If this Karr guy indeed killed this little girl, it will not be pleasant to see what happens to him when he gets into prison.

Suspect held overseas in slaying of 6-year-old JonBenet Ramsey — Wow, this should vindicate the Boulder Police Department if this pans out. It looks likely! Amazing. This story will torch the American newsrooms looking for good news.

District Attorney Mary Lacy said the arrest followed several months of work. She would not disclose any details about the suspect but the Ramsey family’s lawyer in Atlanta said the man was a schoolteacher who once lived in nearby Conyers, Ga.

U.S. officials, speaking on condition of anonymity, identified the suspect as John Mark Karr, a 42-year-old American and said he was already being held in Bangkok on unrelated sex charges.

Thai police confirmed a suspect in the death of JonBenet was arrested Wednesday at his apartment in downtown Bangkok and was being held pending arrival of U.S. law officers.

The Mom, who many believed had something to do with the death, died two months ago.

  1. Vic says:

    #36 And you must have been raised muslim or evangelical cristian to think the things you do all I see is a little girl in a dress, Nothing sexual if it effects you that way you got BIG issues.

  2. Vic says:

    #36 Also > Wow. I’ve raised two “little girls”, and neither they nor their friends EVER looked ANYTHING like JonBenet (none had names like that, either).

  3. RBG says:

    I wouldn’t dress a child provocatively. Of course it should make no difference how she was dressed up. Many a killer use these kinds of “righteous” excuses and attitudes stated above to justify their killing. Especially of prostitutes. And one need only look at fashion today on the streets and on the beaches for provocation. Maybe you would support the Saudi solution, an abaya covering head to foot as a preventative measure against potential harm? No one deserves to die for how they look. No one should even have to face threats of death for how they look.

    That said, it’s clear that there does exist a number of angry, sick people in this world and some of them will kill. But, to put things in perspective, I suspect cars kill more children than murderers and no one is suggesting children limit their rides in vehicles.


  4. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    I have to jump on the anti-whore bandwagon, of course, because this is a little girl who is horribly dead.

    But I’m not unsympathetic to the sentiment. I truly believe these pageants to be ultimately damaging. They serve to objectify and eventually sexualize (as the girls get older) and create truly unrealist worldviews for these kids. I worry that they learn to manipulate others with flirtations and sex and make their way along the career path to (if lucky) vapid spokesmodel, or (if not so lucky) stripper, porn actor, or trophy wife.

    This girl’s future was likely dark in any case… But who knows, since she never got the chance to succeed or fail in life in the first place. To blame her in any way is irresponsible and mean.

    To blame the parents is speculative at best. I think its horrible that little girls become dress up dolls for overbearing stage moms… But I never walked a mile in her shoes, so I have no idea what was in her mind when she subjected this girl to that life. In any case, everything we know or believe about pageants, stage moms, etc., is irrelevent. None of that is what got her killed.

  5. Mr. H. Fusion says:

    I am seriously wondering about the veracity of his guilt.

    Questions arose about Karr’s story when his ex-wife, Lara, told KGO-TV in San Francisco that he was with her in Alabama the entire Christmas season when JonBenet was killed.

    His father, Wexford Karr, told the Denver Post that his son had been deeply interested in the JonBenet Ramsey case and had researched a book on the subject. KGO said Lara Karr told it her ex-husband had also been fascinated by the case of another murdered girl, Polly Klaas, which had attracted wide publicity.
    Educators in Alabama, where Karr had studied education and served a teaching internship, said his interaction with children had raised concerns and he told many contradictory stories about himself.
    “I did not think he could interact with children or adults …. You never knew what was true and what wasn’t,” Janice Myhan, a professor of education at the University of North Alabama, told Reuters.

    reuters report.

    Good possibility he could be just another wannabe.

  6. Mr. H. Fusion says:

    I think its horrible that little girls become dress up dolls for overbearing stage moms

    True. That, however is just a portion of what parents put their kids through. How many fathers push their son to play sports. Even when the kid has little interest. Or force them to do homework for hours so the kid can be an A+ student. Or even practice piano, dance, or whatever for hours on end hoping the kid becomes something.

    All parents are just terrible when they want their child to excel at something.

  7. Ron, keep thje comments SHORTER! As for the girl being all dolled up at 6 I sure wouldn;t promote the idea except on Halloween perhaps. But in the Deep South this is not uncommon as they do these children=pagents. I was in a hotel for some conference during one of these shindigs and there is something humorous about these events. Humorous in the same way little boys playing little league are hounded by their parents. Very similar weirdness to it.

  8. Joe Dirt says:

    Sigh, another slow day for the media. Oh wait, Elvis is alive and the end of the world is coming!

    ps. stay tuned, earth may be hit by a large asteroid too.

  9. doug says:

    #42. hmm, the 24-hour “news” channels ram this stuff down our gullets incessantly, but it is suspicious when someone is actually interested in it. I think this says more than they intend it to …

  10. James Hill says:

    Fox News Alert: Ignore what Sagrilarus said for now. You need to be distracted for another four days.

  11. Nate says:

    I don’t think he did it. Is he a sick, sick, sick freak? Absolutely! Too many outside factors though poking holes in the situation. He is probably one of these fixated psychotics, similar to the gentleman in “Crime and Punishment” who confessed to Roskolikov’s crime of killing the ladies. Obsessing over the case and imagining what it would have been like, until his distorted reality became his only reality.

    Our local news acted like his statement regarding the dollar value of the ransom was absolute proof. Sorry… absolute proof will only come with the DNA evidence.

    Would it be nice to pin it on this disturbed gentleman? Yes, but if he didn’t do it, we still have a baby killer on the loose.

  12. Gibson says:

    Yeah, I’m begging to think this guy didn’t do it either. He’s sick, that’s for sure…but his story just doesn’t add up at all. As far as we can tell anyway.

    It’s over anyway. Next story. As Stephan Cobert would say “moving on”.

  13. ChrisMac says:

    disclaimer: i haven’t read 1-51
    this isn’t news a noone should care

  14. Greymoon says:

    Blame? Cannot and choose not to see? Ha now I see your humor. You kind of like to make things up and then give your splendid insight. You should go on the road with that comedy, your creative mind powers are on par with the best comedic trolls around. Pardon my taking you to task on your assumption that 12 year olds are ‘fully grown and matured’, and that I am positive the Ramsey family wants justice not money, duh. Perhaps you should view forum posts with your eyes and not your perverted sense of humor. Set down what is in your hand and think with your big head.

    While evidently you think me an idiot ‘turd’ at least I don’t have my head up my xully.

  15. JJF says:

    Glad it’s over and now we can help O.J. look for the real killer!!!

  16. jjf says:

    “sweeping changes to protect our children.”

    I am RFLMAO



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