    The first woman in Spokane County to be convicted of raping a man could face up to 30 years in prison. A seven-woman; five-man Superior Court jury on Friday found Theresa S. guilty of first-degree rape and second degree assault. Theresa S., 36, was accused of torturing the 42 year old man at her east Spokane apartment from September to January. The victim was punched, chained, burned, raped, and threatened with a knife. He finally escaped and called police on January 17.


    Actually, I can’t because it would get clipped like your endless post.
    [editor: And you have. This area is for comments, not articles. Post articles on your own website]

  21. Uncle Dave says:

    No more ultra long postings. This area is for comments, not feature length articles. If you want to post articles, do so on your own website and post a link to it.

  22. J says:

    Sorry Uncle Dave

    I got away with myself but you really edited that in a strange way.


    I went and looked this up for you. It has many cases of women and young girls committing rape.


    It seems to me you clearly have issues with women. Don’t attempt to use your distorted, ill informed view of science to back up your argument. It is insulting for those of us that are scientists.

    It is people like you that give science a bad name. You spout nonsense and claim science defends you and provide NO proof. PLEASE STOP It is insulting!

    I find your argument lacking in intellect therefore tiresome for me. I retire from this debate because you refuse to provide evidence that backs up your argument. Your opinion is not evidence. Your understanding of science is not evidence.

  23. RBG says:

    Got it clear, Uncle Dave. And this will be my last post on the subject. Thanks for your patience.

    In statitistics, your example is called an “outlier.” (The word sounds especially appropriate here if you break it down.) I read the same thing, reported because it was so odd. No one has any doubt there are examples to be found about anything. Is it general? Hardly.

    Let me leave you with a thought maybe we both can agree on, that if you are completely right and I am completely, utterly wrong; someone has done a terrible disservice in getting its convincing message out.


  24. J says:

    Once again you show your lack of understanding.

    The definition for an outliner is subjective

    It takes into account specific experimental paradigms and general research experience in the respective area. None of which you demonstrate.

    You forget I have a PhD in mathematics.

    Wait! Did you go to the link or are you basing that on the one example I put in my post? Maybe you should go to the link. it is hardly an “outliner” judging by the number of cases.

    “someone has done a terrible disservice in getting its convincing message out.”

    They have put the message out you just haven’t been listening! You have been busy convincing yourself you are right based on your bias.

    Oh and you are wrong! LOL

    Here endith the lesson!

  25. RBG says:

    It’s actually called an “outlier”. The concept is nevertheless valid and used, especially with respect to the point I made: general case vs rare if you plotted all rapes on a graph. Way out on that end would you find all the female-dominant rapes. They are extremely rare. Extraordinary like man-on-animal “power” encounters, I’m sure far more so. They sure appear not to be a public concern. No amount of mathematical knowledge or wishful thinking can dance around that.

    And I’ll even say you’re right if it will stop this thing.

    Someone who is not really RBG

  26. J says:

    Oh you got me there I allowed my spell check to correct a misspelling and it used the wrong word. Zing! lol

    I could list many words you have misspelled in your posts but I chalk it up to……..IT IS A BLOG!

    That doesn’t change the fact that you don’t understand the concept of how an outlier applies.


    “It takes into account specific experimental paradigms and general research experience in the respective area.”

    It isn’t just about collecting data and ignoring anomalies. Was my sentence too confusing for you? or, did you just decide to go with what you believe instead of what is a fact!?

    It applies to a single observation. Not a huge group of observations. Anyone who would disregard a large set of anomalies would be practicing poor science.

    “And I’ll even say you’re right if it will stop this thing.”

    Show me the evidence! Not your interpretation of what you think you learned. “The first sign of an un-provable case is to resign with contempt.” GUESS WHO SAID THAT!

    Someone who is not really RBG”

    Was you other personality typing before?

  27. When I was writing the first draft of BLUES DELUXE, I got to talking with a con man & criminal who had spent a couple of years in various jails & prisons. He had some great stories to tell about his time behind bars. In fact, his tales were so good that they changed the direction of my novel.

    I’m sure I was getting some exaggeration, because the guy was a great storyteller, but it was also clear that there was a large element of Truth to what he was telling me. One of the things he said that stuck with me, was that when the guards would crack down on pornography and drugs, that violence and assaults and rapes and riots always increased. But that when the guards would relax the restrictions, and let the baddies have their Bondage Babe porn & heroin & whatever, that everything quieted right down behind bars, and the boys behaved themselves.

    One of McLuhan’s main points was that Media Are Tranquilizers. That when you watch TV, the minor effect on you is the content of the show, the major effect on you is that you sit there for hours drinking beer & eating chips. Effectively, you are tranquilized. Similarly, with porn; the major effect is that you sit there and jerk off. hg47


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