This is indeed an interesting collection of clips found on Middle Eastern TV. It’s mostly Moms promoting the death of their children. What I found most fascinating and un-reported was at 6:42 of the video was a cartoon where a Jihadist blows up a truck full of soldiers. In the cloud of smoke that arises from the explosion is clearly the face of Mohammed in the smoke. This is not much different than the Danish cartoon version of Mohammed. How is this allowed without complaint? Shouldn’t there be riots in the street? It’s a scandal — along with the rest of this stuff. Sickening overall.

found by Noel Clark via The Irate nation

  1. There are some interesting comments here especially the ones that say the translations are bullshit. I’d like to hear more. And let’s remember that there are large groups of Muslims who ARE indeed suicide bombers. That’s a fact. AND they seem to be admired. That’s a fact. So what’;s wrong with this picture when we say this is all out of context and a fabrication? Where’s the logic?

    I also find it peculiar theat the UAE is blocking the Youtube feed. Greg, can you find out more?

  2. Mr. H. Fusion says:

    #16, Frank, a good piece, maybe there is more common ground between us then we thought. I’ll retract that nasty now.

    #18, Frank, your point of view fails to deal with the fact that the vast majority of Muslims concent to this bullshit through their silence.

    So does that mean the vast majority of Americans sided with Timothy McVey because not everyone rose in condemnation?

    It is natural to hear those speaking and not those keeping their mouths closed.

  3. Mr. H. Fusion says:

    Ooopps, I messed up post #35. The second part, #18 Frank,… should have been italics as a quote. Sorry for the confusion. I’m taking a break from work right now and maybe my head is still buried in excrement.

  4. ken says:

    How is this any different than the hateful propaganda that spews from the pulpits of the christian fanatics or talking heads on fox news here in US?

  5. doug says:

    mostly, I am appalled by the poor production values. where does all our oil money go, anyway?!?

  6. 888canada says:

    hey, #38 – do you get any news at all in past 20 years?!
    When is the last time you have heard about any radical christians killing anyone?!
    Youre a duschbag (I’d say ‘better’ words, but I’m afraid Dvorak would just kill my post).

    Islam hates “West”. Islam hates Jews. Islam hates anyone who is non-muslim.
    Yes, catholic Pope preaches too that ‘his way’ is the only way to go to heaven. But he never advocate killing any non-christians. Can you read arabic? Go get any pamphlets from any of your local mosque, see for yourself what islamic religious leaders say.

    In Iraq alone MORE MUSLIMS WERE KILLED BY OTHER MUSLIMS (sunni vs shia) than by American soldiers, yet its the USA (and Jews) whom ALL muslim leaders – with no exception – blame for their deaths!
    Someone wrote earlier that the only ‘peaceful’ muslims are those who are not strictly following the Quran, and thats exactly how it is.
    According to islam religion there is no such thing as “coexistence”; islam was, is and will always be trying to conquest the rest of non-islamic world, because Mohammad said so: convert to islam, become a slave, or perish.

  7. joshua says:

    for those of you who claim Fox News spews hate and incites violence….bullshit.

    They do no more than MSNBC, CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS do…nor any less, same stories, just differnt perspectives. ALL networks in this country and the BBC have their own agendas, some are obvious, some take 1 or 2 mins to figure out, what makes you think that the Islamic networks in the ME and Indonesia, and Pakistan are any different?

    While this video may be a load of propaganda, what they try to convey(not well at all) is what is actually broadcast daily on Al-Jeezera and on Iranian state media, and Lebanese, Palistinian television as well.

    While our goverment may have it’s collective heads up it’s collective butts….the fact remains that there is a large group of honest to God terroists out there who mean to harm ALL non-believers in the world. You can bleed your liberal hearts over the root causes all week and it isn’t going to change the fact that anyone of them would happily whack your head or your wife or Mothers, or kids head off in the name of ALLAH without so much as a moments thought. You can count on it.

    This kind of video just takes people’s eye off the ball and causes debates about things that can’t be changed in a day or a year.

    The terrorists don’t read Dvorak and decide who supports them and who dosen’t…they just toss a bomb or themselves tied to one and anyone near them goes to pieces.

  8. xully says:

    #24, by your definition, the Allies bombing of Dresden made the USA and Britain – terrorists.

  9. john says:

    It’s amazing that people who considers themselves learned have no understanding of the simple law of cause and effect. If Israel hadn’t turned Gaza into the world’s largest concentration camp, if the US hadn’t illegally invaded Iraq and turned it into the capital of kidnapping and mass murder, I don’t believe you’d be seeing this video.

  10. ECA says:

    WERE christien based…
    Want to go back into history??
    We can add the knights Templor..and a few others..

  11. doug says:

    #44 Note that 9/11 predated the invasion of Iraq. Modern Arab anti-Semitism dates at least from the beginings of the Zionist movement, when immigrants were (quite legally, cash on the barrel) buying land from Arab owners in Palestine.

    If we settle the Arab-Israeli thing and set up a viable Palestinian state, I think it will drain a lot of the venom out of the region’s politics. But not all of it, not right away. It is not incurable though. There was a time when people could reasonably say that the Brits would never stop fighting the French, the French would never stop fighting the Germans, Poles and Russians would never get along, etc.

    But here we are.

  12. Asim13285 says:

    I couldn’t see the face in the smoke. Anyone else see it?


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