Evolution Major Vanishes From Approved Federal List – New York Times — More good news for the evangelical anti-science majority running the country. I’m guessing that this will be replaced with study of “tongues” — the devilish babbling highlighted in many fundamentalist churches.

found by William Taylor

Evolutionary biology has vanished from the list of acceptable fields of study for recipients of a federal education grant for low-income college students.

The omission is inadvertent, said Katherine McLane, a spokeswoman for the Department of Education, which administers the grants. “There is no explanation for it being left off the list,” Ms. McLane said. “It has always been an eligible major.”

Another spokeswoman, Samara Yudof, said evolutionary biology would be restored to the list, but as of last night it was still missing.

  1. gquaglia says:

    As bad as it is, it would 1000% worse if the fundimentalist Muslims had their way.

  2. Stiffler says:

    Hmm… Evolutionary Biology missing? It sounds like maybe someone decided to practice some REAL science… Maybe it’s been incorporated into the Mythology degree.

  3. dave says:

    “As bad as it is, it would 1000% worse if the fundimentalist Muslims had their way.”

    what point are you trying to make here? To downplay whats really going on by bringing up muslim fundamentalists?

    . The conservative christians are trying to set America back decades, trying to place their moral system upon others. They have what some refer to as the “Golden Age Syndrome”. Based upon what the leaders of this movement, they would love nothing better than to outlaw homosexuality, abortion, and free thought everywhere. Oh, and the internet? They want that regulated too.

    The effects of christian extremism scares me more than terrorism.

  4. Anon says:

    ‘ ‘ at least it’s not as bad as (insert scenario here) ‘ ‘? How bad do things have to get before a little clarity unfogs the partisanship?

  5. Angel H. Wong says:

    Well, if the muslim nations put a man on the moon, I bet things will change direction in the USA.

    Of course, for the muslim nations to put a man on the moon that would take decades…

  6. J.R. Duncan says:

    What’s funny is that John made the comment:
    “’I’m guessing that this will be replaced with study of “tongues” — the devilish babbling highlighted in many fundamentalist churches.”

    The scientific term is Glossolalia, theologically it would fall under the study of Pneumatology. I studied under Dr. Frank Macchia who is now a professor at Vanguard University in Southern California. He is a brilliant man and has the educational credentials to prove it. To consider this field “backwards” and “uneducated” is ignorant in itself.

  7. Joe Craine says:

    I have to join the gang. gquaglia, are your trying to say that the source of nonsense affects its validity? Or, the degree – such as one comes home to find every member of one’s family dead and the first remard is “Thank goodness they didn’t undress them.”

    Or, do you work for the NYTimes? Nearly every major article must say something against muslims and arabs (especially these days, those of Persian descent) or help scare the poplulace into submission, such as the artilce about rep Hoekstra reminding us the WMD means weapons of mass destruction, like nuclear devices?

  8. Joe Craine says:

    Now my real comments…

    The scientific method creates a real conundrum for this administration. They desperately need “authority” to be an acceptable method of proving science.

    For example, a baseball flies through your closed window, shattering it. You look out and see the police chief’s son running away with a baseball bat. You call the chief and tell him what you saw. He tells you that you misinterpreted the child’s escape – he was merely coming home for lunch. He further tells you that the baseball actually came from the apple tree in your yard. You say, “Hey, baseballs don’t come from trees and gravity doesn’t work up or sideways anyway.” Just before hanging up, he says “Are you anti-American, or what?”

    Closer to home, There is great destruction at the Pentagon on 911
    You say, “Hey, 757’s don’t produce contrails at ground level!” The president says “Are you anti-American, or what?”

    You say, but, you attacked an old man who couldn’t possibly have harmed America because you claim his guys flew a 757 into the Pentagon – you need to say “sorry.”

    The President says, “You really are Anti-American. I know for a fact that these people are so angry about what we are now doing to them that in 20 years they are going to try to get even. America need to interdict these terrorist threats early.”

    Thank the Christian God that logic, analysis and the scientific method don’t bother the leaders of America these days. I would rather be safe! (not).

  9. joshua says:

    Are you people really desperate for something to do in your lives????
    Enough of the silly conspirosy theory’s…ok!!

    Check back next week and see if the damn class is back on the list. It will most likely take a week minimum for a goverment agency to figure out how to put it back up.

  10. J says:


    You don’t have a clue about science. Go back to Oral Roberts and ask him for a refund!

  11. Proteome says:

    It is a tad bit on the conspiracy theory side, John. Nice way to use something accidental to throw some insults. haha NOW who’s involved in creating conspiracies?

    J #10: That looks familiar…where have I seen that before? hmmmmm…. 🙂

  12. joshua says:

    #11…Ted…..I believe your right, while technically they are *fundementalists, they are a sub-group and I do think they are called *charismatics*…..
    In England, the Pentacostals sometimes have persons who can speak *tongues*.

  13. woktiny says:

    bad? give it a rest, folks. evolution is still the prevalent faith around here, and it’ll be no time before its back on the list.

  14. J says:


    Yeah! I do pick on Oral Roberts a lot 🙂 I know a couple of people that went there and they are on my list of people who should not reproduce.

    I have to say though…..Starting an educational facility based around a religion is leaving yourself open for criticism. Take a look at their curriculum.

  15. Eideard says:

    It’s back, this morning — though well hidden:

    Ecology, Evolution, Systematics and Population Biology, Other

  16. Rich says:

    Which is the bigger lie- creationsim or evolutionism? It’s a tough call. Neither camp knows of what it speaks.

  17. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #17Which is the bigger lie- creationsim or evolutionism? It’s a tough call. Neither camp knows of what it speaks.

    Comment by Rich — 8/25/2006 @ 1:00 pm

    Translation: “I don’t know what I’m talking about, but I sure like talking about it.”

    Evolution is fact and The Theory of Evolution is the science of trying to understand why it works. I don’t understand why there are people who don’t get it. I don’t understand why people believe in God. I don’t understand why Kevin Federline got a recording deal. I guess its true what they say… we don’t all get to be astronauts.

  18. Smartalix says:

    If a creationist can explain the existence of mitochondrial DNA I’d be willing to listen.

  19. Joe Craine says:

    I think that many of the commentors here are forgetting “Intelligent Design.” I am sure it is on the list somewhere – near the genetics course that shows sperm to actually be little men in raincoats waiting to “flash” an ovum just as it peeks down the fallopian tube, and proves that the soul is present in every one of them. That silly biblical concept of the “breath of God” is just an Indiana Jones deal, right?

    Isn’t that the basis of why we attacked two independent countries that were incapable of harming us? Why wait for the old guy to die?

    Isn’t that what the 911 Commission (please forgive the added “C”) said was the basis of the attacks on 911?

    The president needs people to reject the scientific method, otherwise he gets tried for war crimes – and we can’t have that! Frankly, it indicts us all.

    Ah, but, he knows how to back the winners, eh. Sure am glad the Irealis made short work of those terrorists in Southern Lebanon! Now he should be convinced that attacking Iran would be a real cake walk, huh?

    Push for the truth of 911 and erase the power base.

  20. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    20 —

    Oh Jesus Christ.


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