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I know I shouldn’t be suprised that the FDA who is supposed to protect the public is really protecting big money contributors to their boss’ politcal campaigns. But it usually isn’t so blatant.

Mad cow watch goes blind

Creekstone Farms, a Kansas beef producer, wants to reassure customers that its cattle are safe to eat by testing them all for mad cow disease. Sounds like a smart business move, but there’s one problem: The federal government won’t let the company do it.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture — invoking an obscure 1913 law intended to thwart con artists from peddling bogus hog cholera serum to pig farmers — is blocking companies from selling the testing kits to Creekstone.

USDA is doing the bidding of large cattle barons afraid that Creekstone’s marketing will force them to do the same tests to stay competitive. It’s true that the incidence of mad cow disease is quite low. […] Not only is USDA blocking Creekstone, the department said last month that it’s reducing its mad cow testing program by 90%. The industry and its sympathetic regulators seem to believe that the problem isn’t mad cow disease. It’s tests that find mad cow.

“In a nation dedicated to free market competition,” says John Stewart, CEO of Creekstone, which is suing USDA, “a company that wants to do more than is required to ensure the quality of its product and to satisfy customer demand should be allowed to do so.”

When regulators disagree with reasoning like that, you know the game is rigged.

Here is the opposing view. And here’s and article on the disease itself.

  1. ECA says:

    Im wondering WHO knows what Mad cow REALLy is..
    Its derived from cannabilism..
    Its the same problem cannabils get from eating the brains, of their victims.
    they find that after they BOOST a cows, system with all the drugs, that they can UP there food, with Dead cattle, that have been fed all the previous drugs.

  2. ECA says:

    Whats real interesting is that this disease, can be harbored for upto 10 years with no affect, but its STILL there in the system.

    I wonder IF the testing of Milk can FIND mad cow, as thats not a portion of the system it affects/infects.

    IF we would stop feeding MEATS to the cattle to boost their systems, maybe we could get AWAY from this problem. As well as the 60+% of all antacids being FED to cattle, because of it.

  3. Smartalix says:

    This is a perfect example of what is wrong with American business, and why nobody trusts corporations with anything.

    These sick greedy bastards should be forced to eat their own cattle feed.

  4. ECA says:

    What is funny is the FEW cattle they have found that had MAD COW…
    Where did the milk go???
    DO you REALLy think they stored it for 5 years??
    Someone DRANK IT, after it was mixed with about 500 gallons of OTHER milk.
    Whats the USE??

    Of all the cattle that Britain had with Mad Cow, FROM the US, we Blamed Canada…

  5. ECA says:

    Interesting to THINK:
    With all the drugs, and such they WARN pregnant women of NOT to take or come into contact, What is given to Cows, in the FIRST PLACE..

    That we Drink and GIVe to our children..

  6. Mister Mustard says:

    The FDA and the USDA are two distinct entities.

  7. AB CD says:

    So you’re finally catching on that big businesses love regulations because it keeps small competitors out?

  8. Mr. H. Fusion says:

    Ab cd, Businesses like regulations applied equally. It is only when not all follow the same regulations do they complain.

    And consumers like regulations when they protect us from the unscrupulous.

  9. ECA says:

    And thats what kills the Little companies, and the Raw milk makers.


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