OpinionJournal – Extra — This hasn’t been reported much, but something is going to happen on Aug. 22 with the Iranian nutjob running the country.

What is the significance of Aug. 22? This year, Aug. 22 corresponds, in the Islamic calendar, to the 27th day of the month of Rajab of the year 1427. This, by tradition, is the night when many Muslims commemorate the night flight of the prophet Muhammad on the winged horse Buraq, first to “the farthest mosque,” usually identified with Jerusalem, and then to heaven and back (c.f., Koran XVII.1). This might well be deemed an appropriate date for the apocalyptic ending of Israel and if necessary of the world. It is far from certain that Mr. Ahmadinejad plans any such cataclysmic events precisely for Aug. 22. But it would be wise to bear the possibility in mind.

A passage from the Ayatollah Khomeini, quoted in an 11th-grade Iranian schoolbook, is revealing. “I am decisively announcing to the whole world that if the world-devourers [i.e., the infidel powers] wish to stand against our religion, we will stand against their whole world and will not cease until the annihilation of all them. Either we all become free, or we will go to the greater freedom which is martyrdom. Either we shake one another’s hands in joy at the victory of Islam in the world, or all of us will turn to eternal life and martyrdom. In both cases, victory and success are ours.”

  1. Walter says:

    [double post..please avoid]

  2. Walter says:

    He may WANT to do something, but I don’t believe he has the ABILITY to do what he would like to do.
    Israel could defend itself from Iran if necessary. They aren’t afraid to use the weapons they have to defend themselves. To defend themselves from a large scale attack from radical muslims, they might even use atomic weapons. (which is something that Bush would love, because it would signify to him the start of Armageddon…)

  3. Improbus says:

    I can’t wait for the Apocalypse. When the feces hits the rotary oscillator I can lay waste to all the believers I can get in my sites. Praise the Lord. I will send them home to Jesus.

  4. Aron D says:

    As a Christian myself, I do believe that an atomic weapon will be used to bring chaos or peace – whatever it may be – to the Middle East. Israel is a small little piece of land – 8,019 sq mi according to Wikipedia – but it is the center of Muslim hate! According to the Bible, the battle between Israel and the Arab nations began way back with Jacob and Esau – Genesis 25:23. When this will happen, obviously nobody nows, but I firmly believe that a “weapon of mass destruction” will be used in the middle east.

  5. Jeff says:

    3: “Musilm hate?” You’ve gotta be kidding me. I don’t write off Christians just because they blow up abortion clinics, so don’t write off another religion because of a tiny minority of radicals.

  6. gquaglia says:

    Rantings of a mad man. Worse part is, half of the world, including the 2 superpowers Russia and China, have turned a blind eye toward the problem. Probably because both are suppliers of weapons and technology, along with North Korea that helped create this menis in the first place. We can also expect France to stick its head in the sand, as usual, leaving the whole mess to the US, England and Israel to take care of.

  7. gquaglia says:

    so don’t write off another religion because of a tiny minority of radicals

    Not so little, I suspect.

  8. Gig says:

    Islam is about where Christianity was during the Crusades. Fortunately the knights didn’t have nuclear weapons. Three nuclear devices could pretty much spell the end to Israel.

    P.S. John I really ought to get some credit.

  9. Improbus says:

    I am betting that Israel has nukes pointed at Mecca and Medina not to mention strategic points in Iran and Syria. It’s gonna be a hell of a show. I hope Bill O’Riely with be in the Holy Land reporting on it personally.

  10. Frank IBC says:

    Jeff –

    In the last 30 years, exactly how many abortion doctors have been killed?

  11. littleshadow says:

    “I don’t write off christians” – Why not?

    Every single page in history seems to be stained with blood shed in the name of some organized religion. The churchs will eventually end the world if the world doesnt end them first. Why do people need a group of people to beleive in God? Matt:6:6

  12. James Hill says:

    “Musilm hate?” You’ve gotta be kidding me. I don’t write off Christians just because they blow up abortion clinics, so don’t write off another religion because of a tiny minority of radicals.

