“Hey! You kids get off my lawn!”

An ability to be open to new situations may predict intelligence earlier in life, says a new study, but disagreeableness may predict intelligence later in life. According to the findings, differences in personality predictors of intelligence were found between young adults, and those who retain a normal level of overall cognitive ability in old age and those older adults who are cognitively superior.

In the cognitively superior older group, who outperformed both the cognitively comparable older adults and the younger adults on every ability tested, “agreeableness was found to have a contrary relationship with general knowledge suggesting that a disagreeable nature may go hand in hand with better vocabulary and knowledge retention in older age,” said Baker. This result supports previous research that suggests that those who are highly intelligent may be more aloof and independent.

If you don’t agree you can take it and stick it where the sun don’t shine, punk!

  1. blastum says:

    It’s gotta be that you sponsored the research, John.

  2. Peter says:

    While it’s true that it’s very hard to stay agreeable when someone *knows* he or she know more than other people, there are actual, intelligent people who manages to surpress that instinct and patiently explain to others what it is about when time allows for it.

  3. jason says:

    John is a GENIUS!

  4. RTaylor says:

    I may be that the more intelligent people realize just how much the human race has screwed things up, and have lost all patience and sympathy.

  5. Fabrizio Marana says:

    🙂 Now I know why I never married… I’m just too damn smart!


    Fabrizio Marana

  6. Roc Rizzo says:

    I could have told you that without the damn scientists, dammit!

  7. There are few things more annoying than ignorant people. To them, I’m probably “aloof and independent”. To me, I’m just avoiding frustration.

  8. woktiny says:

    its hard to be agreeable when you know everyone’s wrong…

    oh, and #4 is either right, or funny

  9. Improbus says:

    I always thought that if I lost 40 to 60 IQ points I would be happier or if not happier at least I would be normal.

  10. Don says:

    I know that as I grow older I find it more difficult to be around fools. Which reminds me, I’m getting the hell off this blog!

    Just kidding!

  11. moss says:

    Nice to see you spending some time outdoors, Eid.

  12. ECA says:

    At least if you are willing to debate a point, you are thinking.
    some sales person MIGHT THINK he has the next Egg beater, BUT WE KNOW ours works very well, and has broken in 20 years.

    Then being able to debate Both sides, is fun and mentally stimulating.

  13. Kevin says:

    John I strongly disagree with this. You really are an idiot John. This is wikiality at it’s finest….. oh wait I think I just proved you right again. Damn it.

  14. Mr. H. Fusion says:

    If us old timers are so smart, then why do we have to take those stupid pills all the time. Any of you youngsters remember why?

    Hey, the good looking old guy in the picture, he looks smart enough to be a three stupid pill a day guy to me.

  15. Curt Fields says:

    Those of us who know it all are particularly annoyed by those of you who think you do.

  16. Andy says:

    Hey, I do know it all…just not all at once.

  17. Angel H. Wong says:

    Cranky old farts need some TLC+ABJ.

  18. bill says:

    My wife has know that for many years now!

  19. Jeff says:

    This is about Dvorak, right? He is cranky, and he is smart.

  20. Miguel Correia says:

    I agree with nothing that has been said.

  21. ECA says:

    If you AINT over 30, you WILL be banned…

  22. Mr. H. Fusion says:

    If you AINT over 30, you WILL be banned…
    Comment by ECA — 8/11/2006 @ 4:37 pm

    kids !!!

  23. ECA says:

    If you aint spent years in retail, customer service.
    If you aint HAd to suck up to a Boss.
    If you aint had to SUCKUP to the wife……
    If you aint ben in at LEAST 1 car wreck, that Scared the piss out of you.
    If it hasnt gone thru your mind that the REST of the human race are a silly batch of peanuts, goobers Hazel, and OTHER assorted NUTS.
    If it hasnt gone thru your mind, that “God, was a screwball/, insane crackpot, and experimenter, and WE are his experiment.
    HOw we got to this point, and STILL havent killed ourselves, mankind, or HOw we EVER got this far without kiling EACH other.
    Or WHY the HELL did we have kids.
    Or Why the Hell did I go out with that lady, and am still paying for it.
    That Sence you have GOTTEN this old, that you might as well live the rest of it out, JUSt to see what happens…

    To bad we cant sit on the side lines, and Laugh our heads off, watching the padding crowds.

  24. joshua says:

    First….John didn’t post this….Eideard did.

    Second….I’m guessing he’s the cranky Geek in the pic…..something New Mexican about.

    Third….Whoever it is….thats a cool New England, seafarer’s beard.

  25. JimS says:

    I agree.

  26. OmarTheAlien says:

    Simply confirms my assessment of the human race as a nasty virus loose upon the universe. We will ultimately conquer the universe, and when we’ve finished screwing it completely up then some clever wag will discover even more universes, and we’ll trash them, too.
    That’s my opinion, and now we know that I’m right, ’cause I’m old and smart.

  27. Krejcik says:

    way to justify your existence old man


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