Associated Press – August 1, 2006:

A county in southwestern China has killed as many as 50,000 dogs in a government campaign ordered after three people died from rabies, official media reported Tuesday.

The five-day massacre in Yunnan province’s Mouding county spared only military guard dogs and police canine units, the Shanghai Daily reported, citing local media.

Dogs being walked were taken from their owners and beaten on the spot, the newspaper said. Other killing teams entered villages at night, creating noise to get dogs barking, then honing in and beating them to death.

Owners were offered 63 cents per animal to kill their dogs before the teams were sent in, the report said.

  1. Stefan says:

    Are these people for real? Havn’t they heard of the rabies vacine? They should check it out. It’s only only been around for a few decades now!

  2. conehead says:

    All that good food gone to waste.

  3. moss says:

    Stefan — I actually was in a discussion about this, this morning.

    So much of rural China has been isolated from the rest of the country — much less the rest of the world — problems like this have been rare. Though vaccine was available through the government, it wasn’t mandatory and only 4% of dogs were vaccinated.

    Now, one more “benefit” of easy communication and travel has landed and will have to be dealt with. Just like problems of Asian origin — like Bird Flu — are traveling the other direction.

  4. Willard Pate says:

    Chinese pinatas….cool.

    I know I shouldnt have said that…its awful. The whole thing for the dogs that is.

  5. Richie says:

    This is terrible, i wouldnt like my dog to get beaten to death. The government should tell people to bring in their dogs for vaccination or go to their houses to vaccinate the dog, instead of beating ‘man’s best friend’ to death. Whats next? People

  6. forrest says:

    #5 – Vaccination would be a great option, if it was available…

  7. KB says:

    Remember.. God spelled backwards is D-O-G. And I’d like to think that there is some retribution coming. It’s as good a fantasy as any.

  8. James Hill says:

    There’s a great special at my local Chinese restrauant. Coinsidence?

  9. JohnMo says:

    What about the people who contracted rabies? No vaccine available for them either? Interesting footnote on surviving rabies after symptoms appear:

  10. Anon says:

    Wow, you can set your watch waiting for the food jokes from the hillbillies.

  11. James Hill says:

    Did I insult your heritage, Anon? Or just your sense of taste?

  12. Ryan says:

    First korean’s eating dogs
    Now this??

  13. RTaylor says:

    Rabies can be transmitted through blood splatter, especially the eyes and mouth. It really makes great sense for these ignorant bastards to bash a dog apart with big sticks. Usually I’m more tolerate of other cultures, but screw em’ today.

  14. Wait until the Chinese decide to cull people.

  15. JohnnyM says:

    This is why china will never surpass the ?US as the worlds emeinet superpower[editor — read commenting guidelines]

  16. Anon says:

    Wasn’t responding to you James. Are you hillbilly or moron?

  17. jason says:

    Good gracious… I’m not a PETA freak but c’mon!

    The chinese scare me… with mobile execution busses and dog whacking units… MAN that’s one hard hearted country.

  18. Ping says:

    First of all, nobody owns a dog in China : vast majority of them are stray dogs. So vaccination takes a new twist… vaccinate thousands of stray dogs ? sure ! like it’s possible. Killing them is the solution : they’re an infinite source of problems (rabies, bites, vulture, etc). With sticks ? why not ? in deep China’s country, you’ll find lots and lots of people to do the job for a few yuan. They don’t care about transmission of rabies or job accident, it’s only paupers… killing 50,000 dogs with sticks, this is soooooo chinese.

  19. ECA says:

    Theres also the problem of SOURCE…
    Where and when did it begin.

  20. Jeff Meyers says:

    Now, I’ll tell you what I think. I think this is just the first sign of a coming war. A conflict that has been brewing for many centuries. I doubt if anyone will believe me. But some will. I have reliable inside information from various intelligence sources confirming that cats have finally figured out how to control humans, and not just their “owners.” Yes, you heard me right. Cats.

    This dog massacre was a small experiment run by a conspiracy of crack criminal cats that have nothing less than world domination as their goal. They chose an out-of-the-way village in the far east to try out there new techniques of mind control. They were hoping that Western media outlets would not spend much time on this incident, that they would chalk it up to barbarian backward oriental people. Which is exactly what is happening. Believe me, these cats are smart. Way smart. Just wait and see what happens next

  21. RonD says:

    2006 is the Year of the Dog in China. How ironic.

