PLANET X AND THE PROPHETIC EQUATION — I’m not sure exactly how I let this website get past me for so many months, but apparently it’s not too late to learn the truth about global warming. And it was just a matter of time before the crackpots consolidated their ideas to the one unified nutball theory of the world. That day is coming soon. Anyway this seems like good Sunday reading if only to get you to the Bible to read all these citations.

The Lord Jesus Christ, nearly 2,000 years ago, knew these things were going to happen, and even predicted when they would happen; right at the time this present dispensation is drawing to a close. Read again Matthew 24:7, Mark 13:8, Luke 21:11, 21:25-28, and “be not faithless, but believing,” John 20:27. You might also read Luke 21:36, John 3:16, 14:6, Acts 16:31, and Romans 10:8-13…

Enter the environmentalists “wackos.” They claim that the sole cause of global warming is mankind. They tell us that global warming is caused by burning fossil fuels, depleting the forests, draining the wetlands, contaminating the air with the fumes of automobile exhausts, using hair spray and refrigerant, smoke from factories and refineries, the exploding population, blah, blah, blah. Their claim is that all of these things are heating up the atmosphere. Nothing could be further from the truth!

A truth that the environmentalists “fruitcakes” don’t want to hear is that there was far more pollution in the atmosphere two hundred years ago than there is today. Two hundred years ago all of humanity was using wood and coal for heating and cooking. Far more fluorocarbons were being injected into the atmosphere at that time than they are today. But strangely, there was no “global warming” back then. Rather, according to historians, two hundred years ago the earth was experiencing a cycle of bitter cold winters and cool summers. How do the environmentalists “nuts” explain this? Duh! But let’s not confront environmentalists with the truth. Truth only frustrates and angers them.

The point I am making here is that centuries ago the Lord Jesus Christ Himself predicted the coming of Planet X. He even predicted, 2000 years in advance, the time when Planet X [and other heavenly bodies] would come flying past the earth. The time the Lord predicted was to be during the “generation” that would see “the fig tree…..shoot forth,” Luke 21:29-33, and “putteth forth leaves,” Matthew 24:32-35; Mark 13:28-31.

related links:

Another quasi-biblical Planet-X site describing the prelude to the end times (with timeline!) The Virgin Mary is involved with this one.

A new take on Planet-X and how this guy wants to be Governor of California

“Planet X” like comets gone around the Sun get closer to the Earth on their way out of the inner solar system, and since Planet X is going into orbit around the Sun the government officialdom can safely call it any other planet conveniently near by it while it is crossing the night sky in 2003 from sunrise to sunset, so that when Thor comes around the Sun by the Earth during daylight in 2007 the government is certain to be able to keep secret from the people that a big blue planet like the Earth is coming up close to the Earth to go behind the Moon, unless it rains fire down upon the world and people from it arrive on the Earth.

Palet-X is also called Niburu. Here is a site of links to enjoy

Can Old Sci-Fi Be the Origins of this Idea?

  1. Eideard says:

    Is this a good time to search for illos by the great “Emsch”?

  2. Max Bell says:

    Hey, `Sus — I give up on your followers. Hairless apes were a bad idea in general. But if you plan on showing up in this lifetime, will You please teach them web design?

    Admittedly, these did not induce seizures, and I did laugh in an “oh-everybody-needs-a-‘fline-`sketty-monssah’-kind-of-way, but in hindsight I recognize the seizures hurt less.

    Bring them back, and I will expand my belief in you to at least convert to Judaism, 1 cor 1:22.

    Your buddy in skepticism,


  3. ECA says:

    200 years ago??
    and WHERE was this data coming from about a Cold winter??

    Oldest data there IS on this planet about weather, is from China. they’ve been documneting alot of things for ALONG time.

    But many dont quite understand what global warming CAN do.
    It places moisture into the air, from the oceans, and melting ice caps.
    During winter, this means Its going to SNOW, ALOT. And spring time it means MORe rain. talk about going south for the winter.
    Which can place MORE snow on the ground then in the water. this can form Glaciers after a time. And reflect MOre sunshine.

    Its all a SELF equalization of the planet. We may not survive it…But the planet will, UNLESS the planet changes drastically. As it HAS sence the time of dinosours. Plants change, animals change, everything MUST adapt.

  4. Gibson says:

    “A truth that the environmentalists “fruitcakes” don’t want to hear is that there was far more pollution in the atmosphere two hundred years ago than there is today. Two hundred years ago all of humanity was using wood and coal for heating and cooking.

    Um…there are more people in Houston today then there was on the entire planet 2,000 years ago.

