
Benny Hill –Separated at birth?

BBC NEWS | Europe | EU rejects death penalty debate — Watch how this starts to bubble up with terrorism on the rise in Europe.

The European Union has brushed off a call from the Polish president for a Europe-wide debate on reinstating the death penalty.

“The death penalty is not compatible with European values,” European Commission spokesman Steffan de Rynck told reporters.

Last Friday, Polish President Lech Kaczynski urged the organisation to review its policy on the issue.

The abolition of the death penalty is one of the conditions of EU membership.

Mr Kaczynski said countries which had abandoned capital punishment had “given an unimaginable advantage to the perpetrator over the victim”. It was “the advantage of life over death”, he told Polish public radio.

Most Western European countries abandoned the death penalty in the 1960s while Eastern European states did so in the 1990s. Poland abolished capital punishment in 1997, following a moratorium on executions imposed in 1988. Mr Kaczynski called for a review of that policy. “European civilisation has roads that lead us into the future, but it also has blind alleys – and this is one of them,” he said.

  1. Peter says:

    ok, I’m all for the death penalty, but strictly limited to the following groups:

    – Politicians who lie to the public
    – Politicians who abuse their office power to promote the interests of lobbyists
    – Politicians who accept bribes
    – Politicians who order the military to attack another country

    let’s see if he still likes it


  2. Roll says:


  3. David says:

    I´m happy to be part of a union that try to stay away from state-murder.

    Capital Punishment is just a simple excuse for a revenge for the victims. It has no place in a humane society.

  4. no justice says:

    For those who favor the death penalty: It’s NOT whether or not you execute an innocent person when you have the death penalty. It’s HOW MANY innocent victims will be put to death when you have the death penalty.

  5. doug says:

    and since the death penalty (according to its proponents) is necessary to deter crime, shouldn’t the EU be swarming with murderers running amok?

  6. conveyancing says:

    And that we do in case of error?


    Better without death penalty



  7. RTaylor says:

    Even the hashish governments has never been able to abolish crime, even when deaths like drawn and quartered could be ordered. How about the economics. Look at the costs of maintaining a prisoner from his mid-twenties to death, without the possibility of release. These prisoners sit in a cell and contributes nothing to the society they violated. Should they at least be forced to work to offset the cost of incarceration? In a way aren’t they still violating the society by draining limited funds from the more worthy causes? Maybe we need to look at prison colonies again for incorrigibles.

  8. kballweg says:

    Interesting that the anti’s are ahead 7 ot 0: so far. Guess authoritarians don’t get up as early.

  9. estacado says:

    I wonder how many of the internet generation know who Benny Hill is. By the way, you don’t need a seperated at birth pic for Lech Kaczynski. He actually has a twin brother Jaroslaw Kaczynski who his brother (Lech) appointed as the Prime Minister.

  10. Mike says:

    The EU is floundering anyway. It’s proving to be useful as nothing more than a free-trade zone with a single currency (with a few notable exceptions).

  11. Calin says:

    Personally, I’m pro-death penalty. However, it’s up to EU to make decisions for the EU. On the other side, I don’t like the fact that Poland is not allowed to make that decision for themselves. I guess it comes from being such a strong States Rights believer. I know, doesn’t apply to Poland or the EU……just my feelings on the subject.

  12. Mr. H. Fusion says:

    Have you ever noticed how many Pro-Death Penalty people are also Pro-Life? Maybe life isn’t so sacred after all.

  13. Calin says:

    Mostly because Pro-Life people are also Pro-Consequence people. It has nothing to do with the sanctity of life. It has everything to do with the rights of the individual. For the death penalty, you had to have taken the life of another individual…..thereby destroying the victims rights to “life, liberty blah blah blah”.

    Pro-life people are no different. It can be argued when life begins, but you would be hard pressed to give evidence that a 9 month old fetus is less developed than a 1 day old…….yet the law says one has rights and the other doesn’t. Roe v Wade did nothing to narrow down a legal definition of when “human” life begins…..therefore the argument is based on that vagary.

    Personally, I am moderately pro-life. I would like to see a ban on all second and third trimester abortions. The fetus at the beginning of the second trimester has it’s own CNS and shows evidence of REM sleep. Prior to that, it’s questionable. Some would rather err on the side of caution……since we don’t actually know when it starts.

    I’m honestly surprised it’s not the other way around. After all, anti-death penalty people say, “What about the innocents” and “without any doubts.” If you can have doubts as to Jeffery Dahmer’s guilt…….how can you not have doubts as to when human life really begins? You would rather err on the side of caution in regards to rapists and murderers……and yet not on the beginnings of innocent life?

  14. ab cd says:

    If you polled Europe’s population, you would find that the majority support the death penalty.

  15. Charbax says:

    abcd, nope, Europeans are actually much more intelligent than Americans, and the public opinion is absolutely against the rdeath penalty.

    You´ve got to be really stupid to think it makes sence to kill someone in a prison.

