More than 70 percent of 2007-model cars in the United States will offer a way to link up the iPod with car stereos under the agreements, Apple said.

GM will offer iPod connections on all 56 of its models, representing millions of cars and trucks, Apple said. Mazda’s global 2007 lineup of cars and sports utility vehicles will offer an iPod feature as well.

The iPod car feature will allow drivers to charge the digital music player and store it in a glove compartment as they listen to its songs. It will also allow listeners to use car stereo controls to select music on the iPod device.

I guess playlists make it reasonable to put the critter in the glove compartment. Do all iPod owners actually sort their music into every conceivable mood category?

  1. gquaglia says:

    Going to make it kind of tough for M$, don’t you think. Just like trying to get users to switch from Windows. Bill Gates, stick that in your pipe and smoke it.

  2. Angel H. Wong says:

    And if you thought that people talking to their cell phone while driving is dangerous, imagine people browsing for a specific song inside their iPods.

  3. Jeff Meyers says:

    Hey, what’s the car in that picture?

  4. M Martin says:

    I got an aftermarket iPod interface for my Alpine head unit that i love. I actually dont use playlists at all as I generally listen to albums in their entirety. Grented i dont listen to top 40 junk, im a Prog Rock fan and the whole album is always good.

  5. M Martin says:

    I got an aftermarket iPod interface for my Alpine head unit and i love it. I actually dont use playlists at all as I generally listen to albums in their entirety. Grented i dont listen to top 40 junk. Im a Prog Rock fan and the whole album is always good.

  6. PNMarkW2 says:

    From a manufacturers point of view, since there is no standard control system for the different players, you would of course go with what has the biggest market share.

    As someone in a family where all things Apple have a zero market share, I would hope that there would at least be an input jack so the rest of us could play the audio on the car stereo without using adapter of some sort like we all use today.

  7. bill says:

    I’m waiting for the Porsche iPod… of course it will cost $1900.00 and come in aluminum or full leather. if it says Porsche on it it will cost $3900.00 and you will have to wait 6 months.

    Hear that Porsche? do you care? At least they have cup holders now…
    but no bluetooth phone.

  8. Anon says:

    iCar + iDildo = more fun than

  9. V says:

    Now, if it weren’t for DMCA bullshit, Creative could reverse engineer the link and either make their devices compatible or build an adaptor.

  10. stephen says:

    There’s a car in that picture?

  11. Fred says:

    Seriously, what kind of car is that?

  12. Eideard says:

    I didn’t make this up, Fred. It’s called the MTV Roadster — and I don’t read German.

  13. ECA says:

    WHO CARES, I can get Audio input ALOT cheaper.

    Who remembers when a radio was an accessorie, insted of PART of the car.

  14. David says:

    From the picture…….uh
    What was the topic again?

  15. Lars Fischer says:

    The car is the Smart Roadster. Smart belongs to DaimlerChrysler but the Roadster production is already finished.

  16. Bill says:

    WOW! what a web page! I may have to move to Germany yet!
    you can transulate it with:

    “Boeblingen – MTV roadster smart celebrates a comeback: To a first co-operation with the largest music transmitter to the world smart MTV roadster goes in this year into the second round. Who wants to have the curve star with Apple iPod, should hurry: MTV roadster smart is immediately in a limited number of items with smart dealers available.
    By curve’s they may mean the car but I doubt it!
    John, where do you find all these good looking women?

  17. dlilb says:

    The car is much more beautiful.

  18. Anon says:

    actually, that care reminds me of this guy:

  19. Eric says:

    I understand that from a marketing point of view this is a smart move but from a customer view, and for people like myself that don’t own any apple products, it just alienates your customers. IMHO, just provide a USB port that way any mp3player or usb thumb drive would work. They already have them in the UK and Best Buy has an OEM replacement car stereo that has a port on the front.

    The car industry should stay out of the way when it comes to audio formats.

    disclaimer: I own a sandisk.

  20. GregAllen says:

    As for me, I’d rather have a generic line-in jack and use it for whatever I want. iPods are still too expensive.

  21. Podesta says:

    These comments make it appear that DU attracts people who ae out of touch and uncool. One would be hard put to find a site where most commenters would not own iPods and some be quite hostile to device.

    Truth is that America is an iPod Nation. With more than half of all digital music players sold and about 70 percent of the digital download market, Apple rules.

    Eideard, to answer your naive question, it is up to the iPod owner to decide if he will add additional Playlists and how many based on what criteria. Choices such as Purchased and Recently Played are buillt in.

    I am an iPod owner since the first generation and proud of it!


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