The above image is not of the device reported on here, but it comes up when one searches for “Irish free energy invention”. It’s called the Jasker, and may even be connected to this development in some way (anybody with info let me know).

As for the invention behind the challenge, I’m going to have to see this in action as I’ve seen too much vaporware and technology that almost coulda been a contender. Having said that, it would be extremely cool if it worked.

Steorn, an Irish technology development company, has issued a challenge to the global scientific community to test Steorn’s free energy technology and publish the findings.

Steorn’s technology is based on the interaction of magnetic fields and allows the production of clean, free and constant energy. The technology can be applied to virtually all devices requiring energy, from cellular phones to cars.

What do you think? BS? and if so, why make such a public claim?

  1. woktiny says:

    to get hits on their website, and make money off Google Adsense?

  2. Thorndike says:

    This will be just like the guy who used water to power his welder not too long ago. A fools dream.

  3. Joshua says:

    FREE energy.. yeah, it’s BS. How many times has this been claimed before? Almost as many as “Day X is the end of the world” Both come and go without changing anything.

  4. blastum says:

    So why not just build a big one and sell the power?

  5. framitz says:

    This is a so called perpetual motion device that claims to be over 100% efficient. I suspect it is a ploy to get people to invest cash.

    I explored their site, and watched their little video that says NOTHING, and can find no information what so ever as to how this would work.

    I am sure that I will not to the first to call BULLSHIT on this scam.

  6. Improbus says:

    IMHO, they are full of blarney.

  7. Redattack34 says:

    I call shenanigans. If this actually worked, which i seriously doubt, the logical thing to do would be to build a large one and sell power from it. Besides, free energy can’t really be free, as that would violate one of the laws of thermodynamics (I think it was one of those, but I know there is a law about this somewhere).

    Essentially, it’s a perpetual motion machine. I highly doubt that it actually works.

  8. Improbus says:

    Don’t forget about conservation of engergy.

  9. Smartalix says:

    Then we’d better get our brooms ready…

  10. They do not say anything about what the concept is so it may be publicity hoax (purpose to be seen). However, what they describe carries similarity with N.Tesla wireless distribution of the energy patent. In his idea, energy is not free (goverment is making it in whichever way) but it is freely distributed wirelessly and each device simply has receiver instead of the plug/battery. For that part, technology existed early in 20th century. But, the concept of the Government handing out free energy for all is just about there with the perpetual motion machine…

  11. James says:

    Our universe obeys the law of conservation of energy, which states (as I understand it) that the total amount of energy (and, thereby, mass) in a closed system (the universe in this case) remains constant. Thus you cannot create a machine that produces more energy than it requires to operate because this would necessitate the creation of new energy. (I probably didn’t get that entirely right, but you get the idea)

    However, my understanding of these sorts of machines is that they are not purported to create new energy. They are perported to harness energy from other sources, just like every other machine that we have does! The difference is that this machine supposedly harnesses energy from “the interaction of magnetic fields” rather than energy from gas or wind or the sun.
    The machine does something that requires energy, but that something allows it to gather energy from processes that it didn’t create. If you look at the machine itself as a closed system, then it is easy to assume that they are saying that they are created energy from nothing.
    But the machine is not a closed system, and it is possible to for a machine to gather more energy from another source than it requires to run. Something else must be consumed in the process, be that oil, the sun rays, or kinetic energy from wind or water. In this case, it is magnetic fields (or something like that) that is being consumed.

    It’s like having a car that runs on air (or something else that is always readily available) instead of gas. The car would always be using the air, and one could calculate how much energy it expends and how much energy it requires from it’s air fuel and how much air is being expended in the process. But since the car is always in the presence of it’s abundant and constantly replenshing energy source, it would never run out of fuel.

    Now, I’m certainly no expert about this stuff, nor do I understand how the machine in this article is supposed to work, but from my understanding of physics, devices like this certainly seem possible without in anyway contradicting any laws of the universe. The law of conservation of energy may be an unmaleable limit, but the mindframe that has sprung up around it is not.

    I think the telling part of the article is that Steorn “has issued a challenge to the global scientific community to test Steorn’s free energy technology and publish the findings.” They’re not saying “take our word for it and give us lots of money.” They’re saying “come try this out and tell us what you think.” If the process produces a positive net energy output at a high enough rate to be cost effective, then it’s an extremely exciting prospect. If it can’t produce a positive net energy out put very fast, then it is a technology worth researching further. If it can’t produce a positive net energy output at all, then these guys are crocks and we’ll all move on.

