ROFASIX – CAV Guy! — I’m waiting for the final reports on this terrible situation. It will ruin commercial air travel forever. Watch private jet clubs begin to crop up everywhere. The restrictions on carry-on bags I now blame on the Pakistanis. Pakistan, although an ally, has become a huge nexus for dangerous Islamist crackpots. Many of them were welcomed into London and this is the result. Ironically it may have been Pakistani Intelligence that unearthed the plot in the first place, so at least we are still in business with the government.

After his participation in the first World Trade Center bombing, Abdel Basit (also know by the name on his fraudulent Iraqi passport, Ramzi Yousef) settled down in Manila, Philippines. He assembled a cell of operatives who began to plan a long list of terrorist attacks. One of those was Operation Bojinka, a plan to simultaneously destroy 12 airliners en route to the United States from Asian cities.

Basit and his cell developed a modular improvised device constructed of a doll stuffed with nitrocellulose, a detonator and a timer made from a modified Casio wristwatch. Once through screening and on the plane, the devices were to be assembled in the aircraft’s restroom.

On Dec. 11, 1994, the cell tested its device on Philippine Airlines flight 434. It detonated, but did not bring down the plane. In fact it killed one only person and wounded 10 — not the spectacular results the militants had hoped for. Based on their test results, they went back to the drawing board and decided to augment their main charge with a liquid form of an acetone peroxide explosive, which they were going to place in contact lens solution bottles.

Just to keep with the theme here read this story and see exactly what kind of cultural problem is created with Pakistani extremists who cannot culturally adapt and demand Shar’ia laws and honor killings because, well, that’s the way they were brought up.

Honor Killing in London

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  1. James Hill says:

    Meanwhile, Pakistan helped Britian catch the guys related to the latest dust-up. Not everyone is the bad guy, you know…

    That being said, total agreement from me on the jet clubs comment. To me, they’re already in place: The executive jet companies that basically work like timeshares advertising in Forbes (and other upper income magazines) every month are the beginning of this.

  2. ZeOverMind says:

    I was thinking the GOP’s chances of holding onto the Senate and House was getting pretty slim. Now this terror plot was discovered and the 2006 election has just turned on a dime.

    The real sucky part about all of this is that the USA is slowly becoming a totalitarian society because of these extremist ragheads.

  3. RTaylor says:

    Any determined and reasonably intelligent individual or group that’s willing to sacrifice themselves can bring down an aircraft. El-AI is probably one of the safest airlines to fly on now. They use screening methods other countries shy away from, plus they have a relatively small fleet and very experienced security force.

  4. joshua says:

    I’m actually surprised they caught them, if this turns out to be real. There could have been mass killings from this as security and check on is lax at Heathrow and Gatwick. We make fun of and decry the indoicies of security here but we ar much better at it than the Brits are. They and several other E.U. countries are no where near as tough on carry on baggage as we are.

    My Mom now wants me to swim back to England for university in Sept……lol

  5. Mike Voice says:

    An explosive worn on a belt by a suicide bomber …went off Thursday during a police patdown at a checkpoint …

    When are they going to get over their fascination with using planes and just start bombing airports?

    How powerful of a bomb could you put in a suitcase, to be detonated by the energy from the whup-ass Xray machines we’ve installed?

    Don’t want to take your shoes off? So they have you stand in that expensive explosive-sniffer – where you then detonate your belt bomb…

    They wouldn’t even need to kill lots of people to scare the rest of us away from any airport, and cost us a mint to replace multi-million dollar pieces of equipment. 🙁

    Terrorists should get some great ideas from this video:

  6. Mike Voice says:

    Figures I’m not the first to worry about it…

    …Hatcher said, foreseeing a future airport arrivals hall with five-hour security checks.

    Even that scenario, he said, could lead to terror attacks — detonating bombs in an airport terminal, not on a plane.

    “You can carry a bag into the center of an airport with thousands of people around you before you are ever screened. That, too, must change,” he said.

