Polish Porn Queen Teresa Orlowski

Porn Up, Rape Down

Today’s headlines are shouting RAPE IN DECLINE! Official figures just released show a plunge in the number of rapes per capita in the United States since the 1970s. Even when measured in different ways, including police reports and survey interviews, the results are in agreement: there has been an 85% reduction in sexual violence in the past 25 years.
Official explanations for the unexpected decline include (1) less lawlessness associated with crack cocaine; (b) women have been taught to avoid unsafe situations; (c) more would-be rapists already in prison for other crimes; (d) sex education classes telling boys that “no means no.” But these minor factors cannot begin to explain such a sharp decline in the incidence of rape.

There is, however, one social factor that correlates almost exactly with the rape statitistics. The American public is probably not ready to believe it. My theory is that the sharp rise in access to pornography accounts for the decline in rape. The correlation is inverse: the more pornography, the less rape. It is like the inverse correlation: the more police officers on the street, the less crime.

  1. WokTiny says:

    load of crap.

    correlation does not imply causality, everyone knows that.

    porn addicts are angry people, they are loaded with imagery that promises what it can’t deliver… that would make anyone angry…. more angry people doesn’t make for a safer society.

    if anything, I’d say there’s an increase in porn because the would be rapists are getting foiled by the other factors, and going home to porn instead.

  2. RM says:

    Interesting hypothesis, and the paper makes a pretty decent case for it, but the charting and numbers in the paper have a lot of large gaps. It’s more of a food-for-thought paper than convincing evidence, though what little evidence there is seems reasonable enough, at least to me.

  3. RM says:

    It seems like a reasonable hypothesis, the paper makes a good argument, but there’s very little evidence (what little there is though, is presented convincingly). I think it’s more of a food-for-thought concept at this point than clear proof.

  4. GregA says:


    I find it humorous that you would complain about bad science and talk about porn addiction in the same article. That is funny! Were you going for sarcasm or irony?

  5. Doug says:

    I agree that correlation does not mean causality. But your argument is ridiculous! People are not setting their sexual expectations on porn. A person fantasize about what they see in porn, but it’s preposterous to think someone is angry because they cannot have a impromptu five-way with beautiful, uninhibited models on their way to work.

    I doubt that anti-porn ignoramuses will be pissed. They will continue to be blinded by their lofty, ridiculous moral principles and disregard human nature.

  6. Jim Dermitt says:

    If this is true, more kiddy porn can reduce child molestation. I have doubts. Try lobbying for legalized kiddy porn. You won’t get very far.

  7. Doug says:

    Child pornography is illegal because it exploits innocent children, not because the content is perverted and immoral.

  8. Named says:


    If I guy pounds one out, he’s usually pretty docile for the next few hours, or even the day… And when he gets worked up again, it’s an easy fix!

    Now, whorehouses would be even more helpful!

  9. Jim Dermitt says:

    Adult porn just exploits adults who have the intellect of children, which decribes your average rapist. Some people never grow up. There’s money in porn, so the porn lobby is large. It’s totally political. The democrats are fueled by porn dollars. That’s why the republicans can run a total moron and win. It’s one of several factors. Now the dems can point to this study and say porn is a part of the solution. Porn is fueling search engine and Internet profits. It’s a hell of a big business. It’s billions of dollars and growing. It’s like taking candy from a baby. Porn is reducing crime, hear the good news. There’s a PR effort now and porn is good and public opinion is bad. For me porn is a waste of time and money. I don’t make my money that way. If you do, that’s your business. Porn is just another tax on losers. People are whores, so what.

  10. gquaglia says:

    Anyone who says they don’t like porn is a liar. Porn is the reason VCRs sold so well and it drove many of the internet advancements. Everyone likes porn, but not everyone will admit it.

  11. huskergrrl says:

    The decline in rape couldn’t possibly have anything to do with the increase in sexual assault prevention and education programs. Sexual assault numbers are also very difficult to gauge due to underreporting. I used to be a crisis counselor and found that less than 5% of my clients reported the crime to law enforcement. Those that did were assaulted again by the legal system and the perpetrators were either acquitted or got off with a slap on the wrist.

  12. Perhaps the byline should read “Porn Up, REPORTED rape down”. For a crime to become a statistic, it must be reported.

    How many rapes are not reported, not only because of the sense of personal shame and violation felt by the victim, but also because frequently the victim goes on trial just as much as the perpretrator (like in the Kobe Bryant case)?

    Culture is also a factor. Pop culture continues to market and portray women as sex objects. In the case of hip-hop, women are even portrayed as “bitches and hos”. Consequently, what was once characterized as “rape” may now be blown off as consensual. The effects are degrading; many men who take a woman to dinner and movie now expect immediate payback in the bedroom, even on the first date. The idea that a man must earn his way into a woman’s bedroom has apparently become outmoded.

    Because of these variations, I choose to disregard this “study”.

