U.K. investigating many more plots – Europe – International Herald Tribune You’re kidding me, right? Hidden message: Stay away from the UK!

With the nation still on its highest level of alert and its airports in pandemonium because of heightened security measures, the official, John Reid, said that about 24 other major terrorist conspiracies were still under surveillance.

Those bombings already had brought Britons up against the bloody reality of Islamic terrorism, made all the more chilling by the fact that the attackers then were mainly British-born Muslims, as are the people arrested last week. The number of 24 continuing investigations into other plots – far higher than had previously been made known – seemed bound to alarm many people whose lives have already been reshaped by new security regimes and by what Prime Minister Tony Blair has called an “elemental” battle with radical Islam.

  1. sirgallihad says:

    It may sound crazy, but if the government were to say less about these “suspected” terror plots, then there would be less of them. The more fear these people instill in the population, the more they are acheiving their goal. At this point they don’t even have to suceed in blowing anything up, all they have to do is to show that they want to, whether they get caught, or not.

  2. gquaglia says:

    This is a result of groups of muslims who come into the country and refuse to assimilate into the culture. They do not consider themselves Brits, but as muslims who simply live in England. Same thing in France and in the rest of Europe. Remember the muslim riots in France ealier this year. In this country it is less of a problem as imigrants consider themselves, for the most part Americans. This is however changing here too. Many of the Mexican coming here, keep to themselves, refuse to learn the language and remain seperate from the greater population. The ACLU and many lefties dont’ see a problem with this and further the problem with bi ligualism and other programs that keep them from properly assimilating as Americans.

  3. Mark D. VandenBerg says:

    So, how many different places, and how many different times will this occur before the world realizes that the battle against terrorism can not be waged in one place? This is a global issue, and needs a global, coordinated response.

  4. Chris Eaton says:

    If there are that many problems and they didn’t tell, the investigations would leak out (or God forbid they would actually pull an attack off). Then there would be a real stink!

  5. I am reminded by chicken little… or the boy who cried wolf. People just dont take it very serious any more.

  6. John says:

    Stay way from the UK!
    Let’s just try and remember who they were trying to blow up here.

    The main motivation for the suicide bombers is not religion but the American presence in the middle east. Let’s face it, there ain’t going to be any peace in the world until America pulls its troups out of the middle east (including Saudia Arabia) and worries about its own business rather than controlling the worlds oil fields.

    Have a look at “Dying to Win: The Strategic Logic of Suicide Terrorism (Random House 2005)” a book by Robert Pape. There is an interview with him at http://www.amconmag.com/2005_07_18/article.html where he discusses some of his findings from the database he put together of every suicide bombing between 1980 & 2004.


  7. gquaglia says:

    The main motivation for the suicide bombers is not religion but the American presence in the middle east. Let’s face it, there ain’t going to be any peace in the world until America pulls its troups out of the middle east

    Wrong, the motivation of suicide bombers is the complete end to Christianity and in its place fundimentalist Islam. It is the ultimate goal. If you don’t believe that, then you are fooling yourself.

  8. Fabrizio Marana says:

    So what does Blairy, the little lapdog, mean when he’s saying an “elemental battle”? Calling for the 10th Crusade? I thought that calling for a Crusade was the prerogative of the Pope!

    Fabrizio Marana

  9. xrayspex says:

    if the government were to say less about these “suspected” terror plots, then there would be less of them.

    The point of publicizing these suspected terrorists is to gain support for tapping phones, reading e-mail, and spying on ordinary citizens.

    In other words, business as usual.

  10. AdrianJC says:

    Staying in the US has its fair share of terror too.

  11. Gig says:

    I’m surprised this little tidbit hasn’t made the blog.



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