If he’s got $60 mil, he’s buying!

Valleywag, Silicon Valley’s Tech Gossip Rag — Here’s an interesting article in ValleyWag which outlines a weird Business Week cover and rather snide analysis of Digg that is just ridiculous. First the goofball picture is intended to humiliate Kevin Rose for no apparent reason. Second he’s called a “kid” when he’s not a kid at all. And then the claim that he somehow “made” $60 million when, from what I can tell, he’s made nothing really. Oh yes, he could potentially make a billion for all we know. So? In the Business Week article we get no real insight into anything Rose has done or what it really means. Of course now no young trail blazer in their right mind would want to work with Business Week — not if they just want to make you look silly. Cripes!

Business Week’s Sarah Lacy has some explaining to do.

  1. Greymoon says:

    Vendetta journalism? Who knows?
    The dire results of modern higher education? Who knows?
    Slow business news week? Who knows?
    This is your news, this is your news on drugs? Who knows?
    Bring your kid to work and let him/her do the work? Who knows?
    Interns run amok at Business Week? Who knows?
    Kevin Rose …… Priceless.

  2. JimJammer says:

    I’m sure Kevin doesn’t care – this will generate more registered users and more Diggs.
    No publicity is bad publicity right?
    Good on you Kev – we’re digging for ya 🙂

  3. 2xbob says:

    Meh, he’ll always be Kevin Rose, the dark tipper to me (One of my favorite segments of TSS).

  4. RTaylor says:

    Probably just fulfilled the business worlds perception of what a geek entrepreneur looks like. For the average business week reader he’s probably is young enough to be their child. The previous business plans for these sites is to build something cute for the magic demographic and sell it to the likes of Yahoo. That’s not bad, because those that create can seldom market and grow a business. It’s a different skill set.

  5. Joao says:

    Rename to:

    Clueless World

  6. kris2pe says:

    Kevin could have worn a more commanding outfit! I mean I don’t know about you but he looks like an 18 yr old kid trap in his parent’s basement!
    I know he acts like one but Christ sakes his already pushing 30!
    Kevin should wear diggnation shirt & leave the stupid looking bonet & headphone which I think is like pretty much not for a season where its a 100 degrees outside!!!
    What were you thinking Kevin??? A moment of shining glory & you look like…Shit!!!

  7. Mike Voice says:

    Dude!! you got a Dell!!

    Thanks, Pedro. [grin]

  8. sunoon says:

    you’re right John. Very dissapointing article in BW.

  9. JToso says:

    Any publicity is good publicity. Good idea blogging this. TWiT fans will destroy her on the net! 🙂

  10. Doug Cullens says:

    Isn’t BW just an old school yuppie rag anyway? As for KR being a kid, he does look very youthful and the old song seems to say you can be a kid up to the age of 32.

    “You know my heart keeps tellin’ me
    You’re not a kid at thirty-three”

    from Good Time Charlie’S Got The Blues by Danny O’Keefe

  11. John Paradox says:

    I saw this via my Google news accounts before it showed up here.
    Sounds like a few jealous, and not too bright, ‘jurnulists’.


  12. Jeff says:

    Sounds to me like she might be a little bitter. I tried looking her up, but she wasn’t important enough to have a Wikipedia piece written about her. Maybe she was trying to grab some headlines for herself, that way she can advance her career and actually get a job working for magazine with some credentials.

  13. Charlie M says:

    The pix of Kevin is as misleading as the pix of the Beruit bombing above. A picture is not only worth a thousand words but can also be worth a thousand negative words…………

    Witness the Reuters stringer that Photoshops pictures and got caught by Little Green Footballs.

  14. Jargon says:

    Maybe she’s got a little crush eh haha

    I’d hit it 😀

  15. If the headline read “How this kid WILL make 60 million” then it woulda been good.

  16. Sam says:

    Didn’t read the article but just based on the front cover picture, doesn’t he look like that other kid on the mac ads?

  17. Ben Lewitt says:

    The article was crappy and sort of rude to Kevin, but the borderline fawning coverage DIGG gets on TWiT will more than make up for it.

    Don’t get me wrong, I love TWiT, the TWiT network and Kevin is a swell guy, but at times they don’t even seem to even try to hide the incestuous nature of their cross-promotion.

    I’m sure if my group of friends could have put together something as cool as TWiT though we’d do the same thing… so I guess I’m just jealous that my circle of friends can’t pull off anything as cool.

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