  7. ECA says:

    [edited — see Comments guidelines]

  8. J J F says:

    [original Comment edited away — leaving your comment somewhat mysterious]

    #8 Does that include Israel ???

  9. Miguel Correia says:

    The most disgusting part is to know that the terrorists are British citizens. Europeans give them citizenship and what do Europeans get in return? Bombs and riots.

  10. gquaglia says:

    I think its time to ban all carry on lugage. There are just too many problems arising from it.

  11. Frank IBC says:

    Mike Voice –

    Yes, I’m surprised that there haven’t been any major attacks on airports themselves. Very crowded, people packed tightly often with little opportunity to escape quickly.

    And outside, too. Picture a jeep breaking through the fence at Dallas Fort Worth or Hartsfield or O’Hare at 5 or 6 pm., and a passenger in it firing rockets at the dozens of planes sitting on the taxiways waiting to take off. Potentially horrendous loss of life.

  12. andrew says:

    I dont understand their fasination with blowing up planes to the US.
    Sure it would jam up international travel, but every place else they use car bombs and strap on bombs.

    I can just imagine if car bombs were used in America, the government would over-react, and stop all cars going into cities for bomb searches..everyday..or out right ban car ownership.

    On the positive side of this incident it appears almost certain that planes will remain blissfully cellphone free. Though what Boeing is going to do with its in flight Internet service, if no one can bring a lap top onboard, will be interesting to see.

  13. joshua says:

    London is the laughing stock of the intel world……EVERYONE knows that anyone can get into Britain without a bit of problem and once there it’s almost impossible to get rid of them.
    The E.U. Human Rights Law has made a mockery of deporting illegal immigrants in Europe, and thats even if they spread hatred from the pulpuit…..look how long it took Britain to get rid of the one eyed imam (Hamza) who was preaching that suicide bombers where needed in London….in fact, the guys who blew up the tube stations and bus last July where going to his sermons and taking special classes from him.

  14. Awake says:

    Re: 6 – On the comment about blowing up airports.

    It is very suprising that this has not happened yet.
    Imagine for a moment that someone gets dropped off at the terminal, walks in with a 100 lb suitcase of explosive, walks up to the most crowded counter, and just pulls the trigger.

    What do we do then? Ban all luggage within the airport perimeter?

    The way it is going, you will soon have to purchase an “official TSA Hand Towel” to sit on while you fly naked to your destination. Shy people may cover themselves with one sheet of newspaper.

    But I exagerate.. they will probably let us wear paper ‘hospital gowns’ that we can change into during the full body (and I mean FULL BODY) TSA inspection.

    (Remember the last foiled MAJOR terrorist plot a couple of months ago? Turmed out to be 7 homeless / clueless / mentally ill people in Detroit talking trash)

  15. Maliha says:

    To say all Muslims are extremists and terrorists is to say all Americans are as idiotic as their president. You cannot, simply cannot, stereotype a nation based on a handful of it’s people’s actions.

    And why is it that every time a Muslim, more so if a Pakistani Muslim, commits a crime anywhere in the world, it becomes the talk of the globe and the latest, biggest terrorist activity to hit the world, and if Israel or the US go parading into Palestine, Lebanon, Afghanistan, Iraq, etc. killing men, women and children, it’s treated as an angelic act of correcting or cleansing a country of their *evil*, tyrannical leadership?!

    “Terrorism is the poor man’s war. War is the rich man’s terrorism.”

    At this point I would like to quote some comments from that describe my thoughts better than I could. But first, a quote from the author of the article himself. Mike Hunt.

    “Hey Maria from USA. Why don’t you convert to Islam so your husband can smack you around whenever he wants or kill you in an “Honor” killing. Wrap that scarf around your head and make sure you tighten it around your neck. Maybe after living with your nagging for some years your Muslim husband will take another wife. If you can’t see that the USA enjoys freedom that does not exist in many other countries then do us a favor and convert to Islam. Also how long did it take you to think up the word “enemyship”? If you are married I am sure your husband spends as much time as he can in strip bars just so he can stay away from your fat ass.
    Mike Hunt, United States of America ”

    His hateful comments on Islam and the way of the Muslims and how it has nothing to do with bombings or killings goes to prove the fact that so many Americans hate Muslims (more so Pakistani Muslims) just for the fact that they’re Muslims. How is that right? How is that just in any possible way?

