If this Karr guy indeed killed this little girl, it will not be pleasant to see what happens to him when he gets into prison.

Suspect held overseas in slaying of 6-year-old JonBenet Ramsey — Wow, this should vindicate the Boulder Police Department if this pans out. It looks likely! Amazing. This story will torch the American newsrooms looking for good news.

District Attorney Mary Lacy said the arrest followed several months of work. She would not disclose any details about the suspect but the Ramsey family’s lawyer in Atlanta said the man was a schoolteacher who once lived in nearby Conyers, Ga.

U.S. officials, speaking on condition of anonymity, identified the suspect as John Mark Karr, a 42-year-old American and said he was already being held in Bangkok on unrelated sex charges.

Thai police confirmed a suspect in the death of JonBenet was arrested Wednesday at his apartment in downtown Bangkok and was being held pending arrival of U.S. law officers.

The Mom, who many believed had something to do with the death, died two months ago.

  1. Joe says:

    This is too much of a coincidence. It took 10 years to catch this guy. I think the mom DID have something to do with it, and only after she died, did they arrest the guy

  2. We’ll see. You can be sure it will be covered to an extreme since people need something like this to keep CNN alive.

  3. joshua says:

    The AP story out of Bangkok is that the Thai police have said he has admitted to killing the girl.

    He was on the list of sexual predators and suspects from day 1….supposedly he was investigated and they found nothing to link him…..ooops!!!!!
    Thats because they had already decided the parents or the older brother had done it and were working to prove that and not really investigating anyone ot anything else.

    This District Attorney has been quietly working on this case since she was elected to replace the idiots that blew it after the girls death. She has stated that she didn’t feel Patsy Ramsey had anything to do with her daughters death in the past.

    It’s a damn shame the woman died before knowing for sure that they have caught the killer.

  4. xully says:

    There has to be some kind of mental sickness for parents to put their 6 year olds on display like they are fully grown and matured 12 years olds.

  5. Greymoon says:

    Agree #3 – If anything this will prove the Boulder Police Department was completly inept. If I recall didn’t one of the ex-detectives write a book that pretty much blamed the parents, expecially Patsy Ramsey with the killing.

    The Boulder PD botched this from the first few minutes of being called to the residence that early morning. They couldn’t even search the house properly let alone pull their head out of their ass and do a ‘complete’ investigation. All I can say is that it is good thing that most of those idiots investigating and in charge at the time have resigned from the force, I can only hope they remain out of any police work what so ever. Their instance on pursueing one and only one theory have caused the family so much pain and allowed a perverted killer to remain at large all these years.

    The Boulder DA office are the ones who pursued this correctly and deserve the credit.
    Vindicated indeed.

  6. Greymoon says:

    Bah meant to Re: #4 and #5
    Im an idiot

  7. RTaylor says:

    Police need to resist the pressure to solve high profile crimes quickly. The press and every other agency and public official gets involved either to cover their own asses or to seek glory. The result is piss poor police work. This type of fiasco is reminiscent of the Lindbergh kidnapping. The public loves their sordid crimes and details. This is easier for most Americans to wrap their head around than Middle Eastern politics and the resulting suffering. Yeah I should have my caffeine before posting mornings.

  8. Greymoon says:

    Uh, Richard Jewel sued various newspapers and media outlets – Not The Police – Some settled, some are still litigating. Police departments and goverment entities are usually exempt from libel/slander lawsuites.
    Seems I remember on August 1, 2006, Georgia Governor Sonny Perdue honored Jewell for his rescue efforts during the attack.

    Yeah you’re right I fail to see the humor in any of this let alone your weak attempt. I will ignore your fascination with money.

  9. SN says:

    “If this Karr guy indeed killed this little girl, it will not be pleasant to see what happens to him when he gets into prison.”

    Whatever could happen to him in a US prison would be infinitely better than anything that would happen in a Bangkok prison. I personally think he could be confessing to the charge merely to get out of Bangkok! We’ll see.

