moved to top due to popular demand

Satellite view of the city before and after bombing.

  1. doug says:

    36. Bingo. “He hit me first” gets no one nowhere in the Middle East. Nor does saying there’s no such thing as a Palestinian or that Israel doesnt have the right to exist. what needs to be done is a negotiated settlement that requires each side to get something and give up something.

  2. Frank IBC says:

    doug –

    You’re way over-generalizing and distorting my post. I was responding specifically to Xully’s post, which said

    Israel wouldn’t exist because it shouldn’t exist. It’s a racist state, founded on the Irgun’s terror.

  3. Frank IBC says:

    Oh, never mind, I read your post too quickly and overgeneralized a bit myself. Sorry…

  4. joshua says:

    #34 Smartalix…..Alon isn’t asking his rhetorical question about the U.S…….he’s asking it from the point of view of an Israeli Jew. And he’s right on the mark.

  5. Frank IBC says:

    Oh, That’s a really credible site, smartalix.

  6. Milo says:

    Mr. H. Fusion: If the truth will serve you, than I’m your ally. I posted maps above to counteract the lie of the photos that started this entry.

  7. Jeremy says:

    Too bad it just wasn’t completely leveled!!!!

  8. xully says:

    Frank, it wasn’t their land to give away, period.

  9. Miguel Correia says:

    Here goes a link:

    Now, seriously… It’s a shame what is going on, but it seems like Israel is doing what it has to do. The good thing is, it is an open war between those two countries and fortunately destruction levels nowadays do not reach the same levels they reached during WWI. Lets just hope that the tendency is one of reaching even lower levels of destruction in the future, as it is very sad to know we are doomed to have wars amongst us because it is our nature.

  10. Uncle Dave says:

    Miquel, it’s John and us editors who want all of you to use for long urls.

  11. sh says:

    Groups that counsel people to strap on bombs to destroy Israel have no respect for human life,
    None…there own, innocents it does not matter. There ideaology is all that matters to them.
    They weave themselves into legitimate societies like Afganistan, Lebanon, Palestine and when innocents
    die it furthers their cause. They have a more effective propaganda machine among their sypathizers.
    Islamic jihad,hamas,hezbolah, al qaida they are all the same the morally equivalent of scum.

  12. Miguel Correia says:

    Uncle Dave,

    Sorry for the joke… couldn’t help it. It was stronger than me. :-$

    I did mean the part of the sadness of war.

  13. Smartalix says:


    Many in the Arab world see Israel as an American proxy.

    As for, they are not the ones doing the reporting, they only provide links to the coverage. Are all the news sites referred to by this site lying?

  14. doug says:

    44. xully – Israel has at least the same right to exist as the US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, etc.

    can’t turn back the clock – gotta deal with the reality. the reality is this – the Palestinians should have a viable state (meaning that the Israelis are going to have to pull up some settlements and reroute the wall) and Israel has the right to both existence and security (meaning that the Palestinians are going to have to give up this ‘right of return’ that they claim and organizations like Hamas and Hezbollah are going to have to get real and stop with the terrorism).

  15. ECA says:

    Talk about Urban Renewel….
    LOVE it, they can put up better houseing now.
    to bad its not that easy in the USA.

  16. Frank IBC says:

    Xully –

    The original UN proposal gave Israel a much smaller area – the proposed Arab state would have have had a “gaza strip” that included Ashdod and Ashkelon, no “peninsula” connecting Israel to Jerusalem, and the “northern west bank” would have extended almost to Nazareth, and a significant portion of northern Galilee would have been Arab territory, also almost down to Nazareth. And the southern “west bank” would have extended down to Beersheba. And there would have been still more Arab territory along the border with Egypt, extending south from Gaza.

    But instead of choosing peace with their neighbors, the Arabs chose war in 1948, and wound up losing a significant amount of the land that was promised to them by the UN. And when they chose war again in 1967, they lost still more land.

