All 50 state governors and the governor of Puerto Rico are opposing a White House effort to wrest control of the National Guard in times of crisis from the states. The move comes almost exactly a year after the White House and Louisiana Governor Kathleen Blanco squared off on this very issue in the wake of Hurricane Katrina, when New Orleans was flooded by failed levies.

The House of Representatives included in its version of the 2007 defense authorization bill a provision that would give the president control over Guard troops during “a serious natural or man-made disaster, accident, or catastrophe that occurs in the United States, its territories and possessions, or Puerto Rico.”

This could be done without the governor’s consent, according to the legislation.

Did you ever imagine a government that would do this — would be run by people calling themselves Republicans?

  1. Teyecoon says:

    quote: “Who cares? The constitution’s just a goddamned piece of paper.
    Comment by G.W. Bush — 8/15/2006 @ 9:56 am”

    Of course, he must justify his belief in the bible by saying it’s special “holy” paper. ; )

  2. Republican or Democrat. They’re all corrupt beyond belief. Bush is probably not even a Christian even though most Christians eat the crap he feeds them.

    People need to wake up, Bush just trumpets the whole Christian stuff because he has made them his BASE. Just because a person says they’re a beliver in Christ, doesn’t make them one. Look at his actions!! They’re anything but Christian.

    Bush is just this side of a Tyrant.

    Thats my 2 cents.


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