  10. Gibson says:

    “You can be sure it will be covered to an extreme since people need something like this to keep CNN alive.”

    Yes John…and you can be sure you’ll keep pointing out how CNN and other news organizations cover this story in your attempt to keep Dvorak.org/blog alive with your faux righteous indignation.

  11. xrayspex says:

    I think the mom DID have something to do with it

    Ok. Thank you, detective.

  12. Goodness,

    Even now that they caught the guy, people still want to blame them? Is this to asuage guilt people have that they blamed the parents?

  13. DT says:

    What other investigation does the police let the suspect give an interview with reporters. Wouldn’t that harm the trial? Jury process?

  14. Greymoon says:

    Yeah blame the parents, the psyco perv didn’t have anything and everything to do with it. (Although I hope they have more evidence then his press confrence confession, have to wonder what he is leaving behind in Bangkok)
    Didn’t notice anyone say ‘whore’ except you Bruce.
    Crapped out of the porn industry by age24? It should be a crime for you to think these insane fantasies.

  15. Calin says:

    He does have a point though.

    By sexualizing a little girl you make her an even larger target for these pedophiliac freaks. While the blame, of course, lays on the freak…the parents have some responsibility.

  16. Gibson says:

    #19. Pedro, I take it you are going to go to Colorado now and “see it for yourself”?

    I guess you don’t know anything that’s going on in the world then either, since you don’t trust any news organizations to tell the truth…so how do you find out things? Do you get on a plane and travel to the mid-east to “see it for yourself”, otherwise you don’t believe it?

    Also, if you had read the story…which you don’t trust anyway…the guy wasn’t FROM Bangkok, he was there just over there. At the time of the murder, he was a school teacher in Bolder, Colorado. He’s American. What, did you think CNN was reporting that they just pulled some poor slob off the streets in Bangkok?

  17. Gig says:


    If the guy was facing prison in Bangkok, anything they do to him in a Colorado prision might be an upgrade.

  18. Frank IBC says:

    If this Karr guy indeed killed this little girl, it will not be pleasant to see what happens to him when he gets into prison.

    Oh, yes it will be.

  19. Ron Larson says:

    Wow…. so much misinformation and speculation on this thread already.

    First… the man was not in a Thai prison. Nor was he looking at being sent to one. To date, he has not been charged with any crimes in Thailand. He was arrested at his apartment in Bankok and is being sent to Colorado today.

    If he was facing serious charges in Thailand, I doubt they would have allowed him to be extradited so quickly to the US before at least being charged.

    Besides the murder charges in Colorado, he is also facing child-porno charges in California. So if he ever gets out of the Colorado justice system, he will end up in California’s.

    I would speculate that the Thai justice system has reserved the right to also prosecute any crimes commited in Thailand, if any come to light before Colorado and California are through with him.

    Another thing to remember. They guy moved around alot. He was living in Georgia when JonBonet was killed. I am sure Georgia is looking to see if he did anything there. If so, they could be next in line after California, and possibly Thailand.

    Regarding the comments that doing time in a Colorado prison would be preferable to doing time in a Thai prison. That depends. There are a lot of westerners doing time in Thailand that have refused their right to transfer home. It depends on the exchange treatly between Thailand and the prisoner’s home country.

    For example, if a UK citizen is doing time in a Thai prison, after a given amount of time they can be transferred to a prison in the UK. But if they do that, then they are required by the treaty to serve their full sentence in the UK. The UK justice system can not grant parole or reduce their sentence.

    So if you are looking at a long sentence in Thailand, you are better off staying there. Because in SE Asia, there is a tradition of prisoners getting pardons and reductions for special occasions, such as the King’s birthday.

    So by staying in the Thai prison, you at least a chance of getting out early, versus no chance in the UK prison.

