MCV – August 11, 2006:

PSP has come under fire from super-publisher EA this week in yet another PR headache for Sony. As the criticism and negative press for PlayStation 3 continues to mount, Sony has the fresh challenge of dealing with disgruntled EA executive VP and COO of worldwide studios David Gardner, who believes that PSP is falling behind rival Nintendo DS.

“There’s no doubt that EA has historically bet more on PSP. I think we were excited by the technology, but the consumers have proven that actually what they want is fun. We must never forget that what we need to focus on is fun and so EA is putting more effort behind DS games – and creative ones that really take advantage of the hardware.”

And lets not ignore all the game titles dropping from the PS3!

Two more PS3 games canned. According to the latest Famitsu magazine, FROM Software have halted production on their PS3 titles Dark RPG and Black Blade.

This is just the latest in a string of cancellations the PS3 has endured in the lead up to launch day.

  1. gquaglia says:

    M$ take note of this. The longer you delay a much anticipated product, the more pissed off everyone gets.

  2. doug says:

    see, that’s just a dang shame. the PSP is an amazing piece of hardware, with a totally slick UI and at the risk of sounding like a broken record on the thing, could have been the video iPod that we are all waiting for, but Sony preferred to go with the DRM-crippled UMD and make it an amazing pain to get video onto the memory stick.

  3. ECA says:

    only 2 things to do…
    OPEN up and go FULL public and DO what we want, or FALL back into the OLD sony protection and Death..

    We need to force these compnaies to the OLD ideals…
    Make things we LIKE.
    Make them HOW we like.
    OPEN them up so we ARNT sucked into 1 company..

  4. James Hill says:

    While most may not care…

    M$ still hasn’t said if an HDMI equiped 360, or an HD-DVD add-on, will be a new SKU, or a replacement SKU with a replacement program. This is starting to tweak high-enders like myself who want the HDMI version, but want to be taken care of.

    That being said, the 360 situation still isn’t as bad as the PS3 situation. Looks like N* is going to walk away the winner.

  5. Mike Voice says:

    It is funny – in hind-sight – to remember all the hype…

    Apple was stupid not to use the Cell-procesor in their next computer…

    PS3 was going to jump-start Blu-ray sales, since it would be a “no brainer” for two types of people: gamers who would get a movie player, movie watchers who would get a game machine…

    I’m with James on wondering how the whole HDMI fiasco will work out.

    Hardware & movie-studio types were all excited about being able to have HDCP copy-protection – until they realized just how many “early adopters” had already made significant investments in non-HDMI HDTV… [#ucking acronym soup…]

  6. Bruce IV says:

    Sony has three problems – 1) they DRM everything up the ying-yang – if I was going to pay their ridiculously high prices (problem 2) I’d want to be able to actually use the hardware – that said, they do make good stuff, and if it was a bit cheaper (not too much, something too cheap loses its “good stuff” rep) and not DRM’d they could do well. Problem 3 is that Nintendo is focusing on what’s fun, not new whiz-bang tech, and selling relatively cheap – tech geeks and early adopters may buy Sony for bragging rights, but Joe on the street just wants something accessible and usable.

  7. SONY needs to REPENT of its DRM ways or go out of business.. We need to help them buy not buying their products until they come out and say they were WRONG and they’re changing their ways..


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