BBC News – August 15, 2006:

There are now more overweight people across the world than hungry ones, according to experts.

US professor Barry Popkin said all countries – both rich and poor – had failed to address the obesity boom.

He told the International Association of Agricultural Economists the number of overweight people had topped 1bn, compared with 800m undernourished.

Speaking at an Australian conference, he said changing diets and people doing less physical exercise was the cause.

  1. bill says:

    Eat the RICH then we will all be POOR!

  2. rance bleester says:

    Even more amazing, there are now more fatheads doing dumbass “science” than actual scientists discovering anything worthwhile.
    My solution is to feed professors like Barry “Poophead” Poopkin to
    the sharks, then feed the sharks to the Little People. The Little People, fortified with a belly full of muscle-building protein shark meat and newly confident with tidy residuals from the reality TeeVee series Shark Feed Smackdown, will then kick the crap out of the Fat People, thus causing anorexia, and everything will be in balance once again.

  3. Tim Champ says:

    Why do we need a professor to do research and explain that people are fatter because they eat more food, eat “worse” food and don’t exercise enough?

    This guy should be put on permanent leave for being a waste of time and money.

  4. doug says:

    #3. Think about the number of weight-loss promoters that would be out of business if this secret (eat less and exercise more) got out!

  5. Kevin says:

    All commentary for this and all America is full of lazy fatasses posts should list their height and weight for credibility.

    /6’1″ – 230 lb.

  6. bill says:

    6’3″ – 205 OK, I did have two scoops of ice cream tonight…
    I feel so guilty!!! Can I go to a conference in Australia now?

  7. RTaylor says:

    I’m a perfect size 4. It’s the number that comes after the four that causes the problem. 😉

  8. America is so BUSY trying to keep up their expensive lifestyles that they eat out, and use drive throughs too much…

  9. I reall have to question this one. 800 Million starving vs 1Billion obese? Is this only in the developed world? Does this count Africa, India, China, and many of the hundreds of Third World countries?

    This number is so vauge. I highly doubt it.
    I guess I will just sit here for a couple of days and not exercise while I ponder it.

    Oh and FYI.
    6’0″ 155lbs

  10. Andy says:

    This does seem kind of hard to believe. I really wonder what the margin of error is on something like this. These “experts” come up with these numbers but its hard to tell how accurate they are. But yeah if its true thats sad. People need to excercise more, in my opinion thats the main problem. I try to exercise everyday when i can.

    Oh btw — 5’9″ 130lb

  11. bac says:

    May be the obese people are traveling near the speed of light so they just look obese. This probably also explains the iilusion they are moving slower.

    Then again I watch way too much Sci-Fi.

    5’5″ at 160lbs

  12. OmarTheAlien says:

    Yeah, well, if you are genetically disposed towards slenderness then you can feel smug and righteous about your slim wast line, but us others have to fight it every day, and right now, I’m on the high side of where I should be. But then, I’m not going to worry myself to death over it, either.
    6′ 2″/310 lbs and yes, I’ve been in a scrap or two, played a little football and I’ll be sixty-two in December, if I live that long. And the cool thing? The Doctor at the VA says the hearts ok and the roaming finger found nothing to worry about.
    And I had a steak, egg and cheese biscuit, a honey bun and coffee for breakfast this morning. And damn, they were good.

  13. BHK says:

    Why do “we” need to address the problem? What should “we” do? Force everyone into healthy diet and exercise programs or lock them up in jail? Should we have debit cards that allow you to buy a certain amount of food and no more? Why is this “our” problem and not a problem for each individual who is overweight?

    Omar – try to find out your metabolic resting rate. It will tell you how many calories your body burns while at rest. This will give you an indiciation of how much you can reliably eat without gaining weight. You’re right that there’s a genetic component, but as always it comes down to calories in and calories out.

  14. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    I apologize in advance. But I feel the rant coming on…

    /rant on

    You guys are dumb as bricks sometimes… Eat less and exercize more… Great advice… It’s even kind of true…

    But Jumping Jesus on a Pogo Stick, I am a type two diabetic, and I am confused as hell. I have 12 books with 12 different conflicting sets of information. I asked 5 dieticians and have 5 plans about food. Eggs are good this week. Eggs are bad next week. I’m supposed to walk a solid 45 minutes every day. No I’m supposed to do weight training 2 hours a day. I’m from the midwest and my mother shoveled big slabs of meat and piles of potatos down my throat as a kid. What is a proper serving size? One doctors said the size of your daily serving of meat should be no larger than a pack of playing cards.They serve a 16 oz NY Strip at the place across the street from his office. Who needs 16 ounces?! Well, I did… back when that was supposedly okay…

    The point is, we are what we’ve been trained to be, and even when we learn that we were trained wrong, getting on the right foot is a path mired in complexity and contradictions. I swear, I thought a potato was a vegatable 5 years ago. Turns out, those things were killing me. Bursts of carbs metabolize into sugars and shut my body down. Before I put two and two together, I had no idea that a regular size serving of french fries, combined with the bun on a small chicken sandwich, was causing me to fall asleep – BEHIND THE WHEEL ON THE FREEWAY IN THE AFTERNOON!

    And just how cynical do you need to be? Do you dismiss everything out of hand and boil it all down to simplistic platitudes based on absolutely no first hand knowledge at all? Fast Food Nation may have a few mistakes in it, but it isn’t part of a commie plot to destroy the good capitalists of the food industry… It is very illuminating. The article we are discussing is poorly written. I’ll bet this doctor probably said far more than “changing diets and people doing less physical exercise was the cause.” Let’s assume that he probably said and knew more than the simplistic BBC post indicates.

    For the last three generations we’ve been getting fatter and sicker. The food we eat today DID NOT EXIST 50 years ago. Cows used to graze. Vegatables used to be grown by local farmers. A full meal didn’t used to be manufactuered in a chemical factory off the New Jersey Turnpike, frozen, and made to microwave in 3 minutes. See any correlation?

    We could just post about all these crybabies and how they need to stop whining, put down that cheeseburger, and start jumping rope OR we could take a few minutes away from our holier than thou ego and actually learn what we are talking about so we don’t sound like a pack of jack asses and start working on real proactive solutions to a real problem.

    The food we eat is, in many cases, slowly killing us. No matter how smart you think you are, you are subject to this same problem. So mabey instead of posturing with this unwarranted self righteous attitude, perhaps a bit of empathy would be a start to a solution.

    /rant off

    (I get a bit sensitive about these issues since I only eat as I was taught to eat as a child in government sponsored public schools and at home – and for my effort I was rewarded with a goddamn potentially terminal illness. No matter how long I live, my obituary is going to read “complications due to diabetes.” My fate is sealed unless I am lucky enough to be shot or hit by a car.)


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