I don’t think you need to read the book, just read this article cited here. Quite interesting.


The FBI kept the contents of the voice recorder secret until it was forced by bereaved relatives to play the tape under heavy security at a hotel in April 2002.

The family members later reported they heard sounds of an on-board struggle beginning at 9.58am, with a final ‘rushing sound’ at 10.03am, when the tape fell silent. Could the ‘rushing sound’ have been made by the plane being holed? And what of the moment when the plane hit the ground?

‘There is no sound of the impact,’ said Kenneth Nacke, whose brother Lou had been on Flight 93. There is a further twist. In 2006, when the judge at the trial of Zacarias Moussaoui ordered a transcript of the cockpit voice recorder, it ended with the sound of the hijackers shouting praises to Allah.

Just where had those praises been in 2002 when the tape was first played to relatives? For many, their sudden appearance confirmed suspicions of tape tampering.

  1. Miguel says:

    Here in Portugal, during the confusion that was September 11, we first heard that Flight 93 had been shot down by F16s. That was actually reported on TV, and everyone was spooked by that, although most of us understood why that might have been. Only on the 12th things started to ‘cool down’ a bit and the story that the passengers had fought against the terrorists came up…

    I personally always though that story a bit difficult to believe. Most people are SCARED TO DEATH of being killed and do ANYTHING just to stay alive just a few more minutes. It’s difficult to me to believe the passengers had all decided in a heroic act of group suicide… Not impossible, but hard to believe…

    Also, have you heard about this? http://tinyurl.com/rx7b6

  2. Yes I was about to blog that item in fact. It’s nutty what is going on.

  3. Miguel says:

    I actually think the passengers reaction was quite brave, even if it turned out to be wrong… Better wrong than dead, methinks…

  4. Gibson says:

    I always thought the passengers were trying to storm the cockpit and the hijackers are the ones that crashed the plane. I’m not a conspiracy tool like so many others here are, but It’s quite plausible that 93 was shot down instead of it crashing into a building. Not something you want to hear, but it was probably a very tough decision to make. But if it WAS shot down, what choice did they have?

    Of course, if it was shot down, why didn’t they come clean about it? I think the public would have understood, I know I would have.

    And please, don’t start with the “government planed the whole thing” crap either.

  5. Colorado says:

    Has there ever been a conspiracy theory that Dvorak didn’t like? Yeah, the White House is so stupid every one of their policies are wrong, and yet all of their secret plots succeed.

  6. Miguel says:

    Shooting down that plane would be a hard but rational and courageous decision, considering what was happening at the time.

    If that’s what’s happened and the govt chose to go with this story it could be because

    a) they though the public couldn’t take that sort of news


    b) they wanted to create an image of Joe Public fighting back, to unite the public behing the govt in this war.

    Just my opinion.

  7. Frank IBC says:

    The family members later reported they heard sounds of an on-board struggle beginning at 9.58am, with a final ‘rushing sound’ at 10.03am, when the tape fell silent. Could the ‘rushing sound’ have been made by the plane being holed? And what of the moment when the plane hit the ground?

    So this missile hits the plane without a sound, makes a hole in the side of the plane, still no sound, and then suddenly air rushes out and makes a sound?

    Give me a break.

  8. Anthony says:

    I think their saying the audio was cut after you could hear the missle #9

    If the plane was shot down though wouldn’t that be clear when they looked at the wreck on the ground?

  9. Ben Drinkin says:

    Originally, the reports about the very broad area in which parts of the plane were found seemed to suggest it broke apart in the air long before hitting the ground. That made it seem likely that it was shot down. Not sure if I believe it was shot down, but it is interesting. I believe that the jets were in the air with the intentions of shooting it down. Who knows?

