This is called the first “real” mod chip for the Xbox360. — Is it? You tell me.

The NME-360 enables your XBox360 to play backups of your highly valuable original games. NME-360 is a universal solution for ALL currently available XBox360 Consoles on the market. Forget crazy dual mods with 30+ wires or even bricking your DVD drive by flashing corrupt/wrong firmware files. Your original firmware stays untouched and intact at any time when using the NME-360. There is no need for any firmware-reading or flashing.

The NME-360 autodetects the inserted media. If the inserted media is a backup NME-360 injects the necessary information to the DVD drive enabling it to boot smoothly ahead! If the media is an original game, or anything else, which doesnt require any further action of the NME-360 then it simply falls asleep so there is no need for an external switch whatsoever. This way it can not be detected online when you play an original onlinegame.

I’d be surprised if some sort of legal action is not taken regarding this sort of thing since Microsoft has to minimize any sort of box “modding” to assure that its online gaming activities do not allow cheaters and thus ruin the experience for everyone else. Of course this device seems aimed at making the device capable of running “backups.” Whatever the case when you read through all the literature it seems like a lot of work overall. What I’d like to see is a complete Xbox360 done in software to run on a PC. Now that would be something!

found by Chris Coulter

  1. James says:

    I’m convinced that piracy sells consoles. If you lock down your system and make it impervious The PS1 became such a runaway success for Sony because it was ridiculously easy to pirate games for the system. Both the N64 and Gamecube were locked up using proprietary media that made it very hard to pirate games. I expect when Nintendo switches to using DVD this round their system will be much more prone to being modded then any previous generation. The PS2 and Xbox were both moddable and came 1-2 in the last generation.

  2. Jeff says:

    I found myself pondering the other day why on earth MS has not put Xbox (ver 1 at the least) on the PC???? With over 90% of PC’s running MS Windows, why not sell a freaking Xbox emulator for windows. The controllers are even usb. And isn’t the point to sell the games, not the console. What the hell are they thinking?

  3. Mark Derail says:

    Being in the know, this ModChip connects BETWEEN the DVD-Drive and the game console.

    This approach, very innovative, will be impossible for MS to detect and circumvent.

  4. Mike Voice says:

    3 why on earth MS has not put Xbox (ver 1 at the least) on the PC????

    Interesting question.

    ver2 can’t because of the switch to PowerPC, and trying to emulate a 3-processor system in software would be a complete gaming dog… VirtualPC on dual-processor Mac was dog-slow for games just trying to emulate single-processor Wintel hardware.

    Googling for whether the ver1 was still being produced [which might be a reason for no PC emulation] , I came across a Wilipedia entry which may shed some light on this: Xbox360 is emulating Xbox…

    Backward compatibility is achieved through software emulation of the original Xbox.

    Looks like they want software emulation of Xbox to be a draw into the Xbox360, so I wouldn’t expect a PC version any time soon. 🙂

  5. LuĂ­s Camacho says:

    Oops Jonh you just shot yourself on the feet.

    “I’d be surprised if some sort of legal action is not taken regarding this sort of thing since Microsoft has to minimize any sort of box “modding” to assure that its online gaming activities do not allow cheaters and thus ruin the experience for everyone else. Of course this device seems aimed at making the device capable of running “backups”.”

    Of course it is, that’s always the point. To play downloaded games: aka backups. And no cheating device will ever be made since
    1. It would be detected in a snap.
    2. There’s not much profit to be made from it unlike a chip to play pirated games.

    “What I’d like to see is a complete Xbox360 done in software to run on a PC. Now that would be something!”
    Yeah that will be intresting…. in 15 years! That if ever, emulation is a unbelivebly complicated thing. A Xbox 1 emulator is more plausible but for some reason there doesn’t seem to be an interesss for it on the emu community.

  6. Chris Swett says:

    Since I already have four PPC cores in my PowerMac, I’d LOVE to be able to run my Xbox games on my desktop. It’ll never happen though ’cause if MS wanted their games to run on quad-corePowerMacs they would.