    And stop with the ancient outdated text (Bible) quotes, because:
    …of making many books there is no end; and much study is a weariness of the flesh. Ecclesiastes 12:12

  5. Gibson says:

    Oh, and by the way…I missed that he said “200 years ago” and saw it as “2000 years ago”. Still, we didn’t pass the 1 billion population on the planet until the 20th century. My point is there was a ramp-up, and exponential curve going up up up as the population and things of that sort went up.

    But hey, you don’t need my feeble attempts to show this guy is a goofball…

  6. Mike Voice says:

    How do the environmentalists “nuts” explain this? Duh!

    I guess these people didn’t read the book “The little Ice Age”, with some of the reasoning being that being the ash tossed into the atmosphere by the eruptions of Kracatoa & Tambora…

    “D’uh!” doesn’t beging to cover it. [grin]

    How were they making flurocarbons, back in the day?

    …burning fossil fuels, depleting the forests, draining the wetlands, contaminating the air with the fumes of automobile exhausts, using hair spray and refrigerant, smoke from factories and refineries, the exploding population, blah, blah, blah….

    So, these are all things they want us to continue doing?? No avoidable harm it any of them?

  7. JSFORBES says:

    Mike, you “fruitcake”, everything was air conditioned back in the 1800s!

  8. gquaglia says:

    Are these people really that unhappy with their life that they have to create such nonsense end of the world stuff. Please, put down the bible and enjoy life, you only go around once.

  9. blastum says:

    “Far more fluorocarbons were being injected into the atmosphere at that time than they are today.” (200 years ago). Where did chlorinated fluorocarbons come from 200 years ago?

  10. Mike Voice says:

    7 Mike, you “fruitcake”…


    Compared to those clowns, “fruitcake” is a badge of honor! I wear it proudly!

  11. Awake says:

    The regular passing of “Planet X” is a well documented fact, they even made a historical documentary about the inhabitatnts of Planet X called “The Wizard of Oz”.

    In that documentary they plainly show the inhabitants of Planet X: small humanoid creatures called “Munchkins”, robots (both metal and organic), cat like creatures with higher levels of intelligence, flying monkeys and evil water sensitive humanoid creatures with telekinetic powers. The main system of government is a neo-conservative style dictatorship led by an all knowing, never wrong “Imperial Wizard”.

    The Bible itself descibes the planet, clearly stated in passages like Luke 21:36, John 3:16, 14:6, Acts 16:31, and Romans 10:8-13.

    It’s fruitcake wacko environmentalists that are in denial, when there is such ample evidence available about planet X.

  12. Bob says:

    “And it was just a matter of time before the crackpots consolidated their ideas to the one unified nutball theory of the world. ”

    Doesn’t the discribe the Al Gore doom and gloom end of the world crowd?

  13. ab cd says:

    The first part isn’t too far off, though I think he’s wrong about the types of chemicals that went into the air. However, there was definitely lots of pollution problems back then, not to mention sanitation problems. The environment is better today.

    As for Planet X hasn’t that been discovered already, and given a different name?

  14. Sounds the Alarm says:

    Re 11 – LOL – Now thats funny!

    Hey William, Ron and Jesus are both Jewish too!

  15. Chris says:

    Hahaha… the sun is at an all time high with CME’s? Not even close. I check out regularly, and back in March it was the same as it is right now. We’re at solar minimum. Hardly even a sunspot around, let alone record-setting CME’s. This guy is creating “facts” out of thin air.

  16. ECA says:

    Only problems with this stuff…
    Is HOW many Listen, and dont check the facts, that they State??
    As with many things, finding 1 ERROR is enough to kill ANY idea/thought/wish/Crackpot.

  17. Graeme Nimmo says:

    I have read this and I do agree, it is ludicrous, but I would like to make one request, please dpm’t lump all Christians as crackpots, numpties and just general eejits.

    We are mostly just as intelligent and capable as anyone else, yes, in any group there are complete and utter tubes, but that doesn’t mean we all are. I mean, plenty of people who aren’t believers in any religeon are nutters as well, look at evolution for example! (Nah, just pulling your leg, makes sense to me) But a lot of you conspracies are made up by faithless people.

    It is interesting how the bible can be misread, a friend of mine found a “secret” message talking about donuts a few months ago.

    Anyways, feel free to flame away…

  18. Simon Zerafa says:

    Ummm: “The fumes of automobile exhausts,”

    Well I am not sure about that one. An argument has been made that vehicle exausts (and Aircraft Contrails) actually have been keeping us cooler for the last few years.