    Are you high? The majority of Christians don’t condone abortion clinic bombings (vocally), while the majority of Muslims condone terrorism through their silence.

  13. Spankbot says:

    Did anyone else catch the incredibly inane interview Mike Wallace did with President Ahmadinejad over the weekend. I for one found Wallace’s “Larry King” like questioning and pathetic witty banter with a mad man to be mind blowing. What a waisted opportunity. What was Wallace thinking? Where are the real journos?

    Someone send Stephen Colbert to Iran… NOW!

  14. ECA says:

    Islam, has many sects…
    Its as bad as christians…

    we fight amondst ourselves, and never look for the truths Either..
    Think of what Rome would do with a nuke..

    Only problem is that there is no truth teller/leader/peace maker in that area that they trust.

  15. eddie says:

    Karl Marx – religion the opium of the masses.
    it would be nice to have a world with no religion

  16. Spankbot says:

    ECA –

    I’ll start taking comments like that seriously when there is a mass movement of millions of Christians that support terror against non-Christians. Christian mass-movements are usually charities.

    It’s important to note also that secular movements have been far more deadly historically speaking than religion. Take the Nazi’s for example. Or even worse, communism, the real record breaker when it comes to death tolls.

  17. eddie says:

    Or even worse, communism, the real record breaker when it comes to death tolls. are you sure about does claim last l check
    capitalism with his creation of poverty is killing 590.000 every year.

  18. jjf says:


    Opiate, Eddie, Opiate

  19. littleshadow says:

    #16 – Are you OK? Did you hit your head or something? http://www.truthbeknown.com/victims.htm

    Any time an entire group of people get together and decide what God is, and further, conveniently decide that he wants them to “save/convert” everyone else in the world, people die or at the very least are persecuted without mercy. From the first witch hunts, to the crusades to periodic spasms of witch hunting, the “christian” hand is far from unstained.

    Don’t get me wrong, I think God is great whatever his true name, but I’m betting that a lot of “christians” have a similar surprise awaiting them on the other side as do the so called muslims blowing themselves up so they can live the rest of eternity acting out their fantasies of pedophilia.

  20. Frank IBC says:

    Eddie –

    capitalism with his creation of poverty is killing 590.000 every year

    Put down that pipe and slowly back away…

  21. Frank IBC says:

    Jeff –

    Apparently the concept of “motes” vs. “beams” is unfamiliar to you.

  22. Miguel Correia says:

    Sting had a song that went “… the Russians love their children too …”. Well, the problem with Iran is the very strange way they have of loving their children.

  23. João PT says:

    This is fuzzy…On one hand, apocalypse theories crop up either sides of the Christian/Muslim fence. Cold war reasoning simply won’t apply.

  24. woktiny says:

    Here’s a neat Idea! We can respond to the conflict in the middle east by arguing with strangers around the globe! That’ll solve all the worlds problems!

    anyone noticed how evil begets evil?

  25. Improbus says:

    Also, have you noticed, that stupid begets stupid?

  26. ECA says:

    TIMe to export ALL our OLD nukes to the middle east…
    MAke them ALL equal and SEE who is the most Myrtred(sp)…
    WHO is the most insane..

  27. Improbus says:

    It sure would be a lot easier if we could just go in and commit genocide. Just air drop chemical weapons on all the major cities and send in ground troops to pick off the survivors.

  28. woktiny says:

    Improbus: yes

    it might also be true that stupid is a subset of evil, but I’m too stupid to figure that one out.

  29. ECA says:

    Rome against British Religion
    Rome against Luther
    Rome against Di Vinci
    Rome Agaisnt Everyone else with THOUGHT.
    Take a pick, and GET in line..

    No,no, no…

    Just send ALL the US and Russian OLD nuke to all these countries..ALL the Old radiation, and fallout. Just make them Tamper proof, and Over Sized.. Let them Leak ALL over the place…

  30. Improbus says:

    Woktiny, I wasn’t making fun of you I was making fun of the IQ of the leaders of both sides. As far as I am concerned both sides are stupid AND evil.


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