Mommy, why do they hate me?

Daily Mail – 14th August 2006:

A five-year-old girl’s passport application was rejected because it shows her bare shoulders and might offend Muslims.

Hannah Edwards’s mother Jane, a Sheffield GP, was told that her daughter’s exposed skin may be considered offensive in a Muslim country.

The photograph was taken in a booth at a local post office for a family trip to the south of France.

  1. Carl Trimble says:


  2. commenter says:

    1. The application was not rejected – it hadn’t got that far. This is a “service” offered by the Post Office to check that the application seems in order. You are advised whether they think it is ok and it is then send to the Passport Office for processing.
    2. There ARE NO RULES to this effect. It was either someone being over officious (when they have nor right to be). Or, possibly a misunderstanding through a combination of the photo showing too much of the girl i.e. not close enough and some misplaced “advice” as to suitability.
    3. There is also a chance that this is complete bollocks given the nature of the Daily Mail and much of its readership.

  3. Frank IBC says:

    But… but… but Christians bomb abortion clinics! And the Crusades! And the Inquisition, too!

    /usual idiotic leftist reply

  4. sh says:

    she looks under nourished maybe we should call child protective services.

  5. Stefan says:

    She is not in a muslim country. she is not travelling to a muslim country. The passport office should just shut-up and do their job! Since when did European countries have to abide by muslim law.

  6. god says:

    Gee, Frank — you left out your usual plea for the sanctity of neo-cons, Bush the lesser, patriotism and yahweh. Or does the incident make you pucker too much to type further?

  7. TJGeezer says:

    “But… but… but irrelevant smears and sneers at demonized fictitious leftist stereotypes! And the ACLU too!”

    /usual idiotic right-wing troll remark

  8. Frank IBC says:

    When have I ever mentioned “yahweh” in my posts, “god”?

    I’m not religious, but I don’t have the need to beat up on Christians at every turn like so many left-wingers seem to.

  9. Improbus says:

    Frank, they just assumed that your were a typical right wing bible thumper conservative instead of just a typical right wing kneejerk conservative. Please forgive them.

  10. gquaglia says:

    The more people I can offend, the better off I feel.

  11. Ascii King says:

    Is it just me or is that a really cute picture? She should do commercials.

  12. Frank IBC says:

    Improbus –

    Yes, they’re good at making assumptions, but not much else.

  13. Trev says:

    This is getting ridiculous. Everyone will at some stage in his or her live be offended by something and everyone SHOULD be offended by somethings! Trying to remove the source of everyone’s annoyance is just daft; this approach to social integration will never work.

  14. J says:


    Do you mean like right wingers beat up on people who are liberal? Let’s not deceive ourselves. The Christians that are usually attacked are the ones that drive their religion down everybody else’s throats. Intelligent design taught in the schools. Ten commandments in the Court House. Manger scenes in the public square. There is a large justification for these “christians” to be attacked for their behavior because they don’t really act like Christians at least not the Christian behavior that Christ spoke of. They are also not acting like Americans!

    As far as this issue. What a strange thing to do and a strange thing to say. Brittan to France? If France caters that much to their large Muslim population they soon will be a Muslim country. It is a little girl! If Muslim men are looking at little girls pictures that much maybe we have a different problem on our hands.

  15. Paul says:

    Commenter #2:
    > There is also a chance that this is complete bollocks given the nature of the Daily Mail and much of its readership.

    It may turn out to be true, but reading the comments on the original story on the DM web page, you’d be forgiven for thinking the Taliban is stationed just across the English Channel and ready to invade.

    Again, just another Mail non-story, to be consumed hungrily by its core readership of white, middle-aged, middle-class xenophobes.

  16. Steph says:

    The REAL problem… Who WANTS to go to France anyway??? Yuck! Not a part in the country that is cool, notta one!

    They are saving this family from a holiday they would be better off not going on!

  17. Frank IBC says:

    J –

    I don’t care for the Christian fanatics in America, but anyone who says that they pose the same level of danger as the Muslim fanatics is blind or clueless.

  18. Frank IBC says:

    Intelligent design taught in the schools. Ten commandments in the Court House. Manger scenes in the public square. There is a large justification for these “christians” to be attacked for their behavior because they don’t really act like Christians at least not the Christian behavior that Christ spoke of.

    How do, “Intelligent Design”, Ten Commandments in the Court House, or Manger Scenes in the public square, go against “the Christian behavior that Christ spoke of”, J?

  19. Anon says:

    Who wants to go to France? I bet you still call them “Freedom” fries.

  20. Improbus says:

    Frank, the difference between Muslims and Christians fanatics is this, Muslim fanatics do the dirty work themselves and Christian fanatics give money and votes to elect politicians that will do the dirty work for them.

  21. J says:

    Danger is a matter of perspective. I bet they would just love for America to be a theocracy. That is a danger to our constitution and the American way of life. So it is just as dangerous

    It is not those things that are against Christ’s teaching. Read my quote carefully. It is the behavior of the radical Christians that is against the teaching of Christ.

  22. Frank IBC says:

    With which teachings of Jesus do those behaviors conflict, J?

  23. Frank IBC says:

    Improbus –

    So what you’re saying is that the US government is the moral equivalent of Al-Qa’idah and the Iran?

    Thanks, that’s all I need to know.

    And now you may be dismissed.

  24. bill says:

    Who needs a passport? Why not tatoo a big E on her arm for England.
    or a cross on her face. so the French can identify her as an enemy ‘non-believer’. WTF has happened to Britain? It’s time to close the borders to anything and anyone from islam.

  25. James Hill says:

    Now I don’t know who I want to offend more: Muslims or the British.

  26. Steph says:

    Umm, #21, Actually, NO I do not (nor have I ever) called the Freedom Fries. Durring my travels, the only place I have EVER had problems (including seeing a kid mugged for his rollerblades) was in France.

  27. J says:


    Let’s start with this one.

    “Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged; and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.”- JESUS

    Well I see a lot of radical Christians doing a whole lot of judging! Gay’s, Democrats, and just about anyone who doesn’t go alone with their nonsense.

  28. Improbus says:

    Hey Frank, how many people have been killed by Islamic terrorists? Now, how many Muslims have been killed by America? Do the math and tell me who is worse.

  29. Frank IBC says:

    J –

    Sorry, but that passage doesn’t mean “you’re not supposed to judge”.

    It means, “don’t judge, unless you’re prepared to be judged”.

  30. J says:


    Yes it does! Your interpretation is a little simple. It was a kindly warning from Jesus that only the lord does the judging around here and if you attempt to put yourself at the level of god then you shale pay the price.

    Besides, do you really think that radical Christians are ready to be judged the way they judge others?

    Burning in hell?

    How about by being blown up? Need I remind you of the abortion clinic bombings?

    Do you think Jesus would approve?


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