John’s previous post is here

DELL Inc. said it will recall 4.1 million notebook computer batteries made by Sony Corp. because they can overheat and catch fire, The Associated Press said today.

Round Rock, Colorado-based Dell negotiated conditions of the recall with the federal Consumer Product Safety Commission, which called it the largest electronics-related recall ever involving the agency.

A Dell spokesman said Monday the recalled Sony batteries were placed in notebooks that were shipped between April 1, 2004, and July 18 of this year.

You begin to run out of things to say about these guys after a while.

  1. god says:


  2. It is the Inspron 5000e all over again, it was the 5000e that made me vow never to buy a Hell er Dell again.

  3. Rick Slater says:

    But, hey, these things can now be carried onto aircraft again! Think Homeland Security knows that Li batteries can be incendiary?

  4. Improbus says:

    That is Round Rock, Texas not Colorado … dee dee dee

  5. ethanol says:

    Goes right along with John’s PCMag article on Sony/Baloney. Good lord, it is so sad to see a former innovator becoming an also-ran.

  6. ECA says:

    Who remembers when SONY was the Cutting edge of middle ground??

  7. Improbus says:

    I haven’t bought a Sony product since the orginal Walkman in the 80’s and I don’t have any plans to buy any of their products in the future. I would boycott them but what would be the point. They have nothing I want to by.

  8. Miguel Correia says:

    Maybe they want to sell more Vaios. lol

  9. Mike Voice says:

    Sony said Tuesday that it expected to share the recall costs with Dell. The withdrawal will probably impose “some kind of burden,” said a spokesman, Yoshikazu Ochiai.

    gotta luv marketspeak…

    “expect to” – doesn’t mean we will, just that it is expected of us.

    “probably” – you never know, we may generate some profit from all of this…

  10. JT says:

    Does Sony use the same batteries in their Vaio’s? I haven’t seen them recall the Lithium Ion batteries for their own notebooks. Makes you wonder if they had it out for their rival? Maybe it’s a cautionary lesson not to buy components from your rivals!

  11. Hoo Hoo Nick says:

    I’ll just say what my real reaction to this article was:

    NICE! *claps his hands*.

  12. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    The picture is great. Here is a laptop bursting into flames and all these guys just casually looking on.

  13. Mark Derail says:

    Yet I just bought a Dell Inspiron 9400 here in Canada. Price & warranty, compared to other brands and 17 in WUXGA (I’m a programmer).

    I ordered in early July and have it for a month now. I just checked the battery through Dell’s site, and I’m ok.

    Like *PHEW*

    When you have only one battery, what do you do?

  14. 888canada says:

    “It’s a SONY!”
    yeah… 🙂
    that corporation hasn’t made anything good since the last trinitron tube was manufactured in Japan (~1985?), needless to say anything else


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