This is indeed an interesting collection of clips found on Middle Eastern TV. It’s mostly Moms promoting the death of their children. What I found most fascinating and un-reported was at 6:42 of the video was a cartoon where a Jihadist blows up a truck full of soldiers. In the cloud of smoke that arises from the explosion is clearly the face of Mohammed in the smoke. This is not much different than the Danish cartoon version of Mohammed. How is this allowed without complaint? Shouldn’t there be riots in the street? It’s a scandal — along with the rest of this stuff. Sickening overall.

found by Noel Clark via The Irate nation

  1. Higghawker says:


  2. FSFunky says:

    Please understand that this is all propaganda and these people are being brainwashed 24/7. We should be focusing on changing their governments, how, I honestly don’t know. But don’t allow this to turn this into “OK, now we’re allowed to shoot all these muslims!” as the video’s text almost seems to incite.

  3. Open_eyed says:

    These clips are without context. Some of them are clearly from a chat show, and we don’t get to hear the interviewer’s response. The video here is itself a very obvious piece of racist propaganda, and I’m amazed how easily people in the west are willing to fall for it.

  4. JohnnyM says:

    Just tell those idiots to try that crap here see if they can defeat the resillince of the American people I know this doesnt represent all of the muslim peoples but really a TV station spouting racist violent images and calling for outright genocide being allowed to be on air there is some complicity to this…..

  5. James says:

    I couldn’t see the face in the smoke. Anyone else see it?

  6. Gibson says:

    Why are the comments off on the Northwest Airlines story? Not that I had anything insightful to add….as usual.

    Oh, and for this story I’m…um…outraged too. Though I have to tell you I grew up in the South and I would see TV and radio ads for local elections talking about how they’re going to clean up the “n*gger problem”. Granted, this was back in the late 60’s/early 70’s. But goes to show you that in some parts of THIS country they showed things very similar only 35 years ago. And it also shows that in that short time how much this country has changed. Racism today is still around, but no where NEAR like it was back then. To say those things today by a politician or really anyone is career suicide (unless you’re running for Grand Dragon in the KKK or something). Times have changed and they’re still changing here.

  7. xully says:

    There’s no difference between a Suicide Bomber and a Kamikaze pilot, both are willing to be killed in order to kill the enemy. Both are sacrificing their lives for their people. If it takes Terror(tm), like the terror inflicted on Dresden during WW2, then that’s what it takes. Or maybe it takes “terror” like the USA’s “Shock and Awe” terror campaign.

  8. ZeOverMind says:

    This is a serious problem. Fortunately I have thought of a solution:

    “A modest proposal for the 21st Century”
    (aka – Eureka! A solution to the pacification of Fundamentalist Islamic Societies) – A Brilliant idea by ZeOverMind®

    Ok.. I propose that Western Societies do a comprehensive analysis and breakdown of Muslim male Y-chromosones. Then after completing a genome map, we engineer a virus or modify a staple food creating a viral component that stimulates a women’s body to attack/destroy/inhibit the conception of embryos with a Muslim male Y-chromosone in the wombs of women. The end result is a generation of female children being produced in fundamentalists Islamic societies. Given a few decades, the problem of Fundamentalist Islamic societies will be forced to change .. or be faced with being bred out of existence. The status of women will rise in these societies and the supply of aggressive males will be slowly diminished. Furthermore, we can be very specific in targeting the most fundamentalist societies by creating a natural counteragent… making the virus inert in those women that eat pork or pork by products. (I’d recommend pork because your fundie muslim would be horrified to eat pork.) Thus the more moderate practioners of Islam will be able to continue. I think we can develop the technology, question is.. would we have the political will?

  9. ZeOverMind says:

    Yes you can see the image. There is a light patch that forms the eyes and nose of the prophet if you pause it and watch it slowly enough. Nice piece of subliminal work.