    If we eliminated all such polution overnight then global tempratures would rise quicker than they appear to be doing already.

    There was a study to that effect following the 9/11 attacks when aircraft were grounded in the US where tempratures went up by about 1.5C in a few days.



  19. Graeme Nimmo says:

    #19 I never knew that one, quite an intruguing random fact. (although usefull at the same time)

    Here in the UK I was hearing from a park ranger from nearby was taking part in a study of the effects on contrails, I never did hear what his results were, will have to chase him up and try to find out what it found. (Ouch, sorry for the bad grammer there, just doesn’t seem right)

  20. Mike says:

    After reading this, I rushed out to the store and bought me a sweet pair of black Nikes.

  21. Mike Voice says:

    They get things so wrong i.e. flourocarbons, that it makes me wonder if this isn’t just a giant hoax site… with the authors sitting-back laughing, while designing new tidbits of fluff to add to the pile.

    Like in Life of Brian, where the crowd is in hysterics while new names which begin with “R” are suggested…

  22. Roc Rizzo says:

    Yes, but did you know that Darwin has given up on his “theory”
    read it and weep here:

  23. Sean says:

    I first heard of this Planet X in the book The 12th Planet by Zecharia Sitchin, which I read years, and years ago.

    To sum it up, this planet X comes around earth every few thousand years. It’s the inhabitants of that planet that created life on earth. It’s the inhabitants of that planet that early humans thought to be gods, which kicked off religion as we know it.

    It’s that planet coming so close to earth that caused the deluge written about in The Bible, The Koran, and every other religious/historical book. It’s “people” from that planet that warned Noah.

    It’s actually a pretty good read.

    • Kyle says:

      Now all we are waiting for is Lavos to form and suck the energy of the planet dry.l

  24. Tina says:

    Firstly and most importantly environmentalists don’t blame climate change or global warming on using fossil fuels etc. environmentalists and scientists know that climate change is a natural event, the problems that we are facing today is the fast tracking of this climate change.
    There is a big difference between 1 billion people using wood and coal to heat their homes and 5 billion people using coal, to heat their homes using fossil fuels to power their cars (I think the Average in Australia is 2 cars per house hold) It may be similar in The USA, and using fossil fuels to make plastics etc.
    And yes the comment that was made about keeping the world cool is correct in some parts. green house gasses trap heat from leaving the earths surface much like a blanket however when there is an over lode of these gases the earths surface temperature will start to increase. If you look at research “smoke form factories” I think you mean the industrial revolution in the 1900 did actually mark the beginning of an ever rising greenhouse gas level in the atmosphere.

    If I was you I would do a little bit of reading on carbon sinks as well I think they will give you some insight into why cutting down hectares and hectares of rainforest is dangerous.

    The hair spray, refrigerants and fluorocarbons comment I think you mean CFCs they actually have little to do with the greenhouse effect and climate change.
    CFCs have caused the hole in the ozone layer this means that UV rays can pass through the atmosphere and severely damage our skin I live in Australia and the hole in the ozone layer is directly above us so skin cancer is a big problem here!

    The point that I’m making here I am a practicing Christian I am also an environmental science student people shouldn’t make false comments and accusation without look at both sides, and as a Christian I’m sure you can understand that name calling is very immature and defeats from the purpose.
    it’s fine when you believe in something I think it’s great but science has aided humanity not hindered it

    • Kyle says:

      I agree! The data cannot be more clear except other planets are having global warming too at an alarming degree and I doubt cow farts are causing that!

      So obviously there is either a giant object or an intelligent being causing it somewhere up there to screw with us.

