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Olbermann Exposes Nexus Of Politics And Terror — This is a pretty damning piece about the BS we are subjected to by this government. It’s hurting business and the economy. This is an excellent piece of research.

During a prime time segment on his MSNBC show last night, anchor Keith Olbermann presented ten clear examples where the Bush administration had issued terror alerts days after politically damaging revelations and questioned the credibility of each of the alleged plots’ authenticity in light of astounding evidence to the contrary.

Olbermann overwhelmingly documents the staged timing of terror alerts spanning back four years and ends by scrutinizing the latest alleged liquid bomb plot – an operation infiltrated and surveilled for months by intelligence agencies, yet announced to the public on a carefully scripted pre-arranged schedule.

Note that this piece is done while supposed news shows like 20/20 do shows on the rapture and the end of times. Of course, nobody watches Olberman.

Meanwhile the London liquid bombers appear to be like the dummies in the warehouse — dumb blowhards. Great.

found by Mad Dog Mike

  1. Paul says:

    John, why do you hate America?

    /sarcasm off

    Interesting report. Perhaps more would take it seriously if Olbermann hadn’t already made such a complete ass of himself in his grade-school name-calling spats with Bill O’Reily. Between the two they barely have enough credibility to fill a sippie cup.

  2. woktiny says:

    I’ve said it before… the scarey thing is, we have losts of warnings but the population will still give up its freedom in fear of losing it.

  3. Thorndike says:

    It’s about time someone has documented what we knew all along, that the populace of this country is being manipulated with masterful precision. Unfortunately, most folks don’t take the time to think for themselves and believe that the Government is here to help.

    For those of you who support the Government blindly, you can consider yourselves ‘loyalists’ while the rest of us who dissent and question authority can honestly call themselves ‘Patriots’. Remember the Revolutionary War? It was fought and won by regular people who dissented and distrusted the British Government.

    “The People should not be afraid of the Government, Governments should be afraid of the People”

  4. J says:

    My dad and I were discussing terror alerts and all that about a year ago and I said you just watch how terror alerts go up a few months before the election. When I saw this piece on the countdown I just laughed. Their tactics are not new.

    It is amazing to me how anybody still supports theses clowns.

    I watch Keith al the time. I wish his podcast was the whole show instead of just the opening snippet that way I could listen in the car.

  5. Jimbo says:

    If you’re not for the president, you’re for terrorism! Sheesh, don’t you get it?

  6. J says:


    I think that name-calling spats with Bill O’Reily is absolutely hysterical!
    Olbermann is completely making fun of O’reily. He is calling his bluff!

  7. Bill says:

    this 31.1MB file downloaded at 21-28 KB/sec. The two-tiered net seems to already be in place for discouraging the downloading of information exposing the duplicity of those who control our government. It started out at 28 and grew slower as the download progressed. Those numbers may not be accurate as it took 40 min. to download.

  8. Marley says:

    You guys can’t have it both ways. In one breath the Libs say how stupid Bush is. Next day you whine about Bush’s “masterful precision”.

    If the Bush (and Rove) administration is so masterful, why are his polls down below 40%? Why is there more instability in the Middle East than before?

    Olbermann is a nut with zero credibility. That’s why no one watches him. Poking this analysis full of holes will be a trivial waste of time.

  9. scrooge says:

    C’mon, Marley. How about something beyond sophistry?

    The Olbermann piece was well presented, well documented and well received on live TV. I happened to see it — though I usually seem to catch him only once or twice a week.

    The Fox Snooze crowd are well aware that their #1 position is composed of diminishing numbers — and KO’s numbers continue to climb. We still haven’t anyone stepping forward to reclaim the position once held by the “previous” CNN. BBC World might do it; but, so far, the major comm sources are predictably candyass about signing on.

  10. woktiny says:

    anyone been able to DL the whole file?
    I can’t get more than 9-10M

  11. I had no problem downloading it…probably congestion.

  12. Thorndike says:

    #8, Bush IS a moron, but that doesn’t mean the people around him are. Do you honestly think he could have been elected on his own? I didn’t say BUSH’s masterful precision, I implied the White House in general.

    And why do you think the GOP wanted Bush in the Oval Office instead of John McCain? Do you think it could be that Sen. McCain has the backbone to do what is right regardless of the GOP spin masters?

    Oh and before you go painting everyone with broad brush strokes by calling them Libs, or Dems, or whatever, I voted (note the past tense) Republican far more often than not over the past 25 years. After what I have seen over the past 6, I can honestly say that the GOP is going to have to get on their knees and beg for forgiveness before I consider voting for any incumbant of the GOP.

    His polls are down to 40% (on a good day) because he has screwed this country’s reputation across the globe. As to less stability in the Middle East, if you have to ask that you aren’t paying attention. Now you are going to ask why “if Bush/Rove were so masterful, how come the Middle East is in turmoil?”. Bush/Cheney/Rove and the rest of the GOP are only concerned with the opinion of the lemmings in THIS country. They are not elected by anyone in the MIddle East so they don’t care. To be honest, that goes for the DEMS too.


