– August 18, 2006:

A large Canadian study adds to evidence that women with breast implants do not face a higher risk of cancer or other major diseases, but they may have a higher-than-average rate of suicide.

Among the more than 40,000 women in the study, those who’d received cosmetic breast implants had lower-than-average risks of dying from breast cancer, heart disease and a host of other major diseases.

  1. Calin says:

    I doubt the implants themselves are causes. However, I would think that a higher than normal percentage of patients that have this done have self-esteem problems to begin with. Perhaps both are but symptoms of the same problem in some percentage of women.

  2. James Hill says:

    Large rack. Ha.

  3. James Hatsis says:

    I agree with #1. low self esteem in the first place. I think there is no cause and effect with implants and suicide.

  4. ECA says:

    But if it DOES work…
    will it work for MEN…and What would you IMPLANT??

  5. Mike Voice says:

    2 Large rack. Ha.

    Damn, I had to have that pointed out to me…

    Does it really take one of SN’s nurse-hooker [cop-hooker, fish-nets, cuffs, leash, etc] to get my attention? 🙂

    Seriously, though: Add my vote to the idea that the expected increase in self-esteem and/or attention derived from the implants did not occur.

    Also worth considering:

    1. it drew unwanted attention from men expecting them to be superficial.
    2. it drew scorn from men/women who assumed it was a sign of desperation/superficiallity…

    Case in point: The “Gonnabees” song Queen of Pop

  6. Miguel Correia says:

    #1, When I was reading the article, I thought exactly the same thing.


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