Great horror screenplay idea: the baby turns out to be the anti-Christ.

Face of Jesus seen in baby scan

After seven months of a difficult pregnancy, Laura Turner looked anxiously at the latest ultrasound picture of her unborn son.

She was reassured to see not just the baby sucking his thumb – but what she believes is an image of Jesus watching over him.

The 20-year-old nursery nurse was so amazed that she decided to give her son the Biblical name Joshua.

  1. Walter says:

    What? No comments from God?
    Do we know the photo is untouched? (other than by God)

  2. James says:

    I foresee this making the rounds of fundamentalist chistians’ inboxes, lumped with a very sappy and contrived backstory.

  3. Gig says:

    There is no reason to believe the photo was retouched. It is just a random image that just happens to be face shaped and looks like it has eyes and long hair.

    It also looks like any number of 60’s hippies.

  4. Gig says:

    But now that I really look at it. there really does seem to be a picture of some screaming demon between the “Jesus/Hippy” and the babies head.

  5. Robert Foster says:

    Hell, I can barely make out the baby in the baby scan. I have no idea where image of Jesus is coming from.

  6. Max Bell says:

    If I squint, it sort of looks like Skeletor. How do they know it’s even a boy from this? Rub the scanner over the fetus’ genitals until they get a blip on the radar?

    Personally, I’d have expected the kid to be named Johnah. Statistically, this incident screams “fat chick”.

  7. Ballenger says:

    Here is a one found on a George Foreman grill. This time it is a Virgin Mary image.

    I found a image on my grill once, it was of a delusional fundamentalist searching through the trash at a city dump for “miracle” images. Jesus was looking over his shoulder with one of those thought bubbles to the side that said, “why are you looking through this trash while there are so many things you could be doing to help the needy?”.

  8. Bruce IV says:

    Wouldn’t Jesus have looked Arabic anyway? I think its only in western culture where he’s drawn white …

  9. Don says:

    How do we know what Jesus looked like? For all we know he looked like Wilford Brimley, in which case, no , that doesn’t look like Jesus.

  10. BdgBill says:

    I love it when these stories get press.

    For me, this proof that most fundies have very little of the “faith” they are always blathering about. If they had faith they would have no need for “proof” that these images provide.

  11. FRAGaLOT says:

    #11 well said. Same goes with christian scientists, and “Intelligent Design” folks.

  12. KB says:

    I’ll use Uncle Dave’s post headline as an excuse to re-post this poem from 2004:

    I fixed a grilled cheese sandwich.
    I simply took a bite.
    I didn’t mean no harm.
    I aim to do what’s right.

    I bit without first looking.
    And when I looked I screamed.
    I saw the face of Jesus.
    At least to me it seemed.

    I’d bitten off his head.
    Only his face remained.
    I felt great fear and trembled.
    God bless His holy name.

    What penalty’s in store
    I do not dare to guess.
    I only know no more
    Can I dare to be blessed.

    Of course I fear damnation.
    Of course I know I’m cursed.
    Of course I know that nothing
    Could possibly be worse.

    Yet had I not mis-bitten…
    Yes this much I must say…
    I wonder what it would have brought
    On auction on eBay.

  13. Babaganoosh says:

    The word is, “Photoshop.”

    The phrase is, “If a person wants to find something badly enough, they usually will.”

  14. Mr. H. Fusion says:

    A friend just had an ultra sound done of her baby. I was truly amazed at the advances since the ultra sounds of our own child, seven years ago. The ultra sound pictures appears to be similar to those even older then that.


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