Mommy, why do they hate me?

Daily Mail – 14th August 2006:

A five-year-old girl’s passport application was rejected because it shows her bare shoulders and might offend Muslims.

Hannah Edwards’s mother Jane, a Sheffield GP, was told that her daughter’s exposed skin may be considered offensive in a Muslim country.

The photograph was taken in a booth at a local post office for a family trip to the south of France.

  1. meetsy says:

    Frank… does “ibc” stand for impacted bowel condition?

  2. Frank IBC says:

    Sorry, but you’re wrong, J.

    Nowhere in that passage is there any prohibition of “judging”.

    I need to point out once again that I am neither Christian nor an opponent of abortion. I oppose the bombing of abortion clinics, but on what basis do you assume that Jesus would oppose bombing abortion clinics?

    And once again, how many abortionists have actually been killed in the last thirty years?

  3. Frank IBC says:

    Does “meetsy” mean “I’m incapable of making a coherent argument, so I instantly resort to ad hominems”?

  4. J says:


    No I am not! You are just mistaken.

    Nor am I

    I thought you might ask.

    “Do to others as you would have them do to you” – JESUS

    “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. ” – JESUS

    “Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you. Bless those who curse you. Pray for those who mistreat you.” – JESUS

    He didn’t seem like a guy who would be all that violent.

    I never said Jesus “prohibited” judging. He did however teach against it because he believed only god was in a place to judge. For instance…..

    “Let anyone among you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone” – Jesus

    So, if some one teaches you that judging is reserved for god. That is what “without sin” means because all humans are born with original sin according to Christian teachings. Would going around judging people all the time be following that teaching?

    We can go on all day with this Frank. I know a lot about the teaching of Jesus. So, you should just stop.

  5. J says:

    Oh I missed that last part!

    Is it o.k. if there is even one?

    Just so you know 8 as far as I know. But that’s ok because it is a small number.

    Stupid question!!!

  6. Randy MacDonald says:

    When I discussed this with a Muslim friend years ago, my impression was that exposure was only a concern at and after puberty. Unless that girl is really mature for her age, I’m thinking the passport folks are using a wee bit too much caution.

  7. Frank IBC says:

    Jesus also said

    “Do not think that I came to bring peace on the earth; I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I came to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law; and a man’s enemies will be the members of his household.” (Matthew 10:34-36 NASB)

    “I have come to cast fire upon the earth; and how I wish it were already kindled!” … “Do you suppose that I came to grant peace on earth? I tell you, no, but rather division; for from now on five members in one household will be divided, three against two and two against three.”… (Luke 12:49,51-53 NASB)

    And of course you remember his non-violent resistance to the money changers in the temple.

    And I’m still curious how you have determined Jesus’ position re abortion and on abortion clinic bombings.

    And I’m still waiting for you to tell me how many abortion providers have actually been killed in the past thirty years.

  8. Frank IBC says:

    8 murdered is 8 too many.

    But apparently you’re still having trouble with the concept of motes vs. beams.

  9. J says:

    How do you measure “wrongness”

    I think you are the one that has that issue with scale. How many people were killed in the name of Christ? It is a lot more than 8

  10. Improbus says:

    Frank, like Satan, can quote the Bible for his own purposes. Frankly (no pun intended), when a conversation gets to the point of dueling Bible quotes it is time to call it a day.

  11. Mike says:

    I’m surprised they are still needing passports to travel within the EU member states.

  12. J says:


    That’s because the bible is full of contradictions.

    I am always weary of people that use the bible as an excuse. Like most radical Christians. The same goes for the torah and the Koran!

    All of those books are to be interpreted. It is what is in ones heart that determines how they interpret them.

  13. J says:


    in regards to #39

    In Matthew 10:34-36 , Jesus is speaking about the divisions that will come, over belief or lack of belief in Him. In that respect, He has come to bring division. This is the same in Luke 12:49,51-53


    Yeah, tipping over the money changers tables is equivalent to killing people. I see where you are coming from. lol

    Frank looking up quotes on the internet doesn’t mean you understand them. So like I said you should stop before you really look stupid.

  14. Can’t you bickering maniacs take this debate to the CAGE MATCH? This back-and-forth has little to do with the post. Gee what a great thread coming I can see it now.

    1, The Bible is full of contradictions.
    2. No it is not.
    3. Yes it is.
    4. No, it is not.
    5. I’m telling you idiot that it is.
    6. Screw yourself jerk. It is not.
    7. Is too.
    8. No.
    9. It is.
    10. Not.
    11. It is and Bush is apparently as dumb as you.
    12. What does Bush have to do with it.
    13. Wrong.
    14. I’m right.
    15. Now you’re going to blame Clinton.
    16. What are you talking about?
    17 & 18 simultaneously: HITLER!!

    there, I’ve saved you the trouble.

  15. J says:


    Sorry John!

  16. Improbus says:

    John, well now that you have had the conversation for us there is no need for us to do it, is there? lol

  17. Frank IBC says:

    (Last word, John, I promise. 🙂 )

    J –

    I’m not justifying anything. Again, as I said previously, I am not Christian. All I am saying is that the victims of Christian extremism are far fewer than those of Muslim extremism – 8 in 30 years, vs. thousands in just a few years.

    And that is why I, as a non-Christian, do not consider Christian extremism to be a threat anywhere near that of Islamic extremism.

    I think compulsory teaching of creationism or “intelligent design” is stupid. But I don’t find Ten Commandments in courthouses or mangers (privately funded) in public squares to be a threat in the slightest, let alone a nuisance.

    We’ll agree to disagree on the gospel passages. I, a non-Christian, do not believe that Jesus was a pacifist, nor that he believed that people should be “non-judgemental”, as many do.

  18. syngensmyth says:

    I think we should give a Muslim committee censorship control of Hollywood and see how that all works out. Let’s just all get along.

  19. J says:

    Frank you are what is wrong with this country!

  20. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #22 – Frank, the difference between Muslims and Christians fanatics is this, Muslim fanatics do the dirty work themselves and Christian fanatics give money and votes to elect politicians that will do the dirty work for them.

    Comment by Improbus — 8/15/2006 @ 8:07 am

    The difference is the rule of law in an open and democratic society such as the United States and Europe, versus a theocratic society with weak governments, poor education, and overwhelming influence of fundamentalist religious leaders.

    Christians aren’t less capable of violence. They are more subdued than Muslims. For whatever reason, if the power that Western civilization has to protect, and sometimes control, the population were to weaken or break, I fully expect a power play for power to involve violent radical right Xians in the form of private militias.

    It’s barely been a decade. Anyone recall Bosnia?

  21. Mr. H. Fusion says:

    The post office assistant stunned Hannah Edwards’s parents by claiming the skin exposed by her daughter’s halter-neck dress would not be accepted by the Passport Office as it might prove unacceptable in a Muslim country.

    The Passport Office didn’t reject the application. A clerk at the Post Office advised the family that the picture might be rejected. This was advice and NOT POLICY.

  22. Paul says:

    > I’m surprised they are still needing passports to travel within the EU member states.

    Although an EU member, the UK isn’t a signatory to the Schengen Agreement.

  23. meetsy says:

    Look, I’m really SORRY that you have that condition…but your lack of an answer confirmed it.
    It was just a simple question….no need to be nasty, mister.

  24. Hey folks. I tried!!!

  25. Calin says:

    I don’t understand. John invoked Godwin’s Law……it should have worked.

  26. Smartalix says:

    The problem with Godwin’s Law lately is that so many Nazi references have been used by both ends of the political spectrum that it’s broke.


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