Polish Porn Queen Teresa Orlowski
Today’s headlines are shouting RAPE IN DECLINE! Official figures just released show a plunge in the number of rapes per capita in the United States since the 1970s. Even when measured in different ways, including police reports and survey interviews, the results are in agreement: there has been an 85% reduction in sexual violence in the past 25 years.
Official explanations for the unexpected decline include (1) less lawlessness associated with crack cocaine; (b) women have been taught to avoid unsafe situations; (c) more would-be rapists already in prison for other crimes; (d) sex education classes telling boys that “no means no.” But these minor factors cannot begin to explain such a sharp decline in the incidence of rape.There is, however, one social factor that correlates almost exactly with the rape statitistics. The American public is probably not ready to believe it. My theory is that the sharp rise in access to pornography accounts for the decline in rape. The correlation is inverse: the more pornography, the less rape. It is like the inverse correlation: the more police officers on the street, the less crime.
RGB…it’s not illegal to simulate child porn, there was a ruling some years back. For instance, it also covers the women that are like 20 or 21 yet made up to look 15 or so. Also, artwork and things of this nature that only “simulate” it. If an actual child is involved of course then it’s illegal.
As far as being perverted and immoral, draw your own conclusions.
33 It would be illegal, perverted and immoral even if the children could be simulated by computers.
Maybe where you live…
Also, there’s a porn actress…well, there used to be, think she got out a while back…called “Lil Cinderella”. She was in her 20’s but I swear she looked like a 12 year old. If that’s not “simulating” child porn, I don’t know what is. But of course, since she was in reality over 18, it’s legal. Yet Traci Lords who looked much older than her actual age, is considered “child porn” except for just ONE movie she made after it was all found out. That’s right folks, if you have a squirreled away Traci Lords videotape other than “Traci, I Love You”, then you’ve got child porn.
Lil Cinderella was even in “Boogie Nights” as the girl at the party that OD’s on the bad cocaine in Jack’s bedroom.
And I know way too much about all this…
Yes and literally thank goodness for that. As for the rest of the world, I have no doubt that they will eventually be forced to fall in line by the rest of the civilized world probably faster than women get to vote everywhere.
I finally got a chance to read the paper. Here are a number of factors to take into consideration:
1) His sample size is small
2) His correlation is with internet access to incidents of rape. He does not show what percentage of those with internet access view pornography
3) He does not control for other influences, such as poverty, crime, etc.
4) He does not make a prediction and test it against new data. Such as appling his theory in another country
5) It’s written by a lawyer.
This is not a scientific study.
That said, I would like to know what affect pornography has on our society, be it positive, negative, or none at all. Unfortuneatly this paper will tell you next to nothing. But neither will the morality police in this forum. By way, that Christian Science Monitor article was a piece of crap as well.
33 It would be illegal, perverted and immoral even if the children could be simulated by computers.
As the US has already signed the Convention on Cybercrime…
…the “realistic” depiction of minors becomes illegal in more countries. [but they can decide not to criminalize it, even if they sign the treaty – see paragraph 4]
That just leaves the “un-realistic” depiction of minors being the next target of our laws. 🙂
Article 9 – Offences related to child pornography
1 Each Party shall adopt such legislative and other measures as may be necessary to establish as criminal offences under its domestic law, when committed intentionally and without right, the following conduct:
a producing child pornography for the purpose of its distribution through a computer system;
b offering or making available child pornography through a computer system;
c distributing or transmitting child pornography through a computer system;
d procuring child pornography through a computer system for oneself or for another person;
e possessing child pornography in a computer system or on a computer-data storage medium.
2 For the purpose of paragraph 1 above, the term “child pornography” shall include pornographic material that visually depicts:
a a minor engaged in sexually explicit conduct;
b a person appearing to be a minor engaged in sexually explicit conduct;
c realistic images representing a minor engaged in sexually explicit conduct.
3 For the purpose of paragraph 2 above, the term “minor” shall include all persons under 18 years of age. A Party may, however, require a lower age-limit, which shall be not less than 16 years.
4 Each Party may reserve the right not to apply, in whole or in part, paragraphs 1, sub-paragraphs d. and e, and 2, sub-paragraphs b. and c.
WKW: With a goatee and that hairdo you look like a Baywatch Villain XD.