  10. Tim Harris says:

    I agree with Open Eyed. The content taken was extracted by MEMRI TV obviously without permission for propoganda purposes. Extracting this footage into one big montage is much like thumbing through all of the extremsist jewish, baptist, and other religious networks and making a video out of that. If I see another white Jesus, I’m going to scream ! Break the propoganda and try to put together an informed decision for yourselves, please.

    Speaking of being informed….I would like to know how Dvorak got his hands on this video, from whom, and why exactly he decided to post it on his website. Because you can’t really trust anything without sources, posting videos from out of no where without any form of context is for pure sensationalism only.

  11. GregAllen says:

    How odd. This video was allowed to be broadcast in some Arab countries buy MY country, the United Arab Emirates blocks this web site.

    I suppose I don’t need to see it… I can assume. Still, web conrol sucks.

  12. eddie says:

    this video looks like from Sesame Street BS.

  13. RTaylor says:

    General George Marshall warned Truman of the peril he would put the nation in when he backed the creation of Israel. We have and will continue to pay that price. I’m not stating whether it was right or wrong. Many time we pay a higher price for righteousness. Our attempts to quell the region by interfering with internal politics of regional nations has only made things worse. A lot of our current problems stems from past CIA bungling and the sense of smugness from current and past Administrations. Sow the wind, reap a whirlwind.

  14. erik says:

    how is this different than the mothers in this country that speak with pride of thier sons that have given their lives for freedom?

  15. Frank IBC says:

    Muslim male Y-chromosones.

    Three problems here –

    1) Islam is a religion, not a race.

    2) I will not support eugenics under any circumstances.

    3) I do not believe in collective guilt. While I believe the most serious threat to the world today comes from certain Muslims, that does not translate to “all” or even “most Muslims are a threat”. I do not hold all Muslims collectively guilty for the behavior of Al-Qa’idah, Fatah, Hamas, Hizbullah and the Iranian government.

  16. James Hill says:

    Frank, your point of view fails to deal with the fact that the vast majority of Muslims concent to this bullshit through their silence.

    Collective guilt is a good thing: 50+ years later and Germany and Japan are still sitting in the corner on many world topics, as they should be.

  17. Roc Rizzo says:

    ZeOverMind, You know that Hitler wanted something similar for anyone who was not of the Arian (sp) race.

    FSFunky, yeah, now we can shoot any muslem. Just what the Christian Fundamentilists want from us.

    Open_Eyed, yeah, they have their propagands, as we have ours. Ours seems to be more on the order of spend, spend, spend though.

    Gibson, they are still campaigning on the race issue down South, and privately, in the North. Things haven’t changed much.

    Xully, what’s the difference between suicide bombers, Kamakazi pilots, and World Leaders who want to wipe out a people for their own gains?

    RTaylor, I think you hit the nail on the head there. But Truman saw the need for oil in the Middle East, as well as a base to guard our oil there from the Soviet Union.

    Rootbeerman, I agree with your point 2. I would also go to say that there are “Christian” extremists who would like to see their image of Apocolypse come true. Not to mention some cults in the US and other places, like the Branch Dividians, who are extremists in their actions of violence.

    Just my eleventy-two cents.

  18. Gig says:

    Until the majority of Islamic leaders and followers start not only speaking out against but actively fighting terrorism as far as I’m concerned the problem is with the religion as a whole.

  19. Frank IBC says:

    Rootbeerman, I agree with your point 2. I would also go to say that there are “Christian” extremists who would like to see their image of Apocolypse come true. Not to mention some cults in the US and other places, like the Branch Dividians, who are extremists in their actions of violence.

    I don’t deny their existence, Rocky, I’m just saying it’s a case of motes vs. beams. Their numbers aren’t sufficient that I feel any significant threat from them.

  20. Roc Rizzo says:

    Okay Gig,
    Well until Pat Robertson, and his peers start apologizing for assassinating, world leaders, killing gays, and such, maybe I should be concerned with “Christianity” as a whole religion!

  21. Bill says:

    The difference between a kamakaze pilot and a suicide bomber is in the target, not the means. The kamakaze was attacking a legitimate target — US Navy ships, men and material. The suicide bomber is targeting civilians, who are not part of the conflict. HUGE difference. One is a legitimate means of warfare, the other is a war crime.