  25. Pavel Smutny says:

    All new planetoids, planets have somehow eccentric orbits – their focuses are shifted circa 1bill. km. The most distant Sedna, Xena are even very close to perihelia, aphelia, Why?
    Isn’t it sign, that something much massive is approaching us and it is close to its perihelia?
    Those shifts, shapes of paths so are after it only projection of our opposite motion toward X -to orbits of very distant objects,….?
    There are many historical artifacts what speak that we have here in our sol. sys. minimum one very massive object with long periodicity-Senmut map, Dendera zodiac, Narmer palette, funeral banner from tomb of markiza Tai, Mayan codexes, Enuma Elish, Biblical texts from Book of Job,Texts from pyramids,…
    Global warming is not only on Earth but also on Mars,…-the same level of acceleration, big perturb. in orbits of moons of Uranus,…
    There is acceler. of shifts of motions of magnet. poles on Earth, but also on Saturn,…results, graphs of GISP, Vostok projects-regular circa 1500 years intervals sharp peaks during last 40000 years,…
    Accelerating Solar activity-max. per. 8000 years now?! Jupiter in aphelia in 2011, the strongest solar maximum per last 400 years – forecasted on 2011,2012 even by oficial astronomers.
    Sun’s axis is also aprox. in plain pointing on Orion,…Sun’s, Moon;s eclipses are in March, September now – arround equinoxes, what show that also knots of Moon’s path /main axes of Moons orbit show on Orion,..Eclipses (in 2011,2012 ) will be during end of December and close to Venus transit time (time of X’s aphelia)!
    As of Feb. 6, Pioneer 10 was about 92.12 astronomical units (AU) from the Sun and headed towards the constellation Taurus.The discrepancy found that Pioneer 10 and 11 were each about 240,000 miles (400,000 kilometers) closer to the Sun than they should be according to the current understanding of gravity.
    Pioneers slowing (400,000km, or1000x more!?) when these probes are circa14mld. km from us show, that gravity of that body (X) causing this disproportion is 10x mass of Earth or even 30mass of Jupiter. Why is source of that extra gravity pointing to Sun? It is so, because X is now much more closer to Sun than are Pioneers now!
    Hurricanes frequency, their power acceleration in last years, increasing number of floods, super strong winds, tornados, temperature extremes-anomalies, growing number of London Thames Barrier closures due to extreme surges,…
    andy many other facts speak that we have in our Solar system not only tenth Xena, but also something much heavier till 25 Jupiters-maybe micro black hole?!,black dwarf star,…
    and that objects is approaching perihelia,..
    I made detailed simulations in WinOrsa and they show, that it is possible!
    what do you think about? RNDr. Pavel Smutny

  26. Lars says:

    well well… i don’t believe we need christianity to prove the coming of planet x, that’s for sure. But who says that we didn’t misunderstand every writing we have found in bible? im beginning to doubt a lot after a lot of excavations from the summerians. i’ve dug up a lot of things on this topic on the net, and some of it seem plausible, but still a bit holed up if you ask me. But i am not to judge on it, maybe it will happen, maybe it won’t.

  27. Kyle says:

    The stupidest thing they have done in the last 5 years is force homes to use Mercury bulbs to *save the whales* I mean planet.

    Think about it. Mercury is loaded with lead poison and if one drops you cannot just sweep it up and throw it in the trash. The lightbulb will actually explode and send mercury all over the room it exploded in.
    Not to mention there has been studies that show people have migraines and other health issues when being exposed to these fluorescent light bulbs.

    There was a video in the early 2000s Dad saw on TV before we got rid of it (except to play video games) that showed an infared view of a mercury light bulb exploding with mercury shown as white flying everywhere and just touching it is contagious and you have to throw away your carpet or burn it and get rid of all the furniture in that room.

    It’s not just a *little* mess to clean up. It will require specialized mercury agents to deal with the cleanup and they will have to be trained by you’re tax paying money as the government cannot afford it right now.

    Did I mention the recycle centers and landfills are not trained to handle mercury light bulbs because of the lead problems invovled which require very delicate handling?

    Most people are not trained to know what to do if a mercury bulb breaks and will likely sweep it up like any other light bulb due to false promises and a severe lack of education on handling mercury.

    You thought handling a broken mercury therometer was dangerous think again!

  28. Kyle says:

    And all the above is being enforced by these same *Greenies* enforcing the global warming ban which in the 70s these same
    *Greenies* were screaming about an ice age by the 90s.

    Now Remember the Ozone 80s crowd ranting?
    These same Greenies after the ice age hoax got into the ozone layer hoax about it being totally destoryed by the early 2000s with hospitals being overloaded with cancer patients and people having all sorts of skin trouble by the 90s making it very unsafe to be outdoors during the summer months and that there would be mass starvation by the year 1998 with very little to no food available.

    It’s funny how these environmental wackos are *mental* forgetting the last thing they preached.

  29. Kyle says:

    For some reason it said I have a duplicate comment even though I am talkinga bout the Ozone layer fanatics now.

    I’ll try once more to get my comment thru!

    Do you remember how in the 1980s after the ice age scare these alarmist then went on to the Ozone threat? They actually thought by the late 90s there would be very little Ozone left which cancer would be out of control overloading hospitals left and right.

    They thought the world would be doomed by the end of that century.

    I’ll later try to find some articles about that to see what it was like back then.

  30. Kyle says:

    WTF? I am getting duplicate comment messages. Is God punishing me or something?


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