I found this sign funny since all over Berkeley there are two pieces of graffiti on most stop signs. One is this “Driving” stencil and the other is “Bush” so the signs all say stop Driving or stop Bush. I think it’s amusing that a second commenter blocked out the “r” so now the sign says stop diving. Whatever that means.

  1. Eideard says:

    It’s a “proper football” fan, John. The single cruddiest tactic — uniformly hated by fans of soccer worldwide — is diving.

    Continentals have tried to make it respectable by calling it “simulation”. But, it just comes down to some sleazy footballer trying to get a free kick — or even worse a penalty kick — by falling to the ground, writhing in freestyle agony, when an opposing player gets within 6″ of their delicate body.

    I think they should be shot, fined and given a red card — in any order.

  2. TannerShot says:

    Nice shot. I think we ignore too much of our urban terrain… something like a street sign will most likely be as antiquated as pub signs in the UK… I think that proximity activated heads-up units will dominate future driving environments.

    But will there be graffiti in such an environment?

  3. mjsobota says:

    Interesting how most people see these things everyday, but don’t think twice about them.

  4. joshua says:

    Good thought Eideard….only problem is….this is Berkeley….I doubt if there are more than 20 people who know what diving is…..lol

  5. Mark Stockwell says:

    Maby #1 meant: Stop scuba diving or Stop high diving or some other kind of diving.

  6. Mr. H. Fusion says:

    Diving is also a well known term in Hockey. It’s where a player exaggerates a legal or close call move into a foul. At least in Hockey, the referee may penalize the player taking the dive.

    The best sign graffiti I remember was on a DEER warning sign. Someone had used a spray can to put a red dot on the Deer’s nose. So simple yet very effective.

  7. asmith says:

    Let’s see… Stop Bush! Stop Diving!

    How about: Stop Bush Diving!

    Must be someone who abhors cunnilingus.

  8. James Hill says:

    Stop bush diving!?!?! Are you MAD!?!?!

  9. thought police says:

    lots of these in the seattle area recently… I recently saw one that said “STOP stopping”

  10. Frank IBC says:

    This graffiti is racist, as it is aimed at the Italian football team. 🙂


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