  10. Miguel Correia says:

    Concerning the passenger mutiny on the Monarch flight, the whole situation is so unfair for everyone. The passengers who were affraid did what they felt right. I would probably have done the same. The other passengers, the Asians were the biggest victims. That’s what happens when the terrorists who were stopped from finalizing the last attempt were British citizens. It takes only a few to stain an entire comunity. For the outsiders how can you spot the few from the rest? Honest muslims who live in the western world are also major victims of terrorism, though in a different way. Maybe they’re also the people who might help the most in preventing terrorism by simply being alert to their own members for signs of change. They have more means and they also have the motive to do well.

  11. prophet says:

    #12 – It is really a catch 22. You have two males that by all appearances look like they are Muslim and are not dressed as someone would expect in the situation (wearing leather jackets and heavy clothes on a warm day). They were also showing signs of nervousness (checking their watches frequently). With the recent bomb plots you have everyone on edge.

    If I was sitting there with my family (including my kids) and I had a bad feeling about the situation or had some reason to be concerned, I think I would have left also. My families safety is my #1 concern above and beyond worrying about the two (probably innocent) men’s feelings. If I was by myself I do not think I would make the same choice.

    This is not a simple situation.

  12. #6 — Hey I didn’t write the book I’m just reporting on its existence. These theories are interesting, no?

  13. Smartalix says:

    Flying clubs are right around the corner.

    As for the ongoing debate over secrecy, some secrets get blown and some don’t. Someone here (I’d credit if I knew – msg me) once pointed out that we still don’t know what goes on at Groom Lake and they fly planeloads of workers there and back daily from Vegas.

    I hate the creeping security. Today I went to one of the free concerts held during the summer here in NYC on the piers. They wouldn’t let anyone in with any liquids in unsealed containers. Soon we won’t be able to carry anything anywhere.

  14. mike cannali says:

    Every pivotal moment in history deserves a good paranoid conspiracy theory for press parasites to capitalize on. It’s like an an annuity for skill-deprived journalists. It helps the moment stay alive as it is handed down generation to generation eventually to disolve into fable.
    It disolves quicker if it was bullshit to begin with.

    Too many public citizens independently relate the same story of a passenger uprising for it to be a coordinated coverup story. Perhaps the plane was shot down, perhaps it broke apart in a rapid dive, perhaps it traveled to a “parallel demention”, perhaps, perhaps….

    At 600mph or 880 feet/sec, the time to crush the pilot’s cabin is perhaps 10 milliseconds. That’s not very long for the sounds of the crash to be recorded – if the impact G forces didn’t desintegrate the microphone before that.

  15. mike cannali says:

    The planes supposedly were not armed with missles, but had 30mm cannon. This would be enough to disable control surfaces and crash the aircraft. Given that few peices of the aircraft larger than a shoe were recovered, bullet holes would be hard to establish. But so what, that plane would not have made it far with a melay in the cabin anyway.

    A more interesting question might be – what could the passengers have done earlier or differently to save the aircraft and themselves?

    Given that the majority ruled in this conflict – perhaps the best way to deter future terrorist takeover of an aircraft would be to arm each passenger, each with their own uzzi, as they board, rather than strip them down to their nail files.

    So long as they use racial profiling to determine who gets bullets.

  16. Thomas says:

    I’ve heard this theory about Flight 93 in the past. It is definitely presented in a plausible manner. One aspect that adds credence is that the motivation appears to be the covering of a possible mistake in shooting down a passenger aircraft rather than the grand collusion required by other elements of the 9/11 conspiracy theories. However, I will reserve my endorsement of said theory until there is more substantial evidence that supports it.

  17. Nevada says:

    Rebuttle to comment # 6:

    Their secret plot isn’t succeeding. A lot of credible people are coming forth with information. It is slowly appearing that a fraud has be perpetrated against the American people, greater than that of the Iraq war. Prepare yourselves for a greater civil upheavel than we saw in the 1960’s when the truth is finally exposed. But until that time go ahead and sleep. 🙂

  18. Bert Dawg says:

    For what it’s worth, I remember that day, transfixed as I was by the news broadcasts as they painted a picture of the evolution of the world as we know it. All the reports about Flight 93 (on several stations) I watched referred to a SIX MILE DEBRIS FIELD. SIX MILES!! It was all over the news. In the Air Force, I read crash investigation reports for several terminal aircraft incidents. An aircraft which is intact until impact with the ground simply does not do that.

