The Inquirer – August 23, 2006:

WE HAD a chance to get within five inches of what Sony claims to be the final production prototype of the Playstation 3 console. We could even touch the wireless remote but the machine didn’t work as Sony didn’t want to plug it in.

The marketing chap had the lamest excuse of them all, he said that Sony doesn’t want to show the live demo as there is a hidden secret feature that Sony doesn’t want to show off yet.

I can guarantee you that it super does not work and that Sony is merely showing what the machine will look like. There was a live demo – but from the developers’ machines – of some developers’ demos but you can clearly forget about the real hardware.

  1. Blackscorpion says:

    This is confusing. According to via DL.TV episode 88 Sony released a statement saying the PS3 wasn’t even in production yet. But now they are show one off but won’t plug in because of a hidden secret. I think it is safe to say the hidden secret is that it was nothing more than a shiny piece of plastic.

  2. “Sony doesn’t want to show the live demo as there is a hidden secret feature that Sony doesn’t want to show off yet.”

    *sigh*, first they “borrow” the motion sensing from Nintendo (and the lights from MS), now they are “borrowing” the “final secret” from Nintendo.

  3. Dan says:

    A salesman lying! I’m shocked…shocked!

  4. forrest says:

    Who cares…?

    #1 – The article says final production prototype…not a production model…

    #2 – Everyone “borrows” from everyone…

    #3 – Yeah…I’m not surprised either…

    Sony is just attempting to use some marketing hype…

  5. Bryan says:

    Sony is nothing but a company of borrowing Ideas. Don’t get me started on the whole SNES / Sony fiasco that resulted in the playstation.

  6. ECA says:

    They HAVE a problem…

    HOW open do they want the system..
    BR movies is a BIG debate…1 side dont want them to PLAY on the machine.
    Do they want a systme thats ABLE to be User hacked, or do an XBOX 360..
    Do they want OTHER companies to make Games for the unit? Or Lock it up.
    They havent even STARTEd manufactouring…and they want 1million units by END of year…

  7. Steve S says:

    I can see it now! Before you can buy a new PS3, you have to sign a non-disclosure agreement that states that you may NOT show anyone your new PS3 in action unless they have signed the same agreement AND are not an employee, friend or family member of a competitor.


  8. John Schumann says:

    When the PS3 does ship, the word on the street is that there’s going to be a shortage of them:

  9. Mr. H. Fusion says:

    #9, John, depending upon the price and reviews, the only shortage might be dealers wanting to carry them.

  10. JimJammer says:

    Sony – purveyors of all things junk and exhibitors of disdain for their own (previous) customers.

    I use to buy Sony (PS2, walkmans, tvs, music) – now they are not even on the short list.

    Die Sony, sell up and donate the proceeds to someone who knows how to treat their customers you bunch of wallies.

  11. Jim Dermitt says:

    Sony sucks. Batteries that are crap, root kits and more crap. I’ll never buy another Sony product again. Sony is dead to me. I don’t need Sony.


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