    Now excerpts from some more comments in the same article:

    “I won’t sit here and say that all terrorists were hard-done-by and therefore have some twisted right to strike back, because that’s rubbish. But I will say that a great deal of the wrongs being enacted in our world today are echoes of past wrongs. One evil begetting another evil, death upon death, grief taking refuge in the vicious harbour of violence. No-one can blame or cite God/Allah/Yahweh in these atrocities, He gave us free will and hearts that can forgive, and it is up to us how we use these gifts.”

    “I am lucky enough to have friends of all creed, colour and religion. I am a geologist, and my work has taken me to the Islamic Republic of Pakistan where I found all the fears spread by the UK media to be utterly false and misguiding. OK, I didn’t wander around lawless areas but the many people with whom I have interacted have been among the kindest and most generous that I have ever met. Much of that peace and goodwill comes from their religion, the true face of Islam. Yes, they would gladly convert others to Islam, but wasn’t that precisely what we Christians did all over the world, sometimes by force?”

    “I think for most part zionism is responsible for terrorism. What Israel is doing to the Palestinians is no less then state terrorism and that has provoked the hatred of many Muslims around the world. I am not supporting killing of innocent people , but what I am saying that Israeli zionism have turned Muslims to commet these crimes.”

    “First question is who made SADDAM and OSAMA ? Ans.This biggist terror country Named USA. It gave them support to fight Russia and Iran and now do not need their serviceso so trying to distroy them and there people, the country which talks about human rights has no right to enter any country and kill inocent people for no fault of them. If they wanted SADDAM and OSAMA, why did they distroy Iraq and Afganistan and killed so many inocent people, if USA kills innocents, they call it fight against terror, if OSAMA or SADDAM fight back, it is called terror, but who gave birth to this terror ? USA and UK, history cannot be hidden they have killed 50% people of this earth for there selfishness, best example, RED INDIANs, JAPAN, SOUTH AFIRCA, INDIA, GERMANY and every part of this world, thank you USA and allies for teaching terrorism. P.B. Shally rightly said ” IF WINTER COMES, SPRING IN NOT FAR BEHIND”. Wait and Watch.”

    “I am totally agaisn’t the fact that it always comes back to Muslims…I think some of them have been treated terrbily and for no reason at all. Then when deported the usually end up dead when returned to there countries. I strongly believe that if your Muslim your a target for the government to make your life unfortunately a living hell. I thought we were beyond racism and were to be equal. But I guess not!!!”

    Do you people think that kicking out all Muslims from the UK would end crime in the UK/US? Yeah riiiight! The only thing it would do is further aggravate the situation. Live and let live, people! In no way do I ever encourage unjust killings – whether it’s the act of a Muslim, a Hindu, a Christian, or a Jew – all I’m saying is that every terrorist reaction is caused by a criminal action against them. Just because we take financial aid from you does not mean it gives you the right to manipulate and/or interfere in our politics and how we run our country.

    I have relatives in the UK and the US. All living peaceful, happy lives in harmony with their Muslim and non-Muslim friends. Before the govt. even had proof of the culprits of the 7/7 bombings, they and the media blamed Pakistani Muslims as the obvious culprits. Because of this my relatives have had a miserable life there. What was their fault in all of this? Is this not unjust in its own might on the part of the Americans and the British? Is it is fair to ridicule, belittle and endanger every Muslim/Pakistani immigrant’s life because of the act of few?

    How is that justice?