  19. RBG says:

    “The phone line from Flight 93 was still open when a GTE operator heard Todd Beamer say: ‘Are you guys ready? Let’s roll’ ”


    I guess it was just lousy luck to have initiated a group charge into the cockpit only to be shot down at the same moment.


  20. RBG says:


    “Jarrah later said “Is that it? I mean, shall we put it down?” to which another hijacker replied “Yes, put it in it, and pull it down.” then later “Pull it down! Pull it down!””

    If the aircraft was deliberately crashed, it is very likely the jet entered into flight physics it was never designed to handle safely. (How’s that for putting it mildly?) I sure would expect all kinds of aircraft pieces to begin shearing off due to the stresses involved. Happens all the time in uncontrolled aircraft crashes.


    “A second debris field was around Indian Lake about 3 miles from the crash scene. Some debris was in the lake and some was adjacent to the lake.

    More debris from the plane was found in New Baltimore, some 8 miles away from the crash.

    State police and the FBI initially said they didn’t want to speculate whether the debris was from the crash, or if the plane could have broken up in midair.

    Investigators later said the debris was all very light material, such as paper and thin nylon the wind would easily blow. The wind was blowing towards Indian Lake and New Baltimore at 9 knots. “According to the NTSB, it is not only possible that the debris is from the crash, it is probable,” Crowley said.”


  21. AB CD says:

    There’s more evidence of conspiracy with TWA Flight 800, with Jack Cashill the main chronicler. Even John Kerry has called it a bombing on TV. If you want a conspiracy, how about Ron Brown’s plane flying into a mountain?

  22. Colorado says:

    #14 – “#6 — Hey I didn’t write the book I’m just reporting on its existence. These theories are interesting, no?”
    Actually, no. The logic of “I can’t prove this is a secret plot because they’re all hiding the real evidence” is circular nonsense. It may be a jumping off point for a reporter to start an investigation, but to just repeat it without adding new facts is lame journalism. Now if you had linked the book to new info from an unexpected source, that would move the story along and would be interesting.

  23. Where is John Titor when we need him?

  24. Andy says:

    #24 — Thanks for posting that article. I figured there must be a logical explanation for all this stuff.

  25. KarmaBaby says:

    I guess the lack of evidence of missle explosive material in the plane’s wreckage proves that the gov’t has covered it up, destroyed the evidence, etc. To many people, this is perfectly acceptable reasoning.

    I don’t know what happened that day, and I don’t know what to believe anymore. Therefore, I haven’t figured out what my opinion is. But I do know you can find evidence surrounding ANY event that will support ANY opinion or conspiracy theory you want to believe in. It doesn’t seem to matter how well documented the original event was.

  26. catbeller says:

    Of course the plane was shot down. The wreckage was spread out more than a crash would indicate. The fighters were in range. W’s people locked up the flight recorder. It was a BS story from those who we called our leaders, and it says a lot about us as a people that at this late date we are still swallowing the lies, given the physical evidence of the crash footprint.

  27. KarmaBaby says:

    This conspiracy theory doesn’t mesh well with that other popular theory that the US gov’t deliberately brought down the NY Trade Center buildings. If the US gov’t was involved in the collapse, this means they must have known about the hijackers’ plans, and maybe were even involved – in which case, why shoot down flight 93 (and then have to cover it up later)?

  28. ECA says:

    For some reason, it seems that Much of our evidence is changing.
    Its as IF, someone is trying to protect THERE OWN butt/But..

  29. RBG says:

    Damn. “W’s” people had every little detail figured out as the perfect cover up… all except the crash footprint which didn’t fool Catbeller. Are they slipping or what?

    The good news is that W’s people have clearly learned their lesson about coverups which explains why they didn’t hide WMD’s all over Iraq to justify the war.



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