  12. Miguel Correia says:

    Sorry, but the perpetual motion machine does in fact exist. Everything about it at

  13. Floyd says:

    The closest anyone can get to “free energy” is stuff like solar cells (as long as the sun shines) and generators that use tides to generate power. Even these aren’t free, as work (in the physics/engineering sense) must be done to transform energy from on form to another.

    There’s also a term in thermo called Gibbs Free Energy that’s used when doing calculations for chemical reactions (like, say, butrning oil or coal). That free energy isn’t really free either.

    Unless this box does something that transforms existing energy into a more useable form, it’s a hoax.

  14. Eideard says:

    That surely looks like an agave at the top of their home page. Maybe the energy they’re harnessing is mescal?

  15. faustus says:

    the only irish invention that i know of that requires very little energy is the one that sits on a bar stood and converts guinness to urine. i can personally attest to the fact that yes it does require very little energy and depending on the pub very little expence as compared to other fuel stocks and i do hear there are quite a few prototypes in operation….

  16. Carcarius says:

    They are full of sh!t. If this was real they should patent it and just start using the damn thing. After a while the power companies would be after these guys to see if they are stealing energy, and when they found out they are not then the news really hits the press. They know nobody would take the challenge because if someone did they would risk looking like patsies. It’s a bluff, pure and simple.


  17. Sean says:

    Tough one. On one side they said the selected scientist can take the technology home with them, to independently test the technology in their own labs. No magic tricks.

    On the other hand most scientist will tell you, that anyone that goes straight from the lab to the media, is likely trying to pull a fast one.

  18. Josh says:

    think Sean made an interesting point there –

    Tough one. On one side they said the selected scientist can take the technology home with them, to independently test the technology in their own labs. No magic tricks.
    On the other hand most scientist will tell you, that anyone that goes straight from the lab to the media, is likely trying to pull a fast one.
    Comment by Sean — 8/18/2006 @ 8:35 pm

    Now on the one hand you have to work on the premise that this is BS as the Conservation of Energy is the most tried and tested, etc. But they are after making this a very public statement and I dont know to much about advertising but i assume the Economist mag dosent come cheap…. The funniest thing about the placement of the ad is that it is on page 5 where you would normally expect one of the ExxonMobil’s and the like to be advertising….

    From a scientist viewpoint I am not going to make any judgements as simply I have no information – Who are they going to pick – is it going to be a couple of back yard “inventors” or are we going to see Scientists from the Harvards, MIT, etc coming in to look and report on this tech….

    Whatever we know or dont – we have a dam interesting little show to get us going for the next couple of months….

    Also do you guys know they are making further statements on the

    CommentAuthorSteorn CommentTime19 hours ago

    We want to make it clear that following validation, the company will not be selling this technology to allow it to be ‘parked’. Our objective is to ensure that this technology makes it into the world.

    Once our technology has been validated we expect many other companies to enter the market with technologies that also provide ‘free energy’. We do not forsee that Steorn will be the only company that is offering this technology. Competition in this area is important, it is a necessitate.


    The Steorn Team

    CommentAuthorSteorn CommentTime19 hours ago
    Hi, the patent refered to (the low energy magnetic actuator) is not a patent on the core steorn technology. Due to the fact that the US patent office does not allow patents with this claim we have filed a sequence of patents wich describe various aspects of the technology.

    The patent refered to is at the PCT stage and hence is available to the public. Our other patents are currently pre-PCT and will move to the PCT phase (and hence be available to the public) in the near future.


    The Steorn Team

    Not perpetual – but components patented only – interesting tactics to get around the PTO

    Again cheers for the entertainments Steorn!!!!

  19. Bruce IV says:

    Its a load of crap. For all we know, their “interaction of magnetic fields” may well destroy earth’s magnetosphere, and we’ll all fry from cosmic radiation … under natural law, you can’t get something from nothing. It just doesn’t work. Not only is the total amount of mass/energy in the universe constant (as earlier posters have commented) I believe one of the other laws of thermodynamics says that the total amount of energy is becoming less and less useful (being converted to heat, for instance, which than averages out through everything, nullifying any effect that will do work)

  20. Smartalix says:

    Well, it could be like that short story where the energy is being stolen from aliens in another dimension, and the noise the machine makes is the screams of pain from the aliens.

  21. Al Salmon says:

    Under the present circumstances, let’s all hope there’s something to it……

  22. Jackson Capper says:

    I agree; as impossible as it is to attain free energy, let’s hope it’s not a bluff because something like that is what we need right now.

  23. Orlowski Zygmunt says:

    [editor: read Commenting guidelines]


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