1. Stuart says:

    Please please send this to Leo and get him to comment on it in TWIT….. 🙂

  2. SN says:

    They should have found a blonde with a prettier face, other than that, very funny!

  3. Tom says:

    I thought she was just fine. I can already see the wii destroying ps3 just because of the price.

  4. chris says:

    you know when the room is dark the ps3 may not be that bad…..

    ok i couldnt finish that with out laughing.

  5. Improbus says:

    Before you buy a PS3 put on your beer goggles.

  6. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    Did Nintendo produce this, or is it a well done parody?

  7. Mr. Normal says:

    # 3, please seek profesional help.

  8. John says:

    “I’m cheap, and fun.”

    I’ll take two..

  9. Max says:

    Me likey the Wii… Nice arse, but what’s with those boots?

  10. John Hummel says:

    OhForTheLoveOf – I believe it was created by G4, and it’s a rather interesting shift. In the beginning, the Wii was considered a joke. Now, it’s the “hot” thing. Odds are, at least initial sales for the Wii will be good, whether the system is great or not – and from there, we’ll just have to see. I know I’m getting one – and my wife didn’t have to slap my ass to convince me :).

  11. SN says:

    “# 3, please seek profesional help.”

    What are you talking about?! She has the face of an ugly horse!

  12. bill says:

    But which one was the Democrat? which one the Republican?
    Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!

  13. Mike Canalli says:

    Responding #13
    Obviously the blond on the right is the Liberal Democrat as she has a ongoing need for pro choice options.
    The one on the left will likely never need the option and is therefore a Republican.
    Also the one on the left resembles an elephant and the one on the right has one hell of an ass.

  14. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    Is this really gotta be a testosteronefest about who is hot and who is not… Like any of you guys are the grand prize either of these young women would take home to meet the parents?

    There ain’t a damn thing wrong with the blond girl, and the larger girl obviously has enough self confidence to put herself into the “role” she plays, likely knowing full well what sort of comments would get made.

    The way you can tell a women is beautiful, is that she’s a woman… But beyond that, there is so much more important qualities to other human beings than how their appearance rushes the blood to your cock.

  15. doug says:

    14. “Also the one on the left resembles an elephant and the one on the right has one hell of an ass.”

    LOL! I will have to remember that …

    15. you must be a hoot at parties.

  16. OhForTheLoveOf says:


    You might be surprised…

  17. doug says:

    #17. no intent to offend, my point was that this blog is not exactly a magnet for a discussion what anyone actually values in a woman.

  18. ben says:

    from the video i cant help but think that using them both at the same time would be the best of both worlds.

  19. BgScryAnml says:

    #14. Q: Are you nuts? A: Yes! The one on the right is Ann Coulter and on the left is Barbara Mikulski, Senator from Maryland. Good looking women don’t need the governments help to succeed in society. Click the link and see what I mean.

  20. mike cannali says:

    #20 Horsepucky
    Good looking women have been climbing the power ladder on their backs since pre-Babalon on through post-Clinton. The power strata has forever been divided into 4 layers.
    On the bottom: clueless complainers like the PSP
    Just above them, clueless men waiting to be exploited
    Above them, clued in men in need of a woman
    And above them all, clued in females with assets ready to benefit from the generosity of powerful and gulible men.

    Take that femnists!

  21. BgScryAnml says:

    #21 Good Point. Your point is my point.

  22. Bryan K says:

    All I know is for some strange reason – I just want a Nintendo …….


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