  13. Dan says:

    Hey Woktiny does more jacking off mean fewer rapes?Could be……

  14. Jim Dermitt says:

    Faced with the possibility of a three way with two models in a luxury hotel or night home alone with a porn flick and a VCR, most guys are going to choose the real thing. Almost everyone would take the models, even if the hotel was a dump. Porn is extremely overrated and everyone does not like porn. It has a hell of a propaganda machine behind it. That’s what’s funny here at Johns blog. People take cheap shots at religion and praise porn. Porn can reduce crime now. Anti-religion people are more pissed than anti-porn people. The anti-religion people hate the United States and every aspect of religion because they hate Bush. It’s all about the same thing, which is promoting vice while turning virtue on its head. Almost everybody has a vice, a few have virtue and the rest don’t give a damn one way or the other. Whip up the readers into a frenzy about stupid shit and you could be anti-something. It’s easier to be against something and for something. Porn is a fix for rape. You guys are smoking too much dope.

  15. Doug says:

    Porn exploits those with the “intellects of children”
    Porn funds the democrats
    Porn objectifies women

    Back up your statements with facts! You people are spewing utter paranoid nonsense.

    I don’t know if reported rapes are going up or down, or who most likely looks at porn (I suspect it correleates highly to having working gonads). But these post are utter nonsense.

  16. Angel H. Wong says:

    Orgasms are good! And I’m not an angry person. My tastes are not into the skinny boyish looking twink porn; I prefer porn loaded with hairy, balding bearded middleaged men just like some of the *cough* moderators in this blog.

  17. Doug says:

    Jim, What about masterbation? Is that bad too, or just pornography?

  18. Jim Dermitt says:

    I’ve given up on porn. I’ve given up on our President too. Porn isn’t going to prevent rape anymore than war is going to prevent terrorism. I could believe that porn has higher popularity numbers than the President. More people are anti-war than anti-porn. Given the choice between being in a porn flick and being in a war, most people would take their chances with the porn. War is hell and porn is just a simulation of what you want to be doing if you could. There are a lot of people out there that don’t know what they are doing and more that don’t know what they are talking about. Porn isn’t patriotic. Porn is idiotic.

  19. Donovan says:

    I think this is a little far-fetched. Rape is usually motivated by a desire to exert power over the victim, not sexual desire. Many rapes involve old ladies who are not sexually attractive but vulnerable to a physically-powerful man. If this decline in rape cases exists (I’d love to believe it but I’m a little skeptical), I don’t think porn has anything to do with it..

  20. Jim Dermitt says:

    “What about masterbation? Is that bad too, or just pornography?”

    Doug, you must find that answer for yourself. Each may play the game by his own rules, if he thinks the effort itself is worth the time.
    In other words, do what you want to do.

  21. John Urho Kemp says:

    Jim has issues I think. Major issues.

    “Bad bad…dirty…dirty bad thoughts…must stamp out these dirty dirty thoughts! I know, I’ll just believe that everyone that likes porn must be stupid and people that do porn are stupid. Yeah, that will make it easier. Dirty bad stupid people”.

    “Oh, also, I’ll try to stun them with my superior intellect by comparing porn with war! And I’ll also throw in a totally condescending “There are a lot of people out there that don’t know what they are doing and more that don’t know what they are talking about.” that will really show them who’s boss! Respect my authority!”

  22. J says:

    From what I understand rape is about power not sex.

  23. Named says:


    I’m not bald, but I’m viril, 30 and beared! Give me a call!

  24. Tom Donald says:

    I think it makes sense, and that you could sit about and wait for a hundred years for anyone to be able to prove it.
    What do men do with porn? They masterbate like monkeys, bless ’em. It may not be yer dream sex life, but yer wanker thinks of other things when he’s done his stuff like work or computers or having a drink.
    It’s the guys that think it’s dirty that get all twisted and think they hate women, sexual pain makes men mad.

  25. Jim Dermitt says:

    Everybody has issues and there are a lot of people out there who don’t know what they are doing. As far as superior intellect, I don’t have a college education so don’t call me boss. There is a war on porn going on. This is the age of cultural war. You get no or little cooperation today. Talent goes to waste and public opinion is ignored. Our society is in decline. Perhaps porn will lift us up and help save our country. It’s going to help prevent rape and if we give terrorists porn, they will grow to love us.

  26. GregA says:

    Wow, about one of the people cited in that christian science monitor article.

    Dr Judith Reisman


    So ya’ll want to go back to discussing junk science? Her webpage should be a real hoot!

  27. Jim Dermitt says:

    Remember that old song? Mama always said don’t stare into the sun, but mama that’s where the fun is. I was blinded by the light.

  28. BobH says:

    A spanked monkey is better behaved.

  29. BobH says:


    The more appropos line from the Boss…

    “the adolescent pumps his way into his hat “

  30. RBG says:

    7. “Child pornography is illegal because it exploits innocent children, not because the content is perverted and immoral. ”

    Wrong. It would be illegal, perverted and immoral even if the children could be simulated by computers. So draw your own conclusion as to the type of person who supports this kind of stuff.

    11. “Anyone who says they don’t like porn is a liar.”

    Same for crack cocaine and being a successful jewel thief too?



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