  7. Michael says:

    I wouldn’t call this a modchip when you compare it to all the chips for the original xbox. This would be more of a DVD “mode”chip seeing as it has original and backup mode. The modchips for the orignal xbox allowed for custom system BIOS, extternal LCD screens and homebrew to be run. This chip on the other hand doesn’t really mod much at all.

  8. Thelash says:

    I also don’t think it will be long before Microsoft pulls this. Seeing as console manufacturers lose money on the consoles they make they aren’t going to want people to pirate games because that way they will nevr make money back on the software

  9. dave says:

    If that were the case, then the dreamcast would have been the best selling system of all time.

  10. DOug says:

    “I wouldn’t call this a modchip when you compare it to all the chips for the original xbox. This would be more of a DVD “mode”chip seeing as it has original and backup mode.”

    ummmm… isn’t this almost exactly how the Stealth Modchip for the PS1 worked…it injected code that was missing from the game in the CD drive when needed to make the PS1 think it was an orginal game.

    Go ahead, try and tell me the ORIGINAL modchip wasn’t a modchip. 🙂

    Modchip – a ‘chip’ that ‘modifies’ something….

  11. bouttime says:

    remember that modding isn’t the same as cheating. modding is great – cheaters are arseholes!

  12. dodgyd55 says:

    to james, you said modded consoles sold more because of that, but do you remember the dreamcast 😀 my fav console, but almost all “backed up” games worked without the need of any thing else, it was only a few the required a boot disk.
    the point im making, the dreamcast died quite quickly.

  13. johnnyg says:

    I am NOT buying an Xbox360 UNTIL a good modchip comes out for it. My original modded Xbox is the best purchase I ever made, because you can do any damn thing you want with it.

  14. Sankyou says:

    This is the lamest modchip ever. There are already firmwares out for the Samsung that stealths out the media and for the Hitachi that stealths out the firmware. Why solder in chips when everything can be done just as well for free? NME also requires additional image patching. What a waste of time.

  15. charlie says:

    Your all so hopeless, there is already a emu for Xbox for years now. search google harder.

  16. nem112 says:

    Piracy kills consoles, the manufacturers lose money on the console and make money on the software. There’s NEVER a good reason to use pirated games, At the end of the day your killing the developers. You might say that they’re rich enough as it is, but that’s rubbish, the publishers might be rich, but the developers tend to make a relatively small amount of profit.

    The dreamcast died because it was so easy to pirate the games, this meant that the larger publishers refused to develop for it.

    Ignoring that, chipping your 360 means you’ll never go online, never update the firmware – you’ll be missing out on one of the best parts of the next-gen experience.

  17. jamEs says:

    I’ll conceed the Dreamcast was the exception, but really Sega shot themselves in the foot by releasing too many systems in a short period of time. How is it possible for gamers and publishers to have faith in a system when the console maker has a history of pulling the rug out from under them? Sega lost consumer confidence, and while the Dreamcast was a great system, they definitely didn’t have much footing once the rest of the next generation came to bear. And the fact was, where was Sega going to fit into that generation of games? Sony was clearly the leader, Nintendo had a firmly entrenched fanbase and was still a force, while Microsoft had the money to brute force their way into the market. How was the Dreamcast expected to compete against competition with better resources?

    Back to my original point, the PS2 and Xbox can be modded, but not as simply as a Dreamcast. This provides a buffer that keeps everyone from playing “backed up” games. Dreamcast was pretty much piracy central because there were no safeguards, so even the uninitiated could do it easily. Excluding the Dreamcast, I still think piracy leads to a larger marketshare for consoles. Typically the people who pirate games are the leading edge of gamers. They set the trends, so their friends buy games according to what their modder friend suggests typically, creating trickle down sales.

  18. Tom says:

    nem112: Its says that it can’t detect this mod chip when you play online, and the same would go with firmware updates. this goes in between your dvd-rom and the chip. when u go online it doesn’t need the dvd rom, regardless it has no effect on online play.

    “This approach, very innovative, will be impossible for MS to detect and circumvent.”
    Umm i think the vast majority of us can agree that nothing is impossible. This will be detected and it will be circumvented in the next generation of mod chips and possibly games.

