We all know mother’s milk is best (I got my ex to nurse by doing all the fetching, carrying and changing – it was well worth it), but we can’t all expend the time and/or energy to do so. Better animal milk and formula derived from it may provide an answer.

Human breast milk contains valuable antibacterial enzymes that milk from dairy animals did not–until now. Researchers report that transgenic goats can successfully produce milk containing the enzyme Lysozyme, and that this milk exhibits an antibacterial effect when fed to young goats and pigs.

The researchers hope that in the future, enhanced nonhuman milk will give an immune boost to children in the developing world where diarrhea takes more than two million lives each year.

Let’s just hope that the anti-genetic research crowd doesn’t stifle this.

  1. Frank IBC says:

    Next, a lactose-free cow?

  2. RTaylor says:

    What if the child’s first words are bah bah instead of ma ma? I guess in that case you really could call it a kid. Yeah I have too much time on my hand today.

  3. ECA says:

    goats milk is better for humnas children then COWS milk, ANY DAY.

  4. ECA says:

    Interesting to THINK:
    With all the drugs, and such they WARN pregnant women of NOT to take or come into contact, What is given to Cows, in the FIRST PLACE..

  5. Mr. H. Fusion says:

    …What is given to Cows, in the FIRST PLACE..

    The same crap they feed goats.

  6. ECA says:

    they force them to be pregnant, so that they make milk.
    Take the Young away, mostly for butcher, and they do this upto 5-12 times.
    After that, the Cow isnt worth keeping as she CANT produce anymore milk.

  7. nilidsid says:

    Now, we know that they mean this for cases where a mother can’t produce. They wouldn’t dare try to convice mother’s that thier own milk wasn’t good enough… right???

    But, I thought they were going to start growing human organs. Oh, wait: that’s for organ replacement, not fluid production (or a creepy new form of molestation).


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