    A Real Patriot

    And before you go

  13. Gig says:

    A brief history of the Clinton Presidency.

    1. Get Elected.
    2. Get Blow Job
    3. Get Caught.
    4. Get others to lie about it.
    5. Lob a cruise missle.

  14. doug says:

    #14. bumpersticker wisdom “No one died when Clinton lied.”

    And, I remember it well, what patriotic sorts Republicans were when President Clinton was crushing what little remained of Iraq’s WMD capability during Desert Fox and taking a swipe at OBL in Afghanistan. There is a lovely quote in “Fiasco” from Trent Lott about how he could not support the operation, with a hint that the timing was a bit suspect.

    shoe’s on the other foot now, ain’t it?

  15. J says:

    A brief history of the Republican Strategy

    1. Start a war.
    2. Terror Alerts
    3. Bring up Gay Marriage
    4. More terror Alerts
    5. Bring up Clinton.

  16. Sounds The Alarm says:

    re 14:

    Hey you left out:

    -get elected twice
    -not start a war we couldn’t win.
    -have 6 years of the best growth in history.
    -more people go from poor to middle class.

    Like the bumper sticker says – I one died when Clinton lied

    Here’s duhbya tenure so far

    -get elected twice.
    -lie to start a war.
    -get others to lie about the reason for war
    -start said war.
    -screw up war consistently.
    -kill lots and lots of innocent people.
    -kill lots of great American kids who signed up and server/served with honor in a dishonorable war.
    -shift the over 50% of the tax burden to those that only own 40% of the wealth in this country.
    -Sit on his ass on vacation during Katrina while “Brownie” was doing “a helluva job”.
    -Cheapen American labor by doing nothing about illegals streaming across the border.

    Hey Gig – remember its 1000 odd days since “mission accomplished” in Iraq.

  17. Sounds The Alarm says:

    I saw a great bumper sticker yesterday.

    It said “Don’t be a NAZI man – vote Democrat”.

  18. Robert Foster says:

    Look, I’m no fan of Bush, but come on. There’s always been political turmoil surrounding the Bush administration. Coincidences just don’t convince me when I can look at multiple other times he was being criticized and the terror level wasn’t raised (or some equivalent action was taken).

  19. J says:


    I don’t think they raise it when criticized. I think they raise it when they want people to be afraid and vote for the ones who say “we will protect you”.

  20. doug says:

    20. Of course, one of the interesting things is that they can simultaneously claim they are making us safer and also that we are in constant peril.

  21. Frank IBC says:

    Geez, you’re really scraping the bottom of the barrel there.

    And how come you didn’t include the third paragraph in the quote? It says a lot more than the first two paragraphs.

    The alleged foiling of the terror plot was announced days after darling of the Neo-Fascists Joe Lieberman was defeated in the Connecticut Senatorial election by anti-war opponent Ned Lamont. Hours afterwards, drooling feverish Neo-Con cheerleaders tried to smear Lamont as “the Al-Qaeda candidate.

  22. Frank IBC says:

    And this raises the obvious question –

    Why would the Brits care one iota about a senatorial race in Connecticut?

  23. J says:

    Frank IBC

    Because we tell them to!

  24. James Hill says:

    KO was funnier on ESPN.

  25. Mr. H. Fusion says:

    Bush, and his leaders, have been manipulating Americans since before Bush stole his first election. What makes anyone think they would quit now that they control the Justice Department, Congress, the FBI, and the Pentagon.

  26. Mr. H. Fusion says:

    Republican Stratagy

    1)Steal an election
    2)Blame Clinton
    3)invent a reason to go to war
    4)bring up Clinton
    5)steal an election

  27. snifner says:

    28. invent a reason to go to war

    dude.. just like the holocaust, 911 actually happened.

  28. 911 happened and so did Pearl Harbor. But after Pearl Harbor we fought the Japanese — the people who actually did the deed. We didn’t invade Iraq after Pearl Harbor which we apparently would have if someone like Bush was President back then. If you have not noticed we don’t even chase Bin Laden any more. We’ve dropped it. Read this:

  29. Jim W says:

    “We didn’t invade Iraq after Pearl Harbor which we apparently would have if someone like Bush was President back then”

    Pearl Harbor
    – U.S. Attacked by Japanese
    – U.S. Attacked Germany then Japanese in response

    The priority was given to Germany first then Japan.

    as opposed to:
    Sept. 11, 2001
    – U.S. attacked by Al-Qaeda
    – U.S. attacked Al-Qaeda (Afghanistan) then Iraq

    Were the priority was give to those who attacked us, then the other guy later. And remind me, exactly which political party was in power in 1941? Hmm? 🙂

    Oh, and just to throw a little gasoline on the Keith Olbermann debate.


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