Elvis predicted the dot-com crash – MarketWatch — Dubbed the Elvis column. Worth a read if you like post-modern absurdism. Yum! Done to mark the 29th anniversay of the death of the King.

  1. Scott says:

    Nice picture. I couldnt stop laughing.

  2. The pic was not my idea. But it is funny

  3. FSFunky says:

    You really have no shame when it comes to self-promotion, do you? 😉

  4. RTaylor says:

    Well I would hope some photoshop talented readers could really do you up as the king. You need more sequins, and that lip snarl thing. Need a bit more hair too.

  5. Roc Rizzo says:

    I nearly fell off my chair when I saw “Elvis” Dvorak!

  6. Improbus says:

    John is truly the William Shatner of the tech world. Way to go John!

    P.S. That was a compliment.

  7. @$tr0Gh0$t says:

    Now everytime TWIT ends Leo should say ‘Dvorak has left the building’

  8. OmarTheAlien says:

    Clip ons? Damn.

  9. Carcarius says:

    That’s right, @$tr0Gh0$t !!! Let’s see if it happens.

  10. Floyd says:


  11. RichardN says:

    John, the picture is so you!

  12. JeeBs says:

    Nice chops, mama baby!

  13. ChrisMac says:

    anyone who actually read boardwatch knew the dot-com crash was gonna happen. or at least i like to think so


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