WTF !!! This is a 74-year-old elderly lady with a TREE FARM!!! A TREE FARM!!! Got it???

BMV in Ohio Declares Lady’s Tag “Obscene”

A Central Ohio woman said she has had the same license plate on her car for more than a decade, but now the state is calling her personalized place obscene.

Pat Niple turned 74 years old on Tuesday.

“The letter stated that I could no longer have my license plate, which was NWTF,” she said.

Niple’s personalized plates are NWTF, an abbreviation of Northwood Tree Farm — a business she owned with her late husband.

I guess next the government will make her change her last name. After all, someone might confuse “Niple” for “Nipple.” And that might offend someone’s sensibilities.

  1. John says:

    WTF? I google NWTF and I can’t figure out what’s so obscene about it?

  2. bill says:

    FTWN in the mirror? or like OIHOKUCF?

  3. Anon says:

    They might have gotten away with it if they just added “OMG” and “BBQ”

  4. ibily says:

    Possibly a four letter word?

    NWTF National Wild Turkey Federation
    NWTF Napa River Watershed Task Force
    NWTF Nashua Wastewater Treatment Facility (New Hampshire)
    NWTF Nasionale Wetenskap-en-Tegnologieforum
    NWTF National Wind Tunnel Facility (India)
    NWTF National Working Terrier Federation (UK)
    NWTF Negros Women for Tomorrow Foundation (micro-finance institution)
    NWTF Non-Woven Textile Fabric
    NWTF Northwest Transportation Fund
    NWTF Northwest Water Treatment Facility
    NWTF Not Worth Taking For (Warcraft gaming)
    NWTF Noxious Weed Trust Fund (Montana)
    NWTF Nuclear Waste Task Force (Sierra Club)

  5. joe says:

    governments gone insane. we need new revolution to ovethrow idiots in current office to be replaced with new idiots

  6. J. Doe says:

    Reeks of automated search tools
    with the absense of a human review process.

    Welcome to the BBSOTF (Bureaucratic B*ll Sh* of the Future).

  7. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #5 –

    YES! Revolution Now!

    Or maybe not so much…. I am all on board, except that they only people I am more afraid of than the powers that be are the powers that will be.

    Who will prevail? The gun nuts? The Jesus freaks? The radical feminists? NAMBLA?

    I mean WTF?

  8. Mr. H. Fusion says:

    Who will prevail? The gun nuts? The Jesus freaks? The radical feminists? NAMBLA?

    NWTF Nuclear Waste Task Force (Sierra Club)

  9. Geoff says:

    I guess my brother will be hoping California does not get wind of this. His is “INT WTF” and yes, the last part of it does mean what you think it means. (The first half is Navy Radioman for “interogative” which means the following part is a question.)

  10. joshua says:

    #10….thats California….those things are a pass out here…. 🙂

    Now Ohio….well, thats a horse and buggy of different colour.

  11. joshua says:

    #10….thats California….those things are a pass out here…. 🙂

    Now Ohio….well, thats a horse and buggy of a different colour.

  12. Rod C says:

    Would you Yanks please stop pandering to your lowest denominator.
    Geez, you (we all) need people in office with some balls to laugh at half-wits raising ‘issues’ like this & toss them out.
    This sort of crap leeches out of the US & infects the rest of the world you know!
    – Rod (Down Under)

  13. Wes says:

    I must be missing something… what is obscene about it?

  14. Ascii King says:

    Now What The F is wrong with you people? All I’m reading are your knee-jerk reactions to what was probably an automated decision. Crude and obscene liscense plates have been disallowed for a while now. She was most likely able to keep her plates with NWTF on them because she already had them and was grandfathered in. As soon as she ordered new plates, though the system flagged it as obscene and wouldn’t allow it.

    What does her age and the name of the company have to do with it? Is it less obscene because she’s old? If you’re the head of the South Haven Information Technology unit, can your plates read S.H.I.T.HEAD?

  15. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #15 –

    1. It isn’t obcene.
    2. That these types of decisions are automated is obscene.
    3. Just go ahead and bow down before your governmental masters, who are themselves slaves to their corporate masters, because after all, as citizens we are nothing more than cattle to be used as our obvious betters see fit.
    4. If anyone is offended by seeing WTF on a plate, then that person has a serious problem that can be remedied by a swift and forceful kick in the ass.

  16. Ascii King says:

    I’m not sure about bowing down before my masters. That might be a bit extreme for what we’re talking about here, but I can say that WTF is obscene. To them anyway. These guys have a job to do and they have to draw a line somewhere. When they hand out plates they want to make sure that obscenities are kept off of the plates so they have rules that say “No obscene words”. Then along comes some joker who wants his company’s acronym F.U.C.K.U. on his plate. They get laughed at and modify the rules. Then along comes the next guy who splls out EAT ME backwards so you can read it in your mirror. Everybody laughs at th liscence bureau again and they modify the rules again. Then along comes some old lady with an legitimate acronym that can be interpreted as obscene and she finds out the rules are so tight that it can’t be allowed.

    I’m willing to bet that you people who argue how stupid this rule is are the same idiots who laugh at how stupid the people handing out liscence plates are when a truly sneaky and obscene one gets through. You can’t have it both ways.

  17. Mike Hunts Owner says:

    Aschole King seems to have about as much logic as a turd in a dead man’s pants.

  18. doug says:

    18. Back in the olden days, before personalized plates became commonplace, someone probably had the randomly assigned licence plate WTF 69. Was the State Department of Motor Vehicles pandering to the prurient?

  19. Kevin Gainer says:

    unbelievable…I wouldn’t have had a clue as to what “NWTF” ALLEGEDLY “means” had not the “dirty mind” people at the Bureau informed me. unbelievable…very poor judgement; don’t these gov’t people have anything more constructive to do with their time like rebuilding the decaying infrastructure of the cities?

  20. Jane says:

    I have had the same vanity plate in Washington State since 1984. Last year a woman complained that I was offending her. The only complaint that I have ever received in 21 years. The Dept of Licensing requested for me to go before a hearing to prove I was not offending the citizens in this state. As it turned out, so many people from around the country contacted the department that they could not get their work done. I also had representation from the American Center for Law and Justice in D.C. They finally dropped the case.

    So from experience, stand up for your rights and do not let anyone bulley you around! Hopefully they will be reasonable and let her keep the plate. My story made national news. May help the tree business with all of the publicity.

    John 3:16 license plate story:

  21. anne says:

    What’s wrong with you people? If they let her use that, they have to let everyone else use it. Then you’ll have other people using it who INTEND to be obscene. You can’t say OK to her and NO to everyone else. WTF does not belong on a license plate, regardless of what comes before or after it.


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