On a whim back in 1979, Lee Redmond decided to stop filing her nails. She intended to cut them off once they started twisting, but her plans changed.

Now, 27 years and 33 inches later, the Salt Lake City resident holds the record in the Guinness Book of World Records for the longest fingernails.

She flies to London on Sept. 26 to promote the book.

[Children] tend to get frightened. One little girl Redmond taught at church was so scared of her that she wouldn’t come into class — but once she discovered Redmond was OK, she wanted to be held all the time.

You can also watch a local news interview here: Video/Interview

According to the video, she was offered over $100,000 for her nails, and turned it down. Cripes!!

  1. Anon says:

    still not as cool as those twins on the mopeds.

  2. nilidsid says:

    Do they have apptitude tests for this sort of thing?

    And of course, we all want to know how one would deal with things that require dexterity… like wiping ones…

  3. Richie says:

    Uh, she claims that she can perform day-to-day chores without difficulty. I doubt that very much. How do you bathe? Eat? Take care of bodily functions? Stories like this make me CRANKY. Not as cranky as John, but still cranky.

  4. RonD says:

    I wonder how she keeps from breaking them while sleeping?

  5. Peter Rodwell says:

    According to the video, she was offered over
    $100,000 for her nails, and turned it down.

    Not much money for 27 years’ work!

  6. Improbus says:

    That is just disturbing and not in a good way.

  7. James Hill says:

    I’d just like to mention that ABC4.com/gtu is the webpage of the show my wife works on. That is all.

  8. Mike Voice says:

    She flies to London on Sept. 26 to promote the book.

    “I pity the fool” who accidentaly breaks one of her nails on the flight…

    Can you imagine her walking down the isle of a packed flight during boarding?

    Let alone being “lucky” enough to sit next to her. 🙂

  9. Gig says:

    Will the TSA let her on an airline with those obviously dangerouse weapons?

  10. meetsy says:

    Quick, someone….let’s concoct a way to promote a concept that terrorists are planning to do something evil with fingernails longer than 1/4 inch!!!!
    This woman is sick…sick…sick sick. And there is no way she does anything “normal”….

  11. rwilliams254 says:

    I guess a hand-job is out of the question then.

  12. Carl Trimble says:


  13. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #11 #

    I guess a hand-job is out of the question then.

    Comment by rwilliams254 — 8/15/2006 @ 10:55 am

    DUDE! What the hell is wrong with you!?!?!?!


  14. Hideous freak. Slow day?

  15. Ballenger says:

    She would be fun to take parasailing on a mountain lake, just to watch her swoop down and catch fish.

  16. 2xbob says:

    Some things you cant un-see

  17. Nirendra says:

    This lady is in for trouble, if she isn’t in it already.


    Is that a grin or just clenched teeth…

  18. 888canada says:

    I should say: DUDE, WTF IS WRONG WITH *YOU* ?!
    Unless youre an underage kid, or some sexually-defunct old fart – you should NOT be surprised by #11’s legitimate question at all.
    Sex is a part of normal, healthy human life, ya’know…
    And if youre underage, then trust me – in few years you’ll understand this question very well. But if you’re some geriatric dementia-plagued dude… well, try to remember what was a hand job… if you can’t recall it, well… just forget it (and youre absolutely excused too, LOL)

  19. Bob Christian says:

    She must have a lot of help at home and have an automatice butt wiper toilet. She should make a documentary movie. She could probably command a lot of money.

  20. Cheeta says:

    How does she whipe after using the toilet?

  21. Harriett says:

    Eeeeeek!! How awful!!

  22. Debs says:

    That is so wrong and dirty yuk!!!!!!!!!! Get them cut love!

  23. shazelle says:

    omg i never seen this lady before
    that is crazy i couldnt grow my nails that long but wow i going to write a bio about her.!


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