“And don’t forget the part about God and me…
oh, I’m being redundant.”

New Commandment: “Honor Your Fuehrer and Master.”

In May 1939, on the Furher’s command, a theological institute was founded in Eisenach with the purpose of contributing to “dejewification”. Its employees edited biblical texts, removing non-Aryan passages. Dozens of works printed by the institute were published in over 100 thousand copies of the new Holy Scripture. It was assumed that this work would become a standard household book amongst Germans.

These are cited as the 12 (yes, not 10) commandments of Adolf’s bible:

1. Honor your Fuhrer and master.
2. Keep the blood pure and your honor holy.
3.Honor God and believe in him wholeheartedly.
4. Seek out the peace of God.
5. Avoid all hypocrisy.
6. Holy is your health and life.
7. Holy is your well-being and honor.
8. Holy is your truth and fidelity.
9. Honor your father and mother — your children are your aid and your example.
10. Maintain and multiply the heritage of your forefathers.
11. Be ready to help and forgive.
12. Joyously serve the people with work and sacrifice.

In the 1940 edition, the following words can be found: “The Evangelical Jesus can only become the savior of our German people, because it does not incarnate the ideas of Judaism, but fights against them mercilessly.”

It seems strange that it would have taken this long to produce a copy for examination. Unless the church recipients had the good sense to throw the damn things away.

Related Link: Original story reported by the Mirror.co.uk

  1. woktiny says:

    I expect “the church recipients had the good sense to throw the damn things away.” because anyone who knows Jesus would know better than such a text… Jesus taught Love and equality, and, oh, was a Jew!

    but hey, he who controls the present controls the past, and he who controls the past controls the future… or so I’ve read in 1984

  2. Frank IBC says:

    These are cited as the 12 (yes, not 10) commandments of Adolf’s bible

    Reminds me of the joke about the nervous priest who has a few drinks before giving a sermon.

  3. James Hill says:

    I’ve always been wary of the word honor, which seems to have a different definition for each application when used in this context. It’s the type of word that can easily be turned on someone when the time is right.

    Great find, KB.

  4. TJGeezer says:

    Hey, it’s no worse and considerably less explicit than The Rev. (!) Pat Robertson’s call to murder foreign elected officials. The evangelical “Reich wing” hasn’t really changed all that much, it just uses slightly different hot-buttons to manipulate and fleece its sheep.

  5. Milo says:

    This puts to rest, finally, the ridiculous argument that Hitler was a Christian.

  6. Alex says:

    It’s funny how he got rid of the First commandment, too…

  7. Mr. H. Fusion says:

    Just another rewriting of the Bible to suits the times.

    The King James version, which most of us are familiar with, has some good censorship of its own. Because King James was truly promoting the theory called “The Divine Right of Kings”, which meant Kings were infallible, he ordered the Bible to reflect that. Many verses were either dropped or altered to leave the impression that Kings were anointed by God and were thus far from inferior whereas everyone else is regarded as inferior.

    The Roman Catholic Pope still carries that infallible theory, suggesting all the Pope’s words are the word of God.

  8. Milo says:

    Mr. H. Fusion:

    Simply not true.

  9. bill says:

    “And finally, Jesus’ ancestors, according to the Nazis, came from the Caucuses, therefore there was no way that the savior could have been Jewish”.
    HUH? and in the final irony, he might have been Chinese or an American Indian!
    But his mother, Mary was the ultimate Jewish Mother. I would have really wanted to be a fly on the wall when Jesus came home late from ‘prechen’…

  10. bill says:

    Does anyone have any of Hitler’s DNA? It would be interesting to run it thru the National Geographic’s DNA analysis test to see who the Fuhrer decended from. That study may be closed… but I found another one.

    I’m proud to report that way way back when I am related to “Eurasian Adam” who is the great great great great x10 grandfather to most white guys on the planet.

    Wouldn’t it be an ironic irony if the Fuher was related also?
    What a joke! We’re all related except for some very slight ‘tribal’ differences. There is just a human ‘race’
    live with it.

  11. bill says:

    By the way, “Eurasian Adam” was ‘black’… White people have a defective gene for their skin pigment… We wouldn’t last a day in that sun living out in the bush.

  12. bill says:

    Here’s the N.G. Study…
    and a very good explanation of Eurasian Adam from:

    a ‘relative’ of mine! ha!


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