  19. ME says:

    Keep in mind that the 360 has a very game-specific architecture that the games themselves will exploit to provide performance in games that a PC couldn’t match. Even with a 4-core powermac (which has 1 extra chip compared to the 360), the architecture will not allow for the type of operations required to run these games. Basically, there is a direct memory channel between the graphics chip and the cpus that is used for real-time vector generation. Those individual blades of grass in tiger woods, for example, are not stored in the game…they are generated in real-time using grass-producing algorithms (each blade is slightly different based on some paramters), and carried over a dedicated data bus to the graphics card. Your quad-core ppc doesn’t have this dedicated bus, so it would have a very hard time keeping up or even displaying those blades of grass at all.

    As these systems get more complex, they will be substatially harder to emulate without VERY powerful hardware.

  20. SS says:

    Does this not run afowl of the Digital Millenium Copyright Act’s “thou shalt not hack digital rights management” clause?

    Comment by Sagrilarus — 8/21/2006 @ 10:57 am

    only if the producers are American. The DMCA has no reach beyond the USA and most people who still operate in the copy protection circumvention business are located somewhere overseas with something like only a US P.O. box if any US address at all.

  21. Ortfo says:

    I’m starting to wonder if Sony intentionally allowed the ps one to be easily hacked or modified to play pirated games. Maybe they know something microsoft doesn’t know about. The rise of the sony playstation was phenomenal and the volume of consoles they’ve sold over the years is beyond imagination, unless they falsely claim that they have sold x millions of ps one units.

    I guess no one will really know if piracy actually helped sony snatch the number one position from nintendo a few years ago. Maybe they actually planned it that way and probably recovered loses by the number of consoles sold, rather than from the software sales.

    If say, MS becomes lax on piracy, would it produce the same results? Maybe not at the onset but it might one day get them the number one spot but for what price? I don’t think MS is will to lose money just to be number one.

  22. Brien says:

    How long do you think it will take for modifications to happen that allows you to play Ps2 games on Xbox 360?

  23. ffsdf says:

    maybe in 150 years…. it is impssible to do this

  24. steve says:

    hell i just whant to no if i con down lode xbox360 games to my hard drive ????

  25. decent says:

    Hi i want to hack my xbox360 completely to play pirated dvd on xbox360 .Sata cable is important for hacking please send me all easy steps to hack and all firmware here please help me sir .I shall be thankful to you for this act of kindness . I see your site’s steps but i don’t understand what could i do ? please send me the steps easily thank you again .

    May God success me !!

  26. Mark says:

    nem112 – you are very mistaken!

    You can go online witha nme-360 chip and it is the flashed dvd drives that are now detectable by MS. It is worth getting the chip for this reason alone and well worth a 2 second job changing the format of the image.

    Do your homework!

  27. Baker says:

    I’m starting to wonder if Sony intentionally allowed the ps one to be easily hacked or modified to play pirated games. Maybe they know something microsoft doesn’t know about. The rise of the sony playstation was phenomenal and the volume of consoles they’ve sold over the years is beyond imagination, unless they falsely claim that they have sold x millions of ps one units.

    I guess no one will really know if piracy actually helped sony snatch the number one position from nintendo a few years ago. Maybe they actually planned it that way and probably recovered loses by the number of consoles sold, rather than from the software sales.

    If say, MS becomes lax on piracy, would it produce the same results? Maybe not at the onset but it might one day get them the number one spot but for what price? I don’t think MS is will to lose money just to be number one.

    Microsoft looses 30% on each xbox 360 sold, but getd it back in the games.

  28. Howard says:

    Hi everyone, just wanted to ask, whther it’s the right time to buy XBox360 now. as some people i heard from saying the ‘Modified’ Xbox360 is currently facing some problem and not many gameconsole dealers are selling it.

    Thank you

  29. pshyconut says:

    omg you guys are all stupid. xbox360 is a consol and therefor has console properties. however you can bypass these properties by designing ur own computer with sync A 492582 delta 54.69\851 drive and a dozen processor like i have. this is 3x better than quad and it also has consol ports and i can change the ports so that i can play any console game on it.
    as this thing has a grand total of 1357 gb of ram and 100 terabites of free space. so far it can support any cd console. so all i need to do is well just get the cd or download it.

  30. warl0k says:

    i can overflow one hundered tb in a meer week


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