Porn is good! Bear porn is even better 🙂
Mike, you and I both know that’s never going to fly in our courts system. Yes, it’s scary and all that we can be prosecuted for things we do online that are legal here, but may be illegal elsewhere. But a judge will shoot this down so fast it will make their heads spin. In fact, I don’t even know why they wasted their time and energy in even writing the damn thing.
Come on, if I write something bad about China I’m going to get deported over there and face charges because it’s illegal there? If an 18 year old dresses up in a cheerleader outfit then gives oral to some guy they’re all going to be prosecuted because it’s appearing to be a minor engaged in sexually explicit conduct? Give me a break…
What if the wife wants to spice up your marriage and buys a catholic school girl outfit with the saddle shoes and all. Will you all be hauled down to the station? Will the movie “The History of Violence” suddenly have to be edited because it depicts someone pretending to be a minor engaging in sexually explicit conduct?
#7 Careful. Censorship may be bad, but contributing to a market that makes it profitable to hurt kids is bad and immoral.
#1 Both sides of all arguments missuse and misretpresent statistics. Would you have bothered to post if the argument had gone the other way?
Trying to control people causes crime. I don’t have any research to support this, but it would be as easy to prove this as any other argument you can come up with. However, governments aren’t likely fund research of this type because its not in thier best interest.
All research of this type simply means that it’s time to fund some research that does look closer at cause and effect. That’s the way this works; it’s cheaper to start with statistics before funding research into real causal relationships.
There has been news on those that film simulated rape and other violent acts. As creepy as that is, there will ulitmately be a limit on what can be made illegal.
Personally, if there are people who really need to explore these things, I think they should be doing it under the guidence of a licensed mental health professional. But, don’t ask me how such things should be regulated.
I reject everything about this thread because rape is not about sex. It’s just dumb to suggest that access to porn will prevent rape. It is as dumb as studies that suggest porn causes rape. It’s as stupid as the notion that marijuana is a gateway drug to cocain. It’s as idiotic as the notion that watching Nascar makes you a redneck… No wait… That one is true…
And child porn has nothing to do with any of this at all. It’s the great red herring issue of our time.
42. John, what I know is that the people who have real power in this world hate child cruelty and depictions of such. For most people it’s a common-sense issue that trumps most everything else. Just ask any parent for starters. So it’s almost immaterial whatever judge throws a specific law out because the onslaught by those who can and want to fight this stuff is relentless. Now try to guess where the rebuff “moral cop” places on their “give-a-damnometer.”
45. In general, I disagree with you – as polically incorrect a viewpoint that might be. Though I am certain there are those who rape for reasons of power. You can’t deny that sex is one big impulse. I say for the most part it completely dominates lives (male, anyway). It’s the complete reason for life on Earth as we know it. As I say, that’s one big impulse. Men want it and the weak ones in our society have always believed they can just take whatever they want. The rest of the animal kingdom holds a similar policy. That’s why rapists generally don’t exclusively go after doctors, lawyers, politicians and children – ie: those with the most and least power.
I believe those who think rape is a power trip (and, of course, it is to some extent) believe so because rape as power offers far less an excuse than rape as evolutionary animal instinct. And makes for far better politics.
To William K. Wolfrum, reference Comment #15 – I didn’t ask them what they thought, since this is a cultural issue rather than a racial issue. Then again, maybe you’re not as anti-PC as you claim to be in your blog.
The point is simple – if rapes are becoming underreported, that means any decline might be attributable to the failure to report them. This would corrupt the sample size and make the study questionable.
That’s why I choose to disregard it.
Well anyway… I jumped fast into Google Images and typed Teresa Orlowski looking for more and… WOW… the first hit, photo upper left, links back to dvorak.org! lol, cyberbots keep an eye on you John!
You should take an abnormal psych class.
Rape is a power/dominence issue, almost exclusively not about the sex itself.
Teen boy jumping his teen g/f is about horny, not power.
Porn is in the eye of the beholder. Not everyone likes porn, but one hell of a lot of people do, in varying degrees.
Simulated child images are illegal.
Porn is very much degrading to woman, I hate PC….but thats not a PC statement.
I would take this article as a grain of salt. It may have been intended to promote discussion, but I think it’s way off base.
50 And you should take a zoology class.
Its a funny thing…
In the OLD days…
They had camp followers, and EVEN the rulers paid them, sometimes..
It was found that when MEN, got frustrated, they took it out on EVERYONE, if they had no release, sexualy.