    This gamble on getting out early has to be weighed against surviving the Thai prison. But if you have money, doing time on Thailand can be far more comfortable than doing time in the UK or US. And it doesn’t take a lot of money to do this. A prisoner can buy themselves an “apartment” inside the prison. They can buy food, medicine, comforts, etc. So if a westerner has a source of income (family, pension, assets), then they might be better off.

    I don’t know the specifics between the Thai-US prisoner treaty, if there is one. I know the UK and the AU one. Perhaps someone more knowledgeable can offer specifics. But it would be a moot point since he is not facing charges in Thailand.

  20. Roc Rizzo says:

    The butler did it!

    Or was it Colonel Mustard in the Kitchen with the Candlestick!


  21. J says:

    Bruce #16

    She is dead you dick! She was a little girl!

    Maybe you ought to see a psychiatrist for your issues with women.

  22. mike says:

    Everyone knows it was the same sicko parents who dressed up their 6yr old as a gutter whore!
    Anyone doing that to their child should NOT be alowed to keep their kids! They should be spayed, put in a rhinestone dress and sent to live in Afghanistan!

  23. Gibson says:

    Gee, when I look at her, I just see a little girl playing dress-up. What sick idiot labels her as a “whore” and blames the parents? Someone with issues, that’s for sure. Closet pedophiles perhaps? Seek help…today! I’m waiting for another brain-stem to throw in a “dressed like that, she was asking for it”.

    Anyway, take a look at this photo of the suspect:

    That photo reminds me of the end of the Blues Brothers when the cops are all pointing their rifles at the brothers inside the Cook County assessors office, only this time it’s cameras.

    Let the media circus begin again!

  24. J says:


    “Anyone doing that to their child should NOT be alowed to keep their kids!”

    Do I find it odd? Yes! Would I do that to a kid of mine? NO! BUT

    These people that dress their kids up like that don’t think of them as sexual objects. Perhaps that’s were you differ!

    Again, This little girl is dead. Why do you find it necessary to refer to her as a whore?

  25. RBG says:

    You just know a movie is going to be made of all this. And while, among other things, the Ramseys suffered greatly over the last ten years with all the false incriminations, I wouldn’t want to be any one of the incompetent investigating boobs or accusers given how they will be portrayed in such a film for eternity.


  26. OmarTheAlien says:

    The media screwed the deal (again) from the get-go; early reports stated he was being held on an unrelated sex charge while today they just talked about how the Thai’s arrested him in cooperation with the American authorities.
    But there will be a media feeding frenzy over this, and yes, the death and horror of the multiple middle east conflicts will simply have to simmer on the back burner for a week or so.
    Of course, it might just be a good thing the roaming cameras are focused elsewhere, with no instant video coverage, maybe there won’t be as many people shooting at people.

  27. Ballenger says:

    There is one positive aspect, not to the story itself, but in that it broke this week. Nancy Grace is on vacation and will have to either be tranquilizer darted and Delta Dashed back to Atlanta, do a live remote from aboard her boat the Screw Loose or just have to settle for a follow-up next week. She must be pounding her “big hair” covered forehead on a wall somewhere now, screaming obscenities about picking this week to go on vacation.

  28. Greymoon says:

    Loud Boisterous Applause and Robust Laughter from the gallery. Now thats humor, and factual.

  29. Mister Mustard says:

    >>Gee, when I look at her, I just see a little girl playing dress-up.

    Wow. I’ve raised two “little girls”, and neither they nor their friends EVER looked ANYTHING like JonBenet (none had names like that, either).

    Anyone who doesn’t think she has been dressed up as a preening tart must have been raised in a brothel.

  30. doug says:

    #2 John – totall agreement. When I checked this afternoon, even the court striking down Dubya’s wire-tapping scheme did not bump this story off the front page of the cnn.com web site. And these people take umbridge when you accuse them of “cute dead/missing white girl” journalism (i.e. Ramsey, runaway bride, whatshername in Aruba).


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