Challenge to lone gunman theory

More than four decades after his death, John F. Kennedy’s assassination remains the hottest cold case in U.S. history, and the clues continue to trickle in. Now Lawrence Livermore Laboratory scientists say a key piece of evidence supporting the lone gunman theory should be thrown out.

[Warren Commission analyist] Guinn said the variation between bullets of this type was so great that he could use it to tell individual bullets apart, even from the same batch of lead.

Randich and Grant say that assumption is dead wrong.

They analyzed the same type of bullets and showed that within a single bullet, there is a significant variation in impurities on a microscopic scale. The range of concentrations of impurities in each bullet is large enough to make small fragments from different parts of the same bullet have very different chemical fingerprints.

Some of the fragments in the JFK case are so small that the differences in antimony could be explained entirely by this microscopic variation, instead of by differences between bullets, they said.

“In recent years, the (bullet) fragment evidence has become one of the key struts supporting the single-bullet theory,” Aguilar said. “Randich and Grant have knocked this slat out from under the theory.”

  1. CG says:

    If you believe David Icke, Masons killed Kennedy in some sort of “ritual” killing.

  2. joshua says:

    the sad part is….Kennedy died needlessly….Jackie was trying to pull him over, but he was wearing his back brace and it prevented him from slumping to the left as she pulled.

    I kept thinking as I watched the film, that Connely didn’t react to being shot until after he turned and saw Kennedy, long after Kennedy’s arms went up.

  3. Named says:


    Everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, including Frank IBC believes David Icke…

    Now, don’t get me started on the freemasons! Afterall, they run the country.

  4. syngensmyth says:

    Yep, that was darn good shootin. And how about that Jack Ruby, so over wrought by thought of a bereaved Jackie, he just had to kill mean old Lee Harvey in front of TV cameras.

    Some things are just so plainly and clearly true, that no room for doubt remains. Why are people so sceptical?

    Added credibility needed? A Democrat controlled administration and congress. That should settle things. Democrats do not lie and always have the public’s best interest a top priority.

    This is just one of those times where no reasonable person can have doubts.

    I personally believe that an investigation into Oswald’s ancestry would show a genetic link to Annie Oakley and this issue could be put to bed once and for all.

  5. Frank IBC says:

    Damage control: recall all public documents and reclassify them as secret. Man, dogs sure are chasing their tails these days.

  6. Frank IBC says:

    #37 is not me.

    Fuck off, asshole.

  7. RBG says:

    8. You want good shooting: How about multiple sharpshooters stationed around the assassination site firing their weapons in a manner designed to make it look like all the bullets were coming from fall-guy Oswald up in the book depository.


  8. David says:

    There seem to be too many “coincidences” for LOH to have done it alone. One lone nut kills the president and then he is killed by another lone nut. Is Dallas the lone nut capital of the country? The neck wound is first identified as an entrance wound but later it becomes an exit wound. The head shot looks like it came from the front but Warrren Commission said it camed from the back. There was a bullet-like dent on the frame of the Lincoln windshield but secret service said it as caused at some other time. What other time was the President’s car subjected to gunfire? The Ruby conveniently dies of an “apparent” Cancer. What ever became of his body? The rifle was not bought at a gunstore but through a mail-order ad. And why was LOH smart enough to have the rifle sent to a post-office box belonging to Alek J. Hidell but not smart enough to not have the fake Hidell ID on him on the day of the shooting? Then the photos of LOH in the backyard holding the rifle look fake to me and LOH saud they pasted his head on someone else’s body. It all adds up to frame-up. and who beter in 1963 to frame-up for the murder of the President than a communist? and in 1963 no one was more dispied in America than a communist?

  9. David says:

    I can’t believe some of the comments here. If the bullet entered JFKs back nicked his spinal cord then exited the front of his throat, it would have had to somehow go through the bones of his neck. dense vertibra. it would have been deflected by those bones and it would have been deformed. It was not.

    Why is it still important? Because if our system can be corrupted to the extent that an elected president can be removed when a group of conspirators decide he should be removed then what point is there to a democracy? We should be ruled by who ever has the best shooters.


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