Not actual recruit, but funnier pic

Margie Black had wanted to enter the military as a teenager, but having her first child at 19 put off her ambitions. So when she learned the Army raised its enlistment age, Black, now a 41-year-old grandmother from West Columbia, Texas, didn’t hesitate to join. The decision took “about 30 seconds,” she said.

On Friday, Pvt. Black worked on her marksmanship skills here, while her 21-year-old daughter was at Army basic training at Fort Leonard Wood, Mo.

“I’m taking it one day at a time,” Black said. “If I do that, I can handle it.”

Older soldiers like her are showing up more often at Army training bases across the country since Congress gave the service approval earlier this year to raise its enlistee age limit, which had been 35, to just under 42 years.


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found by Aric Mackey

  1. RTaylor says:

    There are many noncombat positions that older recruits could fill. Many specialties are basically the same that people in the private sector hold until retirement. By the way John I’m waiting for you to blog about Buchanan’s new book for some feisty comments over immigration.

  2. James Hill says:

    Meanwhile, who’s watching the grandkid?

    Sorry, couldn’t resist.

  3. Named says:

    James Hill,

    Why, the government of course!

  4. James Hill says:

    Wow, the government sure is great. Maybe we should let them run more of our lives.

    – Clinton/Obama ’08 Ad Campaign

  5. Mike Voice says:

    I don’t care what age they let people enlist, as long as the don’t “modify” [read: relax] the physical or mental standards required for entry.

    If they can do the job, let ’em! Just don’t water-down the specs to allow “warm bodies” onto the field.

  6. Sounds the Alarm says:

    re: 4. Yeah – I want a hands off government like Duh’s.

    I got it – Jeb/Falwell ’08 The slogan can be – “Rights? You don’t have no stinkin rights!”

  7. Chris Swett says:

    Geez, and I just retired from the military three years ago at age 41, after 20 years of service. I think I’ll pass on a second round.

  8. joshua says:

    #7….chris… bad there Chris….your missing out on some fun bowling nights and jazzercise party’s at the enlisted mens club.

  9. Teyecoon says:

    Whatever James.

    People obviously don’t mind being controlled/monitored by government as long as their businesses are free to rape the world as this adminstration’s policies permit so I’m assuming your sarcastic Democratic Party slogan applies to your disapproval for any controls on businesses. I guess global warming and polution are not big concerns of yours either until they necessarily effect you personally. I’m not a Democrat but only a staunch Republican could make that sarcastic statement about a possible administration while dismissing the similar results of the current one. After this administration, no Republican should have the nerve to make jokes for quite a while.

  10. Mike Abundo says:

    Poor kids, mercs, and now old people. America’s armed forces just keep getting better and better.


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