Here’s the company website where you can learn about their fabulous couch bike!

  1. FRAGaLOT says:

    I’d rather WALK. This would be nice if you actually got more distance from every step you took on the treadmill than you would from walking. My grandma can out WALK anyone on this treadmill bike. You’ll be exhausted by the time you’re half way down the block. And you CAN’T take it on the bus, do driver would allow you to bring in that unwieldy cumbersome thing on the bus. The video didn’t show the person getting it all the way in. Plus it won’t fit on the bike rack mounted at the front of the bus either.

    Spinners.. Fo’ Shizless.

  2. This has got to be a joke, right? Right??

  3. J says:

    This is a joke right?

  4. Chris says:

    No it’s not a joke, sort of. I’ve seen them on Daily Planet (a daily science news show on Discovery Channel). They ARE a business who makes bikes, but they also like to make “different” bikes as well. The “Hulabike” was my favorite. Heres the Link:

  5. Mark T. says:

    You can hear the guys in the background giggling throughout the video. This has to be one of the most ludicrous inventions of all time.

    Arrive at your destination totally exhausted in only twice the time!!!

    And you can annoy people on the bus with it when you are too tired to ride it home!

    It’s a joke, people. But I am sure that someone will still sell you one anyway.

  6. Gibson says:

    They are a joke, but a joke you can buy.

  7. John says:

    Talk about a solution looking for a problem. This has to be the stupidest thing I’ve seen since Bush’s last press conference.

  8. Elwood Pleebus says:

    Rube Goldberg would be proud!

  9. Max says:

    That white girl did not just say “Oh Shizzle!”

  10. greg says:


  11. dave says:

    this is a product that came from the same think tank that gave us the blackberry….university of waterloo! the above comments are the same thing that was said about the internet when it was first released

  12. John says:

    I still use the above comments to describe the Internet. What’s your point Dave?

  13. dave says:

    #12 the internet is like tubes and this tredmill is like the mouse in the tube that gets the cheese at the end of the mall

  14. Ed says:

    I appreciate the satire in that video. It makes people think about how crazy it is to drive their cars to the gym only to run on a treadmill.

    I think the main product of the Bicycle Forest is their BikeCAD program.


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