  16. Maliha says:

    Hi Pedro, Thanks for clarifying that. That is exactly what I wanted to add to this discussion.
    Till before your last comment, the entire discussion to a new reader (who may not be a Muslim) would give him/her the feeling that ALL Muslims in general are extremists and that all Muslims immigrants should be kept under close check because there are high chances that most of them will be terrorists. And allowing them to come into your country is like inviting terrorist attacks in your home. [At least that’s what everyone I shared this discussion with got out of it.]
    Like you said, there are radicals and non-radicals in every country and every religion. And we need to educate people on that. That not everyone should be punished (like the innocent Muslims in London after the 7/7 bombings and in US after 9/11) based on a handful of radical’s actions. Yes, there should be checks and balances. I’m all for it. But, like you said, there are radical westerners too. Honestly, are the checks for radical wasterners as harsh/strict as those for radical Muslims? I think not. Please correct me if you know better. Because I know of several Muslim friends of mine who went to London looking for a higher education or a job and faced a lot of prejudice (from certain “jackass” Britishers) during that period.
    Having had grown up in a cross cultural environment, I have a lot of non-Muslims friends as well. And they’re all great. Like you said, not all westerners are “jackasses” either. My aggravation is towards people who generalize; people like Mike Hunt.
    I hope I managed to clarify my point. Thanks again for your insight.

  17. estacado says:

    There wouldn’t be so many Pakistanis in the UK today if the British Empire didn’t rule over India. Sure, blame the Paksitanis for creating trouble in UK. I’m sure the British didn’t cause any trouble when they were ruling India.

  18. sh says:

    I think we may have violated the rights of these Islamic men by illegally monitoring their phone conversation. I’m very upset about that!

  19. faustus says:

    another difference maliha is that mike hunt didn’t walk into a bar or on to a bus where maria was and blow himself and everyone, children included, up because he disagreed with maria.

  20. estacado says:

    So… it happenned years ago. The same can be said of the Holocaust. Sure millions of Jews got killed, but hey, it happenned years ago, get over it. Tell the Jews to get over it. World War 2 happenned years ago, but who the fuck cares. The thing is the British got out of India only about 50 years ago. It’s very different from 150 years ago. Traces and effects of European imperailisme is what produced the situation today. I’m just saying what happenned in the past has a very close relation on what happens today. The India-Pakistan split has everything to do with the British Empire, so does the formation of Israel. If you don’t count the history factor in these conflicts, you’re not seeing things in context.

  21. estacado says:

    Pedro, you’re not getting my point here. I’m not saying that the Pakistani terrorists are mad because they were under British rule. These people are not actively seeking revenge for past wars. I’m saying the reason there is a significant Pakistani community in Britain, and also the reason there’ a disconnect between the general British public with certain Pakistani minorities are due to the indirect results of the British Empire’s actions in the past.

    Past action are resulting current conflicts. The problem is that they are trying to solve the conflicts symptomatically, and not getting to the root of it; because after years of ruling these places, the occupying party’s economy and wealth are tied to these places and it’s resources. Solving the root of these conflicts will mean the once ruling powers to give up their economic and wealth advantage.

  22. Maliha says:

    You’re generalizing again, faustus. Not every Pakistani would walk into a train or a bus and blow up someone just because they disagree with them. And there are several cases where non-Pakistanis have done that (and worse) jsut because they lost their temper at someone. Only difference is, when a non-Pakistani does it, it barely makes national headlines. But when a Pakistani does it, it’s on CNN, BBC, MSNBC, and where not!

  23. Faizan Ahmad says:

    unhumane acts of america in iraq and afghanistan and every where they go provoke all this. can anyone tell me why they are there when UN is up and running. if your family is killed by just asingle bomb dropped on your house and all the authorities have to say is that it was amistake. no crime comitted, no punishment given and the whole story is nicely wrapped up by the media. this is where hattred is born. the man whose family is killed and an innocent sisiter raped in one of american prisons, he has no aim except to destroy you wether he gets killed himself. and secondly islam cannot be tammed as it is not a horse. Islam condems honour killings and the punishment for this is death. Islam was born to live and it will live till the end


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