A content warrior, doesn’t DESERT, he dont think of home so much, and is much happier…
If Males have an outlet for SEX, with no concern of pregnancy, and so forth… They can take it, and NOT worry about the Girl friend getting preggers, or ABUSING someone he may love.
Including the OTHER types of sex, into humiliation, and BDSM.. Even if your wife dont DO IT, you can HAVE an outlet for the things you may like, ONCE IN AWHILE, insted of taking it out on SOMEONE that dont LIKE that type of sex.
I WONt touch Ped’s, as that would casue a BIGGG DEBATE here that would take us into areaas WE DONT NEED.
Marriage is something you WISH to share…YOU LIFE…NOT sex.
SEX is an EXTRA, a bonus.
BUT, experiences in Sex, are Varied and many…
I might Love and Marry this VERY religious lady, but I may LIKE certain types of sex, THAT SHE DONT…
It would be better to have an alternative, then to get frustrated, and Take it out on my WIFE, Just cause she wont do it in the Doggy position..
Sex Ed makes boys less likely to commit rape? I’d say it’s the opposite. Along with the rest of the culture, the message that gets sent is that girls are easy and boys should expect sex.
#52 joshua said “Simulated child images are illegal.”
Fascinating! I assume that the test for this is similar to the test for obscenity (which is still being challenged–legitimately or not), and
I assume that one can’t be arrested for an absent minded doodle (unless one is a really talented absent minded artist).
There has to be some test of obviousness. I’d hate to see such things degrade to the kind of exageration that goes on with cases against “backward masking” (in that “evil” heavy metal music).
Back to comment number #1.
The linked document clearly admits that this is correlation and not causation. (Journalist seem to like to say that things are “linked” instead of being clear what that means.)
Anyway, the correlation seems to be characterised by the following from the research paper:
But, I wouldn’t take this as a recomendation to make regular visits to porn sites. A healty respect for the opposite sex will probably do more for society.
RGB $53
It’s funny you should say that because I have a minor in zoology!
Animals do not have the higher brain functions that humans have.
Claiming that all of our behavior is defined by lower brain functions is nonsense.
If it is about sex and our instinctive drive then why to straight men rape other straight men in prison? POWER!
59. Does my zoology major trump your minor? ;^)
Why do some “straight” people crave sex with animals?
Why do some people still insist upon committing suicide even when every fiber of their evolutionary development is for self-preservation?
Who put the hot in Hottentot?
“Does my zoology major trump your minor? ;^)”
No because you didn’t learn anything apparently 😛
“Why do some “straight” people crave sex with animals?”
Different issue but still not related to instinctive behavior. You “SHOULD” know that
“Why do some people still insist upon committing suicide even when every fiber of their evolutionary development is for self-preservation?”
Your making my case for me. Thank you 🙂
Go take a class in abnormal psych. It will really help you understand that not all behavior is governed by our genetics
J: Perish the thought, but if I’m making your case, maybe somehow we’re agreeing with each other.
My point was that most people can override many of their evolutionary instincts through their own personal will. That accounts for a lot of creative and interesting human behavior. Sure, even rape as an intellectual exercise.
But you don’t need any degree except one in common sense to understand that the pressures of 3 billion years of primal sexual instinct is going to have one very major influence on every subsequent individual. And to dismiss its influence is to not understand biology. And to replace it with PC power politics is just plain laughable.
So, in the end, I suppose your viewpoint is that rape is exclusively an “intellectual” choice while I believe it is mostly rooted in biology – and total selfishness. Can you be more obviously wrong?
Not to discount the minority who rape due to organic/physical mental problems.
I never said rape was “intellectual” How absurd!
Like I said go take some abnormal psych and then we will talk otherwise you are not equipped with the information you need to actually debate this issue. For that matter, perhaps you should go back and study zoology again. because you are so obviously ill-informed that this debate is pointless.
So now I’m to understand abuse of power (ie: rape by your definition) has nothing to do with intellectual will?
And that’s it? Come back later when I’m smart like you? Brilliant stuff there.
Just to be clear on something: “Intellectual” is not to be found in your posts. The word “Intellectual” is commonly related to “intelligence” – not something usually associated with rape -so I put it in quotes to signal I was using it in a more qualified way strictly pertaining to generic mental reasoning. But, come to think of it, if you believe rape is strictly about power, and that power has its roots in free will… ie: mental reasoning … then you just as well said it.