moved to top due to popular demand

Satellite view of the city before and after bombing.

  1. liesea says:

    good job with the Marjeyoun convoy … all civilians escaping because israel ordered their evacuation …nice going boys!

  2. Salman says:

    I have been reading comments ,which are totally disgusting and biased. Who occupied, palestinean land.who kils and abduct democraticlay elected leaders of PA, and Hamas. who coomits war crimes. who bombs cities with cluster bombs on innocent pple. its who .who gives a damn to international community and does what it wants.
    your guess is as good as mine guys, just dont be hypocrtes, and write what u feel from heart.

  3. Thomas says:

    > This maybe a dumb question, but why do the Isreali’s wear
    > uniforms? Why not goe in with civilian clothes, walk
    > straight up to the rocket launchers? If your caught
    > Hezzbola will kill you no matter what you would wear.

    There are a couple of reasons. First, it would greatly increase the number of friendly fire incidents. Second, wearing a uniform instills a degree of accountability (albeit limited) in the person wearing the uniform.

  4. hacker says:

    i lived in beirut for quite a bit and most of the lebanese are supporters of hezbollah no matter what the BBC, CNN or any other biased western news may say. i was there to experience the bombings in beirut, which i found strangely exciting but terrifying.

    to understand what terrorism is, you must understand ones culture first. you can’t simply accuse one of being a terrorist.

    many of you don’t seem to understand
    your knowledge is based on for weeks
    the war hezbollah is fighting is for the thousands of lebanese and palestians they have been keeping hostages since the civil war. and till today, they have yet to release them.

    all that has been done is the capture of two israeli soldiers, and look at the damage israeli: half of beirut destroyed, heck more than half of lebanon is destroyed.

    i hate how israel is trying to justify their killing. and they make is seem as though one drop of israeli blood is more precious than that of others. why can’t they do a simple prisoner exchange?? 2 soldiers for the thousands you are holding hostage. you cannot simply call those prisoners terrorist and again i must insist that before you can determine who are terrorist, you must understand their culture.

  5. felicius labienus says:

    This is the end of Western Civilization, but then again this is the western civilization!

  6. rocio says:

    Once again, journalists prove they are superficial and irresponsible.

    How many foreign journalists happen to speak and read Arabic in Beirut?: I’ll answer this: less than 0.1 percent.

    How many journalists know in what year the state of Israel was aproved by the U.N.? Less than 0.2% do.

    How many journalist think that Israel was created in 1957 by a group of jews who received U.S. support through a rapid war? 17% do!!!

    Those statistics are real. How can you trust these guys to tell you about reality?


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