Francesca Cisneros racked up 70 speeding tickets in the last five months, a record for the Scottsdale Police Department, police said on Friday.

Speeding cameras in Scottsdale, a suburb of Phoenix, snapped pictures of the 32-year-old woman as she tore through the sun-baked city in her Honda Civic between March 2 and July 31.

“She told arresting officers she was speeding because she seemed to be late for client meetings all the time,” Scottsdale Police Department spokesman Mark Clark told Reuters. “I guess she’s got some time management issues.”

Police said Cisneros said she threw her speeding tickets away because she thought nothing could happen to her if she didn’t pay them.

Clark said Cisneros faces some $11,000 in fines and could have her license suspended.

Ignorance of the law is no defense. Neither is just plain stupidity.

  1. UrbanHotList says:

    Your best chance to beat the ticket is when the officer fails to appear in court. You can cross-examine him if he does show. But, how do i beat a speeding ticket in court? Don’t testify if there is no jury and don’t make an opening statement. Provide as little as possible information until it is your turn to cross-examine the witness. Question the officer about the correct procedure to handle the radar or laser unit, when it was calibrated, about the weather conditions, and traffic flow. Your object is to create reasonable doubt.

    Prepare your case and examine all evidence. Visit the court before the trial date and get a feel for the court procedure. Practice your cross-examination and closing statement. Don’t argue that you were late or had a personal emergency. Object to speculation and hear say. These are just a few pointers on how do i beat a speeding ticket.

    Beating a speeding tickets has never been easier with this 65+ page Guide with all the ticket beating tricks that Traffic Cops don’t want you to know. If you should fight, plea bargain, or pay the fine! How to plan ahead! Your basic rights! What to do in court! About radar, laser, and photo-laser units! About other types of tickets: red lights, stop signs, u-turns, parking tickets, etc! Beat a speeding ticket And much, MUCH MORE!
    Visit for a FREE How to beat Speeding tickets report or email us at

  2. VerseA says:

    Most laws are made to protect stupid people from themselves. All of us skilled drivers with good vision and enough sense to know when it is or is not safe to drive a certain speed all get punished on the same token. If no one was capable of driving safely at a speed above 75mph when every vehicle on the freeway was spaced out over 30 car-lengths, we sure wouldn’t have Nascar; only the Demolition Derby. That however, is not the case. Speeding is definitely not the worst of these types of laws though.

    BTW, I’ve acquired only one speeding ticket, and zero accidents in eight years of driving. I just got back from a trip to California from New Mexico, and other than in Germany, where you get “blitzed”, Arizona is the only state I have seen speed enforced by photograph. In Germany, though, they only use small pedestals, not entire unmanned SUVs.


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