  17. joshua says:

    #53…Frank IBC….glad you posted that. I had completely forgotten about that map and the original partition as proposed and accepted by Israel but not the Palistinians. I was home schooled and my Mom showed me this when were discussing the Middle East in my lessons. I have never seen this in any modern textbook dealing with the Middle East.

    Smartalix…I understand that the Arabs/Muslims see Israel that way, but since it was Britain that set up the devide and not us, it’s just another example of how they conviently forget history.

  18. joshua says:

    #34…Smartalix….I hadn’t read your link …now that I have, my comment has nothing to do with the site itself….but the fact that everyone of those stories states that the soldiers were captured inside Lebanon *according to Hezbollah, or Lebanese police*…not one story is offered by any other cource than Lebanese or Hezbollah. I would question that, even if I was you.

  19. Peter Oleson says:

    “all it will take is for Saudi Arabia and Iran to turn off the taps”

    “was it the kidnapping of two soldiers or the demand of ransom?”

    who did what when?

    These things are not relative now. What is relative is fluid, quantum like. That’s why we need experienced General Officers. They deal with this “what if’ stuff by proffession.
    What can at this moment happen that will help this situation, oops, the moment is gone.
    I’m not sure that anything can stop this, maybe it shouldn’t be stopped.
    Maybe it should.

    Only time will tell, unless (oops, it’s happening already) history is re-written..

  20. Frank IBC says:

    Here’s a better map showing the areas that the Arabs forfeited following the 1948-49 war.

    Note: neither map shows the small amount of territory that Israel LOST to Jordan in the war – the Mehola area in the extreme northeast corner of the West Bank, along the Jordan River just south of the 1949 armistice line.

  21. ChrisMac says:

    why? greed? power?

    money is omnipotent

  22. ab cd says:

    Frank, all your map shows is that Israel has been expanding. Arabs use those same maps as propaganda in their favor.

    These satellite pictures are probably te only ones that can be trusted, because Reuters has been doctoring photos to make Israel look bad.

  23. J J F says:

    @43 “Too bad it just wasn’t completely leveled!!!!”

    Too bad your hometown wasn’t completely leveled!!!!!!

    What ignorant statements on both our parts!!!!!!!!!

  24. Frank IBC says:

    Sarah Hill –

    The alledged death toll of “more than 900 killed” does not help the credibility of the maps to which you link.

  25. liesea says:

    hi im a Christian Lebanese and i’m not a hezbollah fan nor a chyah fan, but just wanted to show facts that the US media doesnt point out to:
    -israel left south lebanon in 2000 with a land full of mines without giving maps , so a big part of the south is unusable
    -israel is using lebanon’s water and producing electricity while bombing lebanese power plants every couple of years.
    -israel has thousands of lebanese prisoners and refuses to let them out…etc
    hezbollah’s goal is to obtain back these natural rights and nobody’s listening
    kidnapping 2 soldiers was probably for them a way to be heard

    As i said, i dont favor hezbollah, but plz look at both sides of the story before judging
    ps: writing this comment while the whole house is shaking due to those sweet 20 T bombs:)

  26. olafur says:

    israelis are in this case the bad guy like they are always are and the big brother USA is same…..

  27. Jeremy says:

    Its a good start!

  28. AB CD says:

    Mr. Fusion, do you consider it an overreaction to wipe Israel off the map?

  29. liesea says:

    you asked why didnt hezbollah channel its requests through the lebanese governement?
    sadly, there was no governement all these years in lebanon because of the syrian occupation , so almost everyone who worked for the governement was kissing syrian ass all day long.
    just for saying that sentence a couple of years ago , i would have been killed maybe , having more syrian intel in the streets than normal citizens.
    Anyway, with the absence of a lebanese voice , hezbollah fed mainly by syria has become very powerful and independant, so you are dealing here with an internal organization within lebanon , and unfortunately , we are taking the blow with the lebanese governement as a spectator.

    and finally with the conditions for the cease fire , this resolution is a joke, it gives nothing to hezbollah , so its a way of saying: hey we offered a solution , you dont want it , now die!

    the UN is useless with all its resolutions.
    did the US give a f*** about a UN approval before invading iraq?


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