  22. SImon H. says:

    This is pathetic, I ran this to 2 of my co-workers who speak Arabic and Perse; it appears that the subtitles are pure fabrication… good try AIPAC! Judith Miller that sold us the war in Irak and the likes…

    God bless the internet as we no longer have to rely solely on Fox News etc. for fair media coverage…

    Why do they hat us? good question, see Andrew Gumbel’s analysis of one-eyed view of the conflict here:

  23. Ryan says:

    I finally saw Mohammed’s face in the smoke. Look as the camera rotates on the smoke: the lighter part at the top forms his upper face and nose. The darker portion at the bottom forms his beard.

    It’s oversimplifying the issue to label these people simply as racists. Their hatred stems from their religion. Those who take the Quran literally understand very well that there are only three options for non-muslims: conversion, taxes and 2nd-class citizenship, or death. People need to wake up and see that Islam is not a religion of peace. There are peaceful muslims, yes, but they are not strict adherents to Quran like these radicals are. This is what you get from people who are completely immersed in strict Islam.

  24. Ryan says:

    And to those defending the people in these clips by saying they’re taken out of context. I agree, they’re taken out of context. But in context would these statements be any less hateful? Would their meaning be changed? Would they not be praising suicide attacks and the deaths of muslim children? Would that little boy not be there for that “death to america thing”? I highly doubt it.

  25. Ryan says:

    And to those defending the people in these clips by saying they’re taken out of context. I agree, they’re taken out of context. But in context would these statements be any less hateful? Would their meaning be changed? Would they not be praising suicide attacks and the deaths of muslim children? Would that little boy not be there for that “death to america thing”? I doubt it.

  26. ECA says:

    Something to think about,,,
    considering the literacy rate in most of these nations is LESS then 40%. These people can ONLY believe and understand, “What they are told”, and NOT what they read..
    and for many more, the only thing that CAN be read is a few books, on 1 subject…

  27. ZeOverMind says:

    I don’t think there are 3 problems with my idea.

    True, while Islam is a religion and not a race most of the followers of Islam are of Arab and Asian descent. I think that given genetic technology, a virus or viruses could be tailor made to target certain racial lines with great precision. Furthermore by creating a virus that becomes inert to the presence of certain animal protiens (ie pork) you can pretty much nullify any fundamentalist Islamic adherents because they are banned from eating pork. *Note this would also take care of fundamentalist Jewish adherents as well, so we’re being equally oppurtunistic and politically correct in eliminating both fundamentalist sides of the middle-eastern conflict.

    Secondly, whether you support it or not, is irrelevent. These “Islamic Fascists” as the prez is so fond of saying is correct in one aspect. They hate us and will do anything to destroy Western culture – meaning free speech, democracy and all that jazz. Given a choice of us or them I choose us.

    Thirdly, I don’t believe in collective guilt either. I think tho, that many Islamic leaders in this country and overseas are not doing enough to condemn terrorism and the taking of innocent life. I think that a lot would go a long way to improving the West’s images of Islamic culture if we heard more noise in support of hunting down these extremists.

    Having said all that, if you read the title of my online rant and if you have ever read Johnathan Swift then you’d KNOW that this little rant was a JOKE people! 😀

    Still I thought it was an interesting idea in a Doctor Strangelove sort of way. 😉

  28. Sam says:

    Thank you Slmon H, there is indeed 2 sides to the story and we’re just starting to realize that we’re being served BS by our own government and media outlets …
    The sad thing is that nothing and no-one is gonna change this anytime soon…

  29. Jonathan Hipkiss (UK) says:

    How do I know that the translations are accurate? Unless I see this from a trusted source like the BBC I will treat it as right wing extremist propaganda, I have more reason to distruct them than I do alleged Islamic terrorists!

  30. Frank IBC says:

    Simon H –

    Yes, the Independent is an exellent place to get a one-eyed view of the conflict.


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