  22. JohnnyM says:

    goddamn i hate china the country and the people who run things i hope they die horribly in a bird flu epidemic or sars or some virus

  23. Zorba the Greek says:

    Big deal…happened in Athens, Greece as well, the so called “cradle of our civilization” (at least us Zorbas think so) in the summer of 2004 on stray dogs just before the Olympics, just to clean up the city…I think cats were also hunt. Pity they haven’t beaten to death a few barking cabinet ministers (mad dogs) as well to clean up the country for good from those useless morons for such decisions taken…

  24. joshua says:

    this picture really disturbed me. I know full well that our cultures are very, very different, but all I could focus on was that poor dog. Just how cold and unfeeling are those people in that shot?

    I usually am pretty easy about other cultures, but I sometimes have trouble with some Asian cultures.

  25. Tom says:

    Even when crudely bashing cuddly pets to death, the Chinese are still fundamentally not that different from us: It takes 3 government workers to kill one small dog, and one of them isn’t even working, he’s just standing there, leaning on his stick.

  26. Mr. H. Fusion says:

    I’m bothered that they beat the dogs to death with sticks. Couldn’t they have just shot the dogs with a low power gun, such as a 22? It would have been far more humane and have far less blood splatter.

  27. bill says:

    I Wok your dog!
    “Hey man, where’s my dog?”
    I Wok your dog!
    So I wonder what they do with the rabid dog?
    Eat it? leave it in the street? run over it with a bus? kick it around like a soccer ball? sell it to Viet Nam?
    Sounds like setting up a “puppy mill” would be a growth business in Yunnan.

  28. Camille says:

    These actions show how lazy and poorly equipped the Chinese government is when dealing with health issues. You would think that if a place has the power to govern a billion ppl and pass laws that eliminates a species in entire areas, they would atleast know what the fuck they’re making a law against. It’s one thing to kill dogs if they’re rabid but to take the ones that are SURELY free from rabies is another.
    Once a dog has rabies (neurological disorder/viral encephalitis), it’s quality of life is completely destroyed. It will suffer from one, two, or all three of the phases that comes with rabies. First is the prodromal phase that turns a friendly dog into an extremely aggressive one, etc. The second face is when they become restless, hyper-sensitive to touch, irritable and vicious. This leads to further disorientation and death due to seizures. Some animals may enter the third phase in which their muscles become increasingly paralyzed. Animals with rabies (including humans) experience excruciating pain when swallowing liquids and often develop hydrophobia. When you see an animal salivating a lot when they have rabies, it’s because they cannot swallow.
    The thing is, it takes 20-60 days for rabies to kick into effect in an animal (30-80 days or even a year for humans). If you get bit with an infected animal, you can get a series of vaccinations (one of them is called HDCV) which is safe and effective. As long as the rabies hasn’t gone to ur brain, you’re fine. For the dogs that have it, you can tell if they do or not so the idiotic decision to kill all the dogs further brings down China’s reputation with animals and their tolerance. I know that all the dogs in China will not be able to be brought to clinics, etc that can examine them or treat them–that’s unrealistic . But so is eliminating all the dogs in hopes to get rid of this “epidemic” (gimme a break, how many ppl are in China? now, how many ppl died from this? exactly) that has been prolonged by ppl who are not fit to serve in the government. This reminds me of when the nazis made the mothers kill their babies or else they would do it for them. The sad part is–it’s 2006.

  29. Jason says:

    I am so ashamed to even be grouped in the term Human with the people in China. I am sorry that it sounds so harsh, and I doubt that I completely understand the entire situation of their government and economy. What I do understand is that in this day and age, where vaccines are available, and animals are vaccinated against Rabies things like this still happen. It makes me think that China is in a time simliar to that of cavemen, although the Chinese gov’t provides more tools to murder animals. I won’t say sorry for hoping that some people in the government may obtain the Rabies virus, and when the time comes for you to get what you have coming, China, you will get it good……You disgust me you sick bastards

  30. Lisa says:

    Can we please blow China up.. well first remove the animals and then blow them up. They have no respect for ANY kind of life. This sickens me to the point of tears. This and how they treat dogs over there in general with torturing them for hours to release endorphins before eating them. Such a foul country. I pity them.


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