    I´m actually for the abolishment of prisons, fit the criminals with GPS chips and get them to do some work for the society for a few years, that´s it. And get them to talk to the staff of psychologist students, get them to meet their victims (if the victim wants to meet the criminal).

    Criminals are criminals mostly for a reason, eigther they are mentally ill, or else it´s because they are in a bad position in society, that eigther they needed money, they were insulted, they were humilliated, they had bad education, bad youth.. This is something you see for most criminals. So basically the guilt for most crimes is society´s malfunction. Society is not perfect yet, that´s why we have criminals and terrorists.

  16. Calin says:

    “I´m actually for the abolishment of prisons, fit the criminals with GPS chips and get them to do some work for the society for a few years, that´s it.”

    I literally laughed when I read this. Do you really think fitting John Wayne Gacy with a GPS device would save any of his future victims?

  17. spsffan says:

    I’m for the death penalty in certain cases such as treason. A short list of those to start with:

    George W. Bush
    Bill Clinton
    George H. Bush
    Jimmy Carter (maybe)
    Gerald Ford
    Too late for Dick and Ronnie.

    Oh, and people who eat peppermint and puff it in your face.

  18. Angel H. Wong says:

    I’m against the death penalty for one reasons:

    It’s much more expensive but more fun to see someone rot in jail than 6 feet below the surface.

  19. AB CD says:

    They dont rot, except maybe in Japan. They get all sorts of perks and privileges.

  20. Charbax says:

    I just checked google, John Wayne Gacy was mentally ill. “multiple personality disorder and antisocial behavior. They also reported that Gacy’s mental disorder prevented him from understanding the magnitude of his crimes.”

    I would say even serial killers should simply be fit with a GPS device, extreme cases should get their GPS device operated someplace inside of their body. Those sick people are to talk with psychiatrists towards trying to be cured. And something should be done so that criminals are reinserted into society in a way so they less likely want to commit another crime, for example they should be helped if needed to get a job and a good social environment.

    The GPS device could be linked with live satellite video of the activity of the ex-criminal, any suspicious activity is reported and agents go and check out what the criminal is doing.. any failure to meet psycho therapists would be noticed immediately, the criminal could get messages to his GPS device saying stuff like, please go to your psycho-therapist now, or please take the phone now.. The GPS device could possibly also be equiped with shock system, where an agent can remotely pacify the criminal sending a chock to the gps device if needed..

  21. Calin says:

    “The GPS device could be linked with live satellite video of the activity of the ex-criminal, any suspicious activity is reported and agents go and check out what the criminal is doing..”????

    Do you live in a Gibson novel? Do you have any idea how many murderers there are in the world? Do you have any idea how much a video feed and 24 hour monitoring for all of them would cost? What constitutes suspicious activity? You can’t see inside of parking structures, or vans, or even his house. GPS device will tell you where he is, not what he’s doing while he’s there.

    As far as psychotherapy goes…..do more research. There is no cure for sociopathy. There have been multiple killers out there that no ammount of psycological counciling would stop them from kiling and raping more people.

    Sorry, there is no utopia out there, and there never will be. GPS with a shock system??? What amperage? What is it’s power source? How big is it?…..get messages to it? Seriously……drop the scifi book and live in our world for a while.

  22. Frank IBC says:

    Have you ever noticed how many Pro-Death Penalty people are also Pro-Life? Maybe life isn’t so sacred after all.

    That’s only a “paradox” if you consider an unborn baby to be the same as a serial killer.

    That said, I am not opposed to abortion in the earliest stages of pregnancy, and I don’t take the concern that innocents may be mistakenly executed lightly.

  23. joshua says:

    I’m pro-life and anti-death penalty. There are times though that I wouldn’t mind seeing certain people slowly executed.

  24. AB CD says:

    >Have you ever noticed how many Pro-Death Penalty people are also Pro-Life?

    Have you ever noticed how many anti-death penalty people are also pro-choice? Maybe life isn’t so sacred after all/

  25. Joanne says:

    Some minds, some lives cannot be saved, some acts cannot be atoned for. That does not mean that 60 years of torture, being locked up, with no purpose to yourself or anyone else is the answer either. Those who cause it are no better. There are worlds of room for changing how we treat and try (but so far mostly fail) to try to help people who can’t function except by hurting others.
    One idea…. If some one has been vile enough to warrent life in prison, or most of what they have left, they should be offered the choice of life or a quiet death. They should be offered this every year or two (after 3-5
    years), with no fanfare, no publicity, no outsiders or strangers involved.
    Three days to decide, three days to change their mind. If they decide to end life, it should then be done immediately.
    The first 3-5 yrs. should be used to help stabalize mental illness, and try to help them find something useful to someone that they can do in prison. They also don’t need a lot of “luxuries” in prison, such as anything the working poor who end up in a shelter don’t have. Or anything that would cause more health problems for the tax payers to take care of (because high fat foods will be a privelidge……) jh

  26. no justice says:

    I guess the pro-coathanger types don’t ALL equate a fertilized human egg cell with a new-born baby, but…

  27. janet says:

    i think if people kill others they should pay with their own life


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