See Pinky, he’s got this same pic posted TWICE on the same page of his blog! What do you think it means?
Germans test ‘anti-stupid’ pill — Uh…
Berlin – A German scientist has been testing an “anti-stupidity” pill on mice and fruit flies with encouraging results, reported Bild newspaper on Saturday.
It said Hans-Hilger Ropers, director at Max-Planck-Institute for Molecular Genetics in Berlin, had tested a pill thwarting hyperactivity in certain brain nerve cells, helping stabilise short-term memory and improve attentiveness.
“With mice and fruit flies we were able to eliminate the loss of short-term memory,” said Ropers, 62, in the German newspaper.
The newspaper has dubbed it the “world’s first anti-stupidity pill”.
OK, now tell mow exactly how they test mice for short term memory? Seriously I’d be interested.
I’m with #1
Smarter living through chemistry!
Agreed: We need to maintain the Republican majority by any means necessary.
Also, I thought of Pinky & The Brain when heard of this story, too.
At least they are doing their testing on mice these days.
Yes, yes, bad taste. Sue me.
Put some in the duh’s cocaine – he might be less of a twit.
Ha..and if you are indeed a Pinky and the Brain fan, nver forget this post:
I know that to test fish memory (fish do not have long term memories) you have a bait that when bitten will produce a small shock you then count the time it until the fish goes for the bait again. As an example trout on average have about a 12 minute memory. I would guess that something similar would be used to test how long it takes a mouse to form a long term memory from a short term experience. If the mouse goes for the bait an average of 6 times before it learns not to go for that particular bait again before forming a long term memory of the event and then you give it the pill and it takes an average of 3 times before a long term memory is formed you would have your test results.
I wonder if we had an anti-stupid pill if more Democrats or more Republicans would be elected?
I’m a Democrat and I say we try it. I’m not afraid to take the risk. Any Republicans in?
I don’t know about those anti-stupid pills, but my wife makes me take these here Stupid pills. It makes me more normal so I can relate to the ultra-right wing, neo-con, religious extremist idiots around here. They don’t work, I still feel superior.
Am I the only one that immediately thought of Flowers for Algernon? Anyone?
Zack Q
Or the movie version (the only SF work, AFAIK, that won a Best Actor award), CHARLY (Cliff Robertson)
Lol to Mr. Fusion.
One thing is for sure, they better not make you feel good or they’ll be classified as illegal narcotics in the U.S. We can’t have people using a drug that gives them the “euphoria” of consumerism and also causes them to make smart purchasing decisions. Our economy will collapse.
Isn’t that what Midol is for….for women?
Fish do have long term memories. See
There are lots and lots of tests that can determine how long the short term memory of mice are. (Went to
I’m still attempting to grasp how they test short term memory loss with fruit flies.
LOVe to give our Gov officials a Skill tests and REALLy see how they do..
Flowers for Algernon was science fiction???????????????
Are you saying Condi can expect a contribution when she runs for President, JCD? She is “The Brain” after all.