Paris Hilton says she is sick of boyfriends and is celibate.

“I’m not having sex for a year. … I’ll kiss, but nothing else,” says Hilton, who told the magazine she has had sex with only two men during her lifetime.

During the interview, Hilton also displayed some political illiteracy.

When asked about British Prime Minister Tony Blair, her response was: “Who? … Oh, yeah, he’s like your president. I don’t know what he looks like.”

Hilton also told the magazine she collects $500,000 in fees just to show up at parties and other events from Las Vegas to Tokyo. Her best-paying gig, she said, was a recent Austrian appearance.

“I had to say ‘hi’ and tell them why I loved Austria so much,” she is quoted as saying.

And why does she like Austria? “Because they pay me $1 million to wave at crowds!”

What is there to say? She probably could get elected to political office somewhere in the U.S..

  1. Mike says:

    Well, there’s always girls.

  2. rlj_151 says:

    2 men, sure, right.

  3. Dan says:

    A friend who married a woman a lot like Paris described her as an unF+++able bitch. Now we have proof!

  4. forrest says:

    No sex…sure…

    Give and receive head…yes…

  5. Improbus says:

    Who really cares and why is it in this blog?

  6. Stu Mulne says:

    What “Improbus” said….

    Not that John needs an excuse to put a somewhat scantily clad young lady on the page, but….

  7. James Hill says:

    I guess Vista really is the only thing that sucks this year.

  8. Olly says:

    There’s a typo in that post. You misspelled “the last 24 hours” as “her lifetime”.

  9. WallyG says:

    2 men huh, that would explain why she doesn’t keep a boyfriend/fiance for too long!! Patience may be virtuous but it’s not common!

  10. WallyG says:

    2 men huh, that would explain why she doesn’t keep a boyfriend/fiance for too long!! Patience may be virtuous but it’s not common!

    I believe the word is “Tease”

  11. Bryan says:

    Hey guys, if you believe that – I have this great thing to tell you about. It involves a piece of meteor that landed from Mars in my backyard and glowed; also there is this little red guy running around my house …….

  12. Noam Sane says:

    Is that Paris Hilton? I didn’t recognize her without a dick in her mouth.

  13. Mike Voice says:

    Noam, you’re killing me… [in a good way]

    And as others have mentioned, Heiress Hilton appears to be using Bubba’s definition of what “sex” is……

  14. joe says:


  15. prophet says:

    Who’s Paris Hilton?

  16. Paris sez: “Please be gentle, this is the first time I’ve had sex….today”

  17. Kev50027 says:

    I can see why only 2 times. Shes not exactly good looking.

  18. Miguel Correia says:

    #8, Not even Vista as it will oficially begin to suck only next year… well, at least to the crowd. LOL

  19. michael says:

    paris hilton celibate for a year?

    then say goodbye to the one reason she ever got attention.

  20. juno660 says:

    Honestly, I don’t understand why anyone even cares. People need to find something better to do than obsess over small details of the lives of these worthless celebrities.

  21. kris2pe says:

    DIdn’t she reconcile w/ her ex last time? Nver mind!

  